I find it the height of hypocrisy when these “Christians” with their “morals and ethics” make a big deal of certain vices while literally committing crimes against humanity. Torture, Murder, Genocide, starting wars under false pretenses, it’s all OK in their book. Let’s kill a couple million more innocent people, don’t kill them quickly, no torture them to death for years until they die it’s ok, they’re just human garbage. but OH, OH what you do in the bedroom is pure evil.
Openly discuss gangstalking, in a rational calm manner, with your friends and family. If you suspect a “perp” try to openly discuss gangstalkingwith them, show them a good gangstalking video on your cell phone – this is the single most effective way of destroying “perps”. Once you tell them what they might be participating in, the system no longer seems to use them.
Remind them that what they are participating in is akin to GENOCIDE, that thousands if not millions have been TORTURED both mentally and physically. Gangstalkers have created in otherwise healthy people debilitating DISEASES and mental ILLNESSES. It has driven people to institutionalization, homelessess, and/or SUICIDE. Tell them openly, tell them to remember what they did to someone else, tell them that they may have caused someone to commit suicide and their blood is on “perps” hands.
Just remember, they are still watching what you are doing and thinking at all times. So be careful what you put where for their will come a time when these “oh so, moral, Christian, Occult Forces” are back in power and they will use whatever little videos they have of you to blackmail you when you get older.