Comments on: How Houston’s Size Hurts the Poor FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Fri, 02 Oct 2025 20:34:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kwjuana Thomas Thu, 05 Jun 2025 22:28:46 +0000 The truth is this, the issue of Houston’s expansiion without consideration for mass transit is in fact archaic. Though we are twenty some-odd years behind in mass transit, we are moving in the right direction. As citizens of the city, it is imperative we look at the expanse and opportunity the city provides. There are more than enough resources and opportunities for people to have what they need, though challenging it may be, all things are possible. Community is the answer. There is nothing a group of people of like-minded believers cannot accomplish if they are willing and obedient to the governing authority. The question is this, who is your authority? Being governed by the natural situation is not progressive, we have to set our sights higher and lift up those who cannot see until they gain sight. We must step out of the natural circumstance into what is available within. There is no limit there.

By: Trey Thu, 05 Jun 2025 20:47:48 +0000 Okay, the stats you pulled the square mileage from accounts for “Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (Houston CMSA)” which is far greater an area than covered by Houston Metro public transit. Where as the urban area is closer to 1.3k square miles. Second, Hawai’i or the “Big Island” is Hawaii’s biggest island and is about 4k square miles. O’ahu, where Honolulu is, is much smaller. Third, a full time minimum wage workers yearly income is about fifteen thousand. I do not doubt that there are households that are below that but how do they factor in to your article?
The whole point of my making a comment is to ask; What are you even trying to say? I pointed out your mistakes to show that you have no base and no point…
It literally took me five minutes to check and disprove your statistics. I am not trying to be a troll but I am stating that this article is weakly done and pointless. I have no idea what you are even trying to tell me. Are you saying that there should be better public transit? Are you saying there should be more low wage jobs in the city? Are you saying that there shouldn’t be poor people or neighborhoods where they conjugate?
I agree that it can be difficult to get around the sprawl of Houston no matter what your means may be and I wish there were better and faster ways. I think that Houston is growing and it is getting more expensive to live here, but it is still very affordable in comparison to most big cities I know of.
So what were you trying to tell me when you wrote this article?

By: Mariam Afshar Thu, 05 Jun 2025 20:23:37 +0000 You’re right, fixed. Geography is hard sometimes.

By: mark matsusaki Thu, 05 Jun 2025 19:54:40 +0000 Hawaii is the largest island of the Hawaiian achipelago, not Oahu.

By: Mariam Afshar Thu, 05 Jun 2025 19:44:25 +0000 1. Houston is, in fact, almost as large as than Massachusetts. Not bigger, but close. Mistake fixed.

2. You’re right, Honolulu is a mistake. Fixed.

3. You’re right, the median income for some neighborhoods is actually $8,590 for Fonmeadow.

By: Douglas Ward Thu, 05 Jun 2025 19:28:04 +0000 Before you slam Metro, why not ride it yourself first? It’s my only option to getting around since I’m one of those low-income people you were writing about and I actually enjoy it. I’m thankful for the Metro and rely on it to get me where I want to go. Perhaps if more people rode Metro, then their services could also be expanded. As far as waiting 45 minutes for a bus to come, someone must have had great difficulty reading the bus schedule to find out what time is comes or a bus broke down. 10 minutes is the average wait time that I’ve experienced riding bus 108 and 44.

By: Trey Thu, 05 Jun 2025 19:13:09 +0000 Who wrote this? I couldn’t get passed Houston being bigger than Massachusetts. Is that a joke? Honolulu isn’t even an island. Am I missing the joke cause this can’t be real. A household income of twelve thousand dollars is below minimum wage if someone is working full time. Yes Houston is spread out, it always has been. Yes the public transportation system sucks here, that isn’t news. Now how exactly does the size of the city hurt the poor?
This article is horrible.

By: MCW Thu, 05 Jun 2025 19:10:22 +0000 METRO has proposed a completely reimagined bus system to address the bus problems stated above and is the process of public review and input:

This link tells you where and when public meetings are being held this month:

It won’t fix all the problems listed above, but it is part of finding a solution.
