Jef Rouner

Dear Fellow White People: Shut Up Right Now

Dear Fellow White People: Shut Up Right Now
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Illustration by Shelby Hohl


So, I sort of zoned out reading a really good old Doctor Who novel over the last two days (Vampire Science, if you’re interested), but when I finally peeked back into the world I discovered that cops had once again killed a couple of black folks doing absolutely nothing that warranted anything more than a mild scolding, let alone being shot. Alton Sterling, a father of five, was killed by police in Baton Rouge as he was selling CDs outside a convenience store, and Philando Castile was killed after being pulled over for a busted taillight in St. Paul.


After these sorts of incidences, America loves to play a little game called “I’m So Special, Hear Me Speak.” We get think pieces and people “just asking questions” and millions of commenters on news stories falling all over themselves to drop a mic literally no one will ever hear hit the floor. Being that the issue on hand is most definitely — make no mistake — to stop arguing racial in nature, this brings my fellow Caucasians out in droves, either to find some reason racism doesn’t matter or to assure black people they aren’t part of the problem. Some of these are well-intentioned, some are insidiously evil, and a small number of them (really tiny) are even actually beneficial. That said…




Seriously, unless you are a high-ranking member of the law enforcement community or have an advanced degree in race studies or are otherwise in a position where you might be able to provide actual, tangible help, no black person really wants to hear your thoughts right now. There is absolutely nothing you are going to say they have not already heard before.


They don’t want to hear excuses why this particular killing or that particular killing was “understandable given the circumstances.” They don’t want to hear the statistics you Googled five seconds ago telling them the cheapness of black lives and the police’s enthusiasm for ending them “isn’t a big deal” or “actually worse for white people.” Even you, yes you, my white liberal brother and friend of all people of color, they do not want to hear from right now, not even your condolences.


Why? Two reasons. The first is that white people rule this country. That is an inarguable fact. When a white person talks, it usually means the non-white person has to stop speaking to respectfully listen and this is definitely a time when it needs to be the other way around.


The second reason is that whatever you say, no matter how well-meant, it is in another language. Black people do not live in the same country as white people, at least not when it comes to law enforcement. They have an entire cultural normalcy around behavior to keep from getting shot by authority that white people don’t live with. So when you speak up you sound like a blind person critiquing someone’s painting skills. If you get anything right, it will be entirely accidental.


Our silence right now is the bare minimum of what we can do to help. Preferably we should be reading and listening to black people about what they want and doing our damndest to try and make it happen because waking up this often watching another pointless victim of police violence thanks to an enduring legacy of racial inequality is not how you run a good country.


And I get it. I do. Scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed is post after post by black friends enraged or in despair. They blame white people, white leaders, white causes, white privilege, and that feels like it’s directed at us personally. You want to defend yourself. You want it to be abundantly clear you’re no racist and you want them to acknowledge that. However…




This song ain’t about you or me. Your feelings are not the issue on the table right now, and black people have to spend way too much of their time making white people’s feelings a life-or-death issue as it is. Believe it or not, you can survive the momentary discomfort that comes with being faced with the bloody effects of white supremacy in America. You will not shrivel and die if a black person you know thinks of you as part of the race problem. You are not actually entitled to never looking bigoted. No one gives a Trump about your honor at the moment.


So zip it. Clam up. Listen with your ears instead of your mouth. You want to say something? Say what they’re saying: #BlackLivesMatter. Share the many wonderful pieces written by people of color instead of about people of color. Or do what I’m doing now and let other white people know we have exceeded our allotted time to speak and need to yield the floor. Our hot takes have grown cold.

  • Constantine

    Horrendous article.

  • Greg Thompson

    Jef Rouner, if anyone ever needed to shut up, it is you. Get a real job pantywaste.

  • vlad the impaler

    fuck off asshole,if you want to be a nigger go live with them,but don’t tell us what the fuck to do .we are sick of black people ,they get themselves shot by getting froggy and not listening to police,why?because they are up to something fuck you until you know what a cop patrolling a black area goes shut your fucking mouth you condescending white traitor,go kissblack ass on your own time your blog is bullshit so fuck you you didn’t succeed in anything except pissing white people off even more you fucking turncoat.white people like you are a problem that will be dealt the form of a tree and a rope.


