Wednesday, July 9, 2025

Joe Horn: Hero or total scumfuck redneck? ( Hint: the latter)

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:19 AM

I am right. You are wrong. Let us know either way.


At July 9, 2025 10:27 AM , Blogger Free Press Houston said...

let the race war begin!

At July 9, 2025 10:58 AM , Blogger Samuel Barker said...

It had nothing to do with race, it had everything to do with people doing bad things and getting what was coming to them. In what world is protection of your community wrong, yet breaking and entering is right? Being inflamatory for the sake of looking cool is one thing, but lacking the logic to understand that you're basically saying knocking someone's teeth out who protected his neighbor's possessions (non-white neighbors, might I add) is just, but shooting theives is wrong. Ridiculous.

At July 9, 2025 11:00 AM , Anonymous FreePress is not a bargain said...

The jackass will get what's coming to him in hell - but knock his teeth out and make him pick them up with broken fingers??? That's pretty tough talk from a bunch of left wing paper pushers that still write articles on dog poop

At July 9, 2025 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put yourself in the situation. What would you have done? Ask the criminals if they had guns? If I catch someone breaking into my house or any of my friends for that matter and I have a gun I am protecting myself. Go rob a store not your fellow man.

At July 9, 2025 11:11 AM , Anonymous berg said...

I think the guy is a redneck sure, but let's face it, this is Texas and you have the right to shoot people on your property; you also have the right to shoot somebody fucking your spouse ... there was evidently a plainclothes officer who saw the whole thing and had just arrived there, and I am sure his testimony helped sway the grand jury ... joe horn will be haunted by his own demons from now till he dies, so he doesn't exactly need any help getting to hell, his life will be a living hell from now on ... hey, if you have extra papers at the office let me know,, I was just at the Angelika this morning and there were no papers there ... I would prefer Sheila Jackson Lee lead an investigation into Reliant Energy raising their rates and Comcast being dicks in general before she tries to make a mountain out of a molehill with this Joe Horn issue ... if some scum broke into my house and messed with my wife and kids (I don't have them but not for lack of trying) and I had a gun in my hand, what would I do?

You know, it's just another ugly thing about this getting uglier city

At July 9, 2025 11:17 AM , Anonymous Dizzle said...

wow...i'm actually kinda at a lost for words. obviously you didn't like the fact that he was not indicted for the two shootings (i got that from the whole total scumfuck redneck part) but to start the body of the bulletin with saying he should get all his teeth knocked out for what he did. damn~

i figured at the time of the shooting he'd get off (we do live in texas)but when word came out that one was shot in the side and the other in the back i figured shit would get more complicated, but it didn't make a difference.

whether you believe that it's an issue of a corrupt system or a biased texas/gun tottin' culture doesn't really make a difference.

Torres and Ortiz were criminals in their native country (so even before they came to the USA they were acclimated to a criminal lifestyle ). then they entered the USA illegally, one was arrested on cocaine charges, deported, and entered illegally AGAIN! they were part of a burglary ring, had huge rap sheets, burglarized some Vietnamese-American house, walked onto Joe Horns property and shit went down. Joe Horn made one mistake in a situation he was put into. Torres and Ortiz lived their entire life choosing to abide by their own rules and in the end it cost them their life.

It seems as if you're victimizing the life long criminals and placing blame on some old white guy who was forced to act. Sadly I won't be able to attend your get together because I'm going out of town today but I think as a matter of discussion you'd get you're point across better without mention of knocking out his teeth.

At July 9, 2025 11:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he should have offered them lemonade or asked them if they needed to borrow a truck. Shiney happy criminals!!

At July 9, 2025 11:39 AM , Anonymous james said...

Let's get real. You can't just kill someone because they are a criminal, they have to be threatening you. Joe Horn shot this dude in the back. In the old west, this would have made him a coward and a murderer.

At July 9, 2025 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Joe could have just stayed inside. maybe the cops would have found these robbers, or maybe they would have never been caught. What would be realy ironic is if they broke into your home(free press houston) later that night and violated everything you hold sacred. would you have let them? would you let those robbers violate your family? See, there's a little thing called commensense. most people know, that if you break into someones house and take their stuff, you run the risk of being caught or worse. Consiquences. But you can blame someone else for these robbers not understanding that. (probably whitey) You can say they are socially oppressed, ya that sounds good. they had no other choice, right? so, the next time this happens (it happens a lot, just ask all those families who had their front doors knocked in while they were home) curl up in a little ball, beg for mercy, and give up your right to exist. but, if your so rightous, please forgive the ones who take a stand against folks who have total disregard for the sanctity of a man's home. and i bet ,mr. editor, you wouldnt think twice about shooting if these robbers if you were in palistine and they were wearing the star of david. i'm just saying.. :o

At July 9, 2025 11:46 AM , Anonymous Alex said...

