Comments on: 5 Things You Need to Know About the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Sat, 04 Feb 2025 10:04:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Mon, 09 Nov 2025 21:25:00 +0000 Sodomy is a learned behavior, as Tammy Bruce and history proves. All homosexual cultures—like the Afghanis with their harems of boys–prove it as the Samurai and Spartan and Nazis—all homosexual cultures which used/ uses the little boys.

There is NO Natural Right to do filthy, irrational, degrading things to others in a “Justice” (virtue) System. Comparing behaviors to race is irrational and stupid. Like Epstein, Sandusky, Catholic “priests”, Franklin Cover-up—it is ALWAYS about grooming the little boys for thier lifestyle—like the boy toys of Barney Frank in his sex ring.

By: Susan Mon, 09 Nov 2025 21:19:00 +0000 You are correct. But a Justice (virtue) System can’t force vice on others either. This forcing the vice of sodomy (behaviors) onto culture is forcing Satanism and paganism and muslim ethics of boy-harem behaviors and removing Right Reason and Natural Law—basis of American “Justice”. (Justice is the Queen of Virtue and as such, Just Law can only promote “public virtue” never evil, vile irrational pagan behaviors.

“When Law ceases to be Just (virtuous), it ceases to be Law” (Justice Marshall and Nuremberg Trials).
SCOTUS 5 need to be in prison for Treason and throwing out our Constitution and American Justice System for a pagan, satanic Stalinist system which ejects Reason and Virtue.

By: Susan Mon, 09 Nov 2025 21:16:00 +0000 Just Laws can’t create a “Natural Right” to force evil vile behaviors onto Rational people. It makes it a Vice System—not a Justice (Queen of Virtue ) System.

Taking a Justice System and removing “Virtue” from Just Law—destroys the US Constitution which is based on Right Reason according to Natural Law and Objective Truth. Sodomizing others is not only irrational and a vile, filthy way to use the human body—it is a Satanic practice (religion).

There is no “natural right” to the irrational, vile behaviors of sodomizing others or poking thinks into cavities for “lust”. It is forcing Satanism and Ba’al worship—-all the Rites of Ba’al Worship ejects Reason and uses sodomizing children in their orgies on their altars—also child-sacrifice (abortion/killing and blood drinking).

We created a “Justice (Virtue) System based on Western Civilization/Common Law (Christianity and Reason (Age of Reason)—not the irrational, vile paganism of Eastern mysticism, muslim boy-harem ethics or that of the Spartans/Samurai where sodomy is normal and sexism–hating and mutilatiing women is “normal”.

By: Susan Mon, 09 Nov 2025 21:00:00 +0000 Christianity deemed in the 13th century that Faith and Reason can never be separated—-in other words–Blind Faith is evil. God gave us a Mind—which gives man “Reason” so we can discern Good and Evil. When we eliminate that ability to be a critical thinker (which made us in God’s Image)—we are just plain animal and will base everything on base emotions.

Without Reason—-we are like animals. Without emotions (desires) we are also dehumanized—that is why in Christianity we direct desire to the Good—and never suppress emotions. Righteous Anger is “good”. We need to carry the sword of Truth agains evil.

Common Core (publik “education”) reduces children to a “group think” —an emotionally only programming, so children will fear thinking “outside the box”—which is the only Rational type of “thinking”. Group Think is no thinking allowed—it is all emotional.

By: Paul C Mon, 09 Nov 2025 00:15:00 +0000 Also, just to add this, protection by federal law does not render local protection less important. Those who suffer discrimination have much more affordable legal options if their civil rights are protected at the local level, too.

By: Paul C Mon, 09 Nov 2025 00:10:00 +0000 Wow, that’s a pretty nasty way to respond to a simple question.

What she says under point four is this: “While some federal and state protections against discrimination are extended to some groups of people, the City of Houston has no local protections for any of the classes mentioned above. It’s still legal in the U.S. to fire someone from their job just because they are gay. A woman can lose her job because she’s pregnant, or a person can be denied service at a local establishment because of their skin color or religion.”

As I understand it, she’s saying federal law protects against discrimination on some grounds (e.g. race) but not others (e.g. sexual preference). She says that there are no local protections in place for any of the categories mentioned. It may not be graceful writing, but it isn’t factually incorrect.

By: jackbenimble333 Sat, 07 Nov 2025 22:29:00 +0000 No reason to make it worse.

By: Steve Kirkeby Fri, 06 Nov 2025 07:32:00 +0000 “Without Reason—we are just godless animals to be herded and controlled. ” That’s where you lost me. Implying that reason goes hand in hand with being godly, or that without godliness there can’t be reason is …unreasonable. You even stated that the church picked up the idea from an outside source, and those certainly weren’t christians that developed it. No, I’d say in spite of their religion is far more accurate.