    This article is exactly why I hate liberals. You want me to shut up? Screw you! I’m not a slave, you’re not my master, I’m not shutting up.

  • Josue C. Vasquez

    Trump… Man he won dog

  • twich101

    So when a BLM protester and his 5 friends come up to me and my daughter in the grocery store to start telling me how racist I am and how much of a scumbag I am then I should shut up and let them verbally abuse my 11month old and me for racism that I don’t give a shit about, my grandpa is black, immigrated from South Africa when he was 45 and I get to hear about all the slavery that never happened to him and all the racism he never endures in Bend Oregon because racism in Bend Oregon is like finding a candy mine on the moon, it’s just not gonna happen. People will say that it does but it doesn’t. Black people have a right to be passed but no fact of the matter is if you get busted shop lifting or something and then prance around like a tweaker and refuse to take your hands out of your pocket your gonna get fucking shot doesn’t matter what color you are you will get shot. If a BLM supporter comes up to me and my kid to try and pin me in between him and his buddies and a wall guess what I’m gonna knock you the fuck out you racist piece of shit don’t assume I want to hear about how you’ve been treated by a police department that doesn’t treat people like that and don’t threaten my 11 month old with an “ass whooping” so white girls can know how “they be treatened” if a white man a mean or an Asian and Indian did that guess what I’m gonna do the same fucking thing. BLM needs to stop being so damn stupid start making some points and stop acting like every white man is responsible for what a handful of cops have done when guess what, whites blacks Mexicans Asians Christians Jews and so on have complained about police brutality for decades.

  • Lars K Tennyson

    If I had read this in print I’d have wiped my ass with it. Pretentious windbag. Telling white people to shut up while you go on like you’re at a pulpit in a Baptist church. The day I let the media dictate what I am is the day my obituary is printed.

  • Liosnagcat

    Mr. Rouner, name any place on Earth where basic living conditions—i.e., longevity, income,
    education, safety—improved rather than deteriorated subsequent to a
    large influx of blacks.

    Black lives matter? Really? If so, then why do you have to keep reminding people?

    What a dishonest, insipid movement!

  • Bunker Santa

    Turns out you were wrong, and they both deserved it. Too bad you shot off your mouth before the facts were out.

  • Locodoco

    Who the fuck you think you are to tell people what to do? STFU and do something useful, you pathetic cuck.

  • Steve Hickley

    Jef, “white” countries are the LEAST racist in the world. Where do ethnic cleansings occur? The third world! I’m getting sick and tired of this sh1t. Why don’t you shut up yourself Jef you selfhating little rat?

  • The Proletariat Barista

    “Oy vey you filthy white goyim slaves. Shut your vile little white goyish mouths before too many other white goyim slaves wake up and revolt against Jewish hegemony! Down on your knees white goyim slave!”

    -Jef Rouner 2025

  • Strobilus

    Yeah shut up about Brittnee Drexel and all the other whites girls mercilessly slaughtered by black thugs. Their lives don’t matter. Only black drug dealers matter

  • Chuck C.

    I know this “racial identity politics” approach works real well to rile up the “people of color” voting bloc but people are starting to see through it. We were well on our way to getting past racism and inequality until Ferguson came along and gave radical activists and other Democrats another fake reason to spin a false narrative that will serve the political plantation, which has replaced the physical ones the Democrats used to own in the South. (Of course, very few Republicans owned slaves, and only a tiny minority of whites) This time they are harvesting votes instead of cotton. In at least 95% of the cases that BLM cites as examples of excessive violence toward black suspects/detainees, there is one thing that most of them had in common: They failed to comply with lawful orders which led to an escalation of force. BLM might have some moral high ground if they bothered to promote more compliance to black folks as often as they demand more restraint from police. We were heading for a society like Dr. KIng envisioned in which we judged people by character not skin tone. I much preferred that to what we have now in which BLM is helping to create more racists than Dr. King ever cured.

  • saqqara

    Everyone must be part of a democracy, if the voices heard are not agreeable and creates opposite points of view, the country will change. What reward, advantage, or improvement does the author of this article seek by calling for the mass silencing of a race? We all have one life to live and why should some step aside?

  • Michael Archer

    who allows this idiot, shelby, to publish articles? i mean,.. seriously guy - get over yourself And then go fuck yourself - and keep these idiotic opinions between you and your ‘totally fucking awesome’ girlfriend

  • deathofthewest

    its kind of hard to just simply shut up when im, you know, a human being legitimate emotions and opinions.

    sorry cuck, its never gonna happen.

  • Mick Beers

    Dude your are a piece of shit. Thanks for pointing it out. I can now unsubscribe from your email list …

  • Blake

    Absolutely the worst message you can convey if youre actually concerned with fixing any racial issues in this country.

    The civil rights movement absolutely needed strong white voices to speak out with our black Americans and we need strong white voices now.

    This is self ingratiating drivel, more concerned with their cred in the movement, who an be more “supportive” (which does no long term good) than who can actually help.

    Here’s a short guide to politics in general, if you’re telling people to “shut up” you are small-minded and part of the divide that perpetuates these problems. You are setting us back so you can feel superior to the racists you want to talk down to. You are the problem.

    MLK would not tell whites to shut up, he would ask us to speak up on behalf of humanity at large. He would not divide us into black and white; voices and silence but remind us we are one.

    I don’t think anyone who really cares about progress would spout ignorance like this.

  • Middle man

    I have to go through life simply as a WHITE person. I am not allowed to be defined as a person with a many different cultures (scotland,sicily, italy,dutch). Instead I am lumped into a group with other people in the world that i do not have anything in common with but the color of my SKIN. People that separated others based on skin color continue to define me even though i do not agree with their beliefs or actions. This article has just told me that I am this and they are that………I can’t understand and we are this way and you are that way…………According to you we can never as PEOPLE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN…….which is pretty lame and completely at odds with your attempt to end racism. A black cop pulled a gun on me for reaching for my insurance…….is that all black cops and people that pulled a gun on me?No. A white cop berated me for changing a flat tire on the freeway. Is that all white cops that berated me? No. As a white guy in a car with 3 black friends in Acre Homes, i was the reason the white and black cop pulled us over at 2 in the morning, followed to the house and awoke the parents of my friend to identify me. I WAS OUT OF PLACE? I WAS IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD? Sound familiar? You say that I need to shut up and I say that you are assuming the life experiences of all white people. You don’t know me or what I have lived through either. You just paint me with one big white stroke. that doesn’t seem like that will help the predicament either one of us are in. WE ARE IN THIS PREDICAMENT TOGETHER. What is missing from this conversation is RESPECT. It is the key to bringing people together, the action that defines us, the action that prevents dangerous situations, the thing that is missing that has led us down this road in the first place. You may feel like i don’t understand you but does that mean that you don’t want to understand me at all? This seems like a counter-productive approach. Does this mean only black people should be investigating these cases because only they understand the situation? IS THAT JUSTICE is in your eyes which may be the same color as mine? It ‘s not in my eyes at all. We are all people, PERIOD. DON’T SHUT UP!!!!SAY THAT LOUD AND PROUD AND VALUE THE VOICE OF ALL PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF THEIR SKIN. now, i will shut up for you. PEACE.

  • John Holler

    Identity politics at its best. The only facts admissible as premises for an argument are the minority groups the person making the argument belongs to.
    Debating issues is hard. Telling people to shut up is much easier.

  • Middle man

    I have to go through life simply as a WHITE person. I am not allowed to be defined as a person with a many different cultures (scotland,sicily, italy,dutch). Instead I am lumped into a group with other people in the world that i do not have anything in common with but the color of my SKIN. People that separated others based on skin color continue to define me even though i do not agree with their beliefs or actions. This article has just told me that I am this and they are that………I can’t understand and we are this way and you are that way…………According to you we can never as PEOPLE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN…….which is pretty lame and completely at odds with your attempt to end racism. A black cop pulled a gun on me for reaching for my insurance…….is that all black cops and people that pulled a gun on me?No. A white cop berated me for changing a flat tire on the freeway. Is that all white cops that berated me? No. As a white guy in a car with 3 black friends in Acre Homes, i was the reason the white and black cop pulled us over at 2 in the morning, followed to the house and awoke the parents of my friend to identify me. I WAS OUT OF PLACE? I WAS IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD? Sound familiar? You say that I need to shut up and I say that you are assuming the life experiences of all white people. You don’t know me or what I have lived through either. You just paint me with one big white stroke. that doesn’t seem like that will help the predicament either one of us are in. WE ARE IN THIS PREDICAMENT TOGETHER. What is missing from this conversation is RESPECT. It is the key to bringing people together, the action that defines us, the action that prevents dangerous situations, the thing that is missing that has led us down this road in the first place. You may feel like i don’t understand you but does that mean that you don’t want to understand me at all? This seems like a counter-productive approach. Does this mean only black people should be investigating these cases because only they understand the situation? IS THAT JUSTICE is in your eyes which may be the same color as mine? It ‘s not in my eyes at all. We are all people, PERIOD. DON’T SHUT UP!!!!SAY THAT LOUD AND PROUD AND VALUE THE VOICE OF ALL PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF THEIR SKIN. now, i will shut up for you. PEACE.

  • Charles Adams

    Great article where a Caucasian “journalist” is telling all members of a race (his) to be quiet whilst simultaneously writing about the issues he is telling other people they are not allowed to talk about. Discourse leads to understanding and solutions and debating topics with someone you have a different point of view than provided the bedrock upon which this Nation was built. And, more importantly, race speech is race speech no matter what race it is directed at, so let’s all try to stop speaking holistically about any race. Jef (I love the hipster single “f” it paints a portrait of an incredibly irritating person) let’s stop making assumptions about entire races of people.

    • Dean Davis

      I love that you chose to include an ad-hominem attack about the way the guy’s name is spelled. Really drives home your point.

      You want us to stop speaking holistically about any race? Then let’s do something about the fact he mentioned - that black Americans live in a completely different and scarier world than us white people do. The point of his screed and others like it is that, as a white person, the only way you could possibly understand what’s happening is by listening to non-white people. So you should either be listening to them, or spreading their words. As well-meant and intelligent as yours may be, they’re also not the ones we need to hear right now.

      • Charles Adams

        Firstly, I think he spells his name like that and his condescending tone brought about the joke but it was just a joke. Secondly, no. Absolutely not. Free speech isn’t just speech you want to hear or agree with and a journalist both trying to silence voices of any type while simultaneously engaging in the conduct he is telling other white people not to engage in is absurd. Flip the races in this post, switch the victims to the four white officers and the Hispanic officers shot by an African American who hated Caucasians and you would be screaming that his position is absurd.

        • Dean Davis

          This argument has nothing to do with free speech. And telling people to shut up because they’re too loud and others are trying to talk is not the same as silencing them.

          As to your example, I’m not sure what you mean. By flipping the races do you mean that non-white people would not be welcome to comment on the deaths of the police officers because they’re white? I’m not sure how I feel about that idea, but yes, it definitely makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don’t know who we should be listening to regarding that situation.

      • Liosnagcat

        A “different, scarier world” of their own making.

        • Dean Davis

          Hi! Thank you for reviving this two-month old exchange of partisan vitriol. We value your inflammatory opinion, and we will consider your feedback in evaluating the state of racial tensions in America today.

          While you might feel temporarily relieved of some tension as a result of your untimely outburst, please be aware that the employment of discriminatory and poorly-thought-out utterances on the internet has not been proven to have significant health benefits.

          We appreciate your participation in this public forum, and we hope that you feel temporarily better as a result of your comment. We would like to remind you to think before you speak in the future, and that practicing empathy is an important and valuable use of your time and energy.

          • Liosnagcat

            There’s nothing untimely about correcting the age-old myth which blames Black ineptitude and self-destructiveness on white racism.

          • Dean Davis

            Thank you for your feedback! However, it appears that your response is in error. Please review your comment to ensure that you are making reference to statements that were actually made.

            Defensive posturing is always useful in discussions of complex issues. As such, we evaluate each comment carefully for a number of factors. Based on our analysis, your comment appears to contain the following problematic components:



            Your comment appears to contain all three, and has therefore been categorized as:


            Please consider updating your comment to better suit the goals of this discussion. Your participation is valuable to us, but only if you’ve got something of substance to contribute. Racism is defined by a systematic denial of the lived realities of people “unlike yourself” as defined by shallow visible characteristics, and as such your comments may contain racism without your knowledge or consent.

            Thank you, and have a great day!

          • Liosnagcat

            Cute schtick. I guess you have to make up for your lack of insight somehow, huh?

            The primary dictionary definition of racism is: “belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups
            determine cultural or individual achievement and that races have distinctive characteristics determined by hereditary factors that endow some races with an intrinsic superiority over others.”

            Accordingly, there is nothing “thoughtless” about my racism; it is solidly based in empirical evidence.

          • Dean Davis

            My cute schtick is as based in empirical evidence as yours, so I hardly see that as a distinction between us. Let’s face it: in 2025, everyone has the necessary facts to defend any position as “empirical”. It doesn’t mean anything except that we google search different terms and end up on different websites.

            If there’s anything interesting in your disagreement with my earlier statement (“as white people, we probably don’t actually understand the experience of black people”), I’d love to hear it. So far this conversation is exactly the same one all of us have had a thousand times. Would you like to do something different this time, or should I just turn off my notifications?

          • Liosnagcat

            What do you mean by “the experience of black people?” Do you really imagine that they experience things as a group as opposed to experiencing things individually? Wouldn’t they be better off if they started regarding themselves more as individuals responsible for their own success or failure?

          • Dean Davis

            Whoa man, slow down. One step at a time. I wasn’t saying anything about how other people think of themselves. Part of my point is that I have no idea, and that really none of us do unless we ask individual people. So your statement about how black people should think is really not about what i was talking about at all.

            There is some truth in what you’re pointing out, though. It’s hard to discern what aspects of “a group’s experience” can be generalized about without drowning out the individual parts of each person’s experience. While stereotyping is often bad, I think it’d be absurd to argue that ALL generalizations are wrong. For instance: there are things that men, in general but not necessarily in each individual case, experience that are different from what women, in general but not necessarily in each individual case, experience. While using those generally true things to assume things about a specific person is always dangerous, it’s kind of a necessary device just to get through the day without losing your mind.

            My comment was in reference to the fact, which I experience as pretty obvious but which is obviously more contentious for a lot of people, that there are some experiences that people who are black have that are different from the ones that people who are white have, at least in this country. I think you and I probably agree on that statement. Where you and I clearly disagree is in what those experiences are, and why they happen the way they do. My original argument, though, is that without learning about what life is like for some of those individuals, it’s really hard to make valid statements about them, and that because of the number of prejudicial statements I and other white people hear about black behavior and culture, it’d probably be a good idea for a lot of us to quiet down and listen more instead of talking.

            But, if you’d like to just skip all that and talk about ways that we can blame black people for getting shot, then that’s cool too

          • Liosnagcat

            It’s less a statement about “how black people should think” than an assertion that free will comes with accountability, for blacks no less than the rest of us.

            I have no quarrel with your second and third paragraphs, but how any individual experiences his world is not my concern, so, I seek to make no statements about their experiences; I’m merely commenting on their behavior. Their protests of the past year are ill-founded, irresponsible, destructive and representative of half a century of blaming others for their plight.

            Just look ate the first three patron saints of the Black Lives Matter movement:

            Trayvon: I was 19 when a friend of the family asked that I come to her house and mow her lawn. She lived in Fieldston, a