Are we really debating something that happened six months ago and was a foregone conclusion? I mean when he shot the two guys the media reported that he wasn't breaking the law. If this had been two white guys who were shot or a hispanic man that pulled the trigger would we be having this conversation? I personally think this is a huge waste of time and resources, especially when there are things like active serial killers in Acres Homes and active serial rapists in Montrose that aren't being investigated. Or how about the proposed bike registration fee? Or the fact that Frank Wilson, the head of Metro, is the third highest paid public official in Houston and the buses still don't run on time. If the left wants to protest something pick something that can actually be won and is a serious issue, not a symbolic fight that won't bring anyone into the fold and might alienate everyone but the protest junkies.

At July 9, 2025 12:08 PM , Anonymous afra said...

Previous Anonymouse, evidently you know who I am. If you find it neccessary to comment on my ethnicity (Iraqi not Palestinian dumbass), then at least have the bravery to use your name and make statements that are not preposterous. Till then, your just a coward.As for your hal-priced arguement, I would indeed put the hurt on anyone who busted in my home. But that is not what Horn's victim did, he was stealing from Horn's neighbor who was not home and was not armed. Let's be clear: THIS IS NOT A GUN RIGHTS OR PROPERTY RIGHTS ISSUE. It is simply an issue of the Rule of Law, which evidently did not prevail here. As for Alex Wukman, you bastard son of a bastard, this has nothing to do with the 'left'. And for you list of things we should be focusing on, is that not a list of things you should be writing about rather than who won Brazoria Counties' Spelling Bee?

At July 9, 2025 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be there tomorrow if i weren't in charge of an 11 month, and that just ain't the best place to take a baby.
anywho, Joe Horn was wrong to have the audacity to believe he should play the role of police officer, jury/judge, and executioner all in the span of a few minutes.
To not indict this man for committing murder [which he obviously did] leaves us in a terrible place where we now have the right to shoot anyone on our property and get away with it.
It had less to do with race and more to do with total disregard to the justice system set up in our nation.
This man committed premeditated murder when he informed the 911 operator he was going to go outside his home and kill two men.
vigilantism does not make you a hero.

At July 9, 2025 2:04 PM , Anonymous Gilbert said...


At July 9, 2025 3:34 PM , Anonymous Alex said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

At July 9, 2025 5:09 PM , Anonymous iniarebel said...

Walker Texas Ranger would be proud!! Still those who think that Horn is justified to SHOOT A MAN IN THE BACK because he is breaking into THE NEIGHBORS house should be ashamed. Criminals or not, it is morally derelict to suggest that these peoples lives were worth a few hundred bucks in stolen property. No man has the right to play judge, jury, and executioner...even in Texas.

At July 9, 2025 5:38 PM , Anonymous tommy said...

kudos to you for putting this up. I can't understand how someone can shoot two people in the back and not be convicted of any crime. It's B.S.

At July 9, 2025 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe horn was trigger happy. It wasn't even his house. He did not have to aim to kill.

At July 9, 2025 8:11 PM , Blogger Jay said...

Bullshit! All this talk about it isn't right to play judge, jury and executioner is crap. Would anyone say a damn thing if these guys had just raped a girl? Would any of these leftist goody two shoes say a damn thing if he had shot the guy living there? No. The truth of the matter is that these two guys preyed on hard working people, in this case someone who came to this country to work hard and make a better life for themselves. This man was protecting these people from criminals who came to this country not to work hard but to sleal from those who do. They got what was coming to them. Plain and simple. Bare in mind that these two criminals didn't drop their stolen loot and surrender. They bolted. This man didn't wait to see if they might start shooting at him. He shot them. Yes one of them got shot in the back. So what? Was this man supposed to wait until that guy ran behind a car pulled out his 9mm and started taking pot shots? Whould that make it fair? Again, these guys were criminals caught in the act. It should be assumed that they were armed. Of course alot of you bleeding heart lefties use the not my brother's keeper argument. My question to you is when is it ok to not just stand by and watch it happen? If it was your sister being raped and the 911 operator told you to just sit tight and wait would you? If your dad was being beaten with a tire iron would you just wait for the police? What if it was your neighbor? The question is not whether or not it is right to get involved but when. The law clearly states that you have the right to defend life and property with deadly force. The guy who writes about how outraged he is that some guy shot two criminals isn't charged with a crime. He of course feels free to encourage others to commit acts of violence against people but lacks the courage to do it himself. Ask yourself, who would you rather be living next to some pussy leftist spouting tired old propaganda about how every white man that owns a gun is a racist or a man ready to put his life and possible freedom on the line to protect your life and property.

At July 9, 2025 8:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, why do you equate 'liberals' with 'pussies'? Kinda makes you sound like a dumbass....

At July 10, 2025 12:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, seems to be a lot of energy behind this. Maybe when your all done pointing fingers, you'll go out and do something proactive. Its easy to pick-a-part all the flaws with our system when it comes to high profile cases, but when's the last time, mr. editor, you went and mentored an at risk teen? When's the last time you helped out at a soup kitchen or woman shelter? Ever sat down with a criminal and pray with him/her? It just seems like some folks in our communtiy get involved only after the fact. (Quannel X ?, HFreeP?). i'd like to know what your doing to prevent crime. We're very curious. But those charities never make the front page. Bad for business, i reckon.

At July 10, 2025 1:12 PM , Anonymous editor not coward said...

Obviously you don't pay attention to what we do but I am also the kinda guy that thinks tooting your horn about the good things you do negates the motive in the first place. Here it goes: We regularly hold food drives for End Hunger network, Houston Food bank, and I personally donate to Food not Bombs when I can. I am organizing a fundraiser for Polycystic Kidney Disease on September 20th which you are more than welcome to attend. On top of the dozens of non-profits, arts orgs,etc we work for free and provide free everything, I personally try to do my best to help the people I am in personal contact with everyday. Is that enough or do you want to hand deliver me a list of shit YOU think i should be doing. What do you do coward? Kindly shut the fuck up. So once again, if you want to personally address me, do not be a coward and use your name. You only make your arguement seem childish if you do not have the integrity to use your real name. Or just call me, I am sure you have my number.

At July 11, 2025 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The argument that it's okay to shoot people in the back in Texas is negated by the fact that it's not okay to shoot people in the back in real life. On the 911 call, Joe Horn sounded like a terrified piglet squealing into the phone, however he was not the one being robbed nor was he being threatened by the burglars at the time he shot them. He was fucking HIGH on adrenaline and probably shit in his pants (and/or achieved an ecstatic orgasm) after he pulled the trigger.
And to the dumbfuck who made the comment about Palestine and Stars of're a dumbfuck. Sanctity of a Man's Home (aka valuable electronics) is not greater than the Sanctity of Life. And you suck at spelling.

At July 11, 2025 4:56 PM , Anonymous Dan McKinney said...

wow. i am always amused by how people call someone a murderer and then retort by saying, "i hope he gets his teeth knocked out." sounds like a double standard. these guys were illegal, life criminals and scumbags for preying on someone's life while they were away making an honest living. if this happened in a middle eastern country, the government would shoot them. not a concerned neighbor. that's what is wrong with this country. we protect the criminals and punish the people who actually give a shit. one statement sums it up.... if these pricks were not robbing someone they would still be breathing air right now. it sucks that their own stupidity and lack of morals got them killed. i guess it goes to show... don't mess with texas.

the law is the law. it just sucks that different people choose which ones they want to follow.

At July 11, 2025 6:15 PM , Anonymous Dan McKinney said...

let me reiterate one thing. i am not condoning what this man did. i am just saying that before the dawn of time, man has had to dealwith thieves. the whole concept of unrightfully taking away something from someone seems to be a recurring theme here. with all bs aside, if these punks weren't doing something wrong in the first place, they would still be alive. they were stealing inanimate things. but, the residual fear that someone deals with after being robbed is forever. what if there was a child at home while this robbery occured? criminals do crazy things when they feel they may get caught. but, no one sees it from this side of the coin.

it sucks when anyone dies. it sucks harder when they are the one that could have prevented their own death. these criminals left behind families. all for what a dvd player or some cash? what ever happened to personal responsibility. it all come down to common sense here. joe horn is not a hero. but, i don't think he woke up that morning thinking to himself, "i think i'll kill some wetbacks today." either. this is a case of two parties being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

for those who are offended by the racial slur. i was simply personifying J.H. as the 'redneck' that eveyone has been reffering to him as. get over it! :)

At July 12, 2025 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dans logic= All Burglarers deserve to be murdered.

PS- Anyone can be a redneck whereas only hispanics can be wetbacks, hence the prior is not a slur and the latter def is....

At July 13, 2025 4:04 PM , Anonymous DAN MCKINNEY said...

hey asshole, that's not what i was saying at all. an ass like you would take two sentences out of 75 and misinterperate them. i am not saying all burgulars should be murdered. i am saying that when you live a life of crime you can fall victim to violence. it sucks that these guys chose a life that allows them to be in the crosshairs of either the district attorney or a pissed off neighbor.

if you knew me, your racist accusation would be inaccurate. i am in a band with four "wetbacks'.

i used this incendiary language to show the other side of the argument with a touch of the same reckless name calling that was used in previous statements..

eat shit, pal. your drive-by attacks are weak. next time write your name in front of your statements.

At July 13, 2025 4:08 PM , Anonymous Not anonymous DAN MCKINNEY said...

Read my comments again and read where i said, " i am not condoning what this man did'..

dan's logic - whether it be good, bad or indifferent, if these guys would have been at work and not robbing someone........they would be alive.

it's amazing how this ass could misinterperate something so simple. my stance has no political affiliation, race, socio-economic derivative. simple cause and effect.

so, go F yourself.

At July 14, 2025 12:27 PM , Blogger Kam said...

damn...this whole thing is just sad in my opinion on both sides.


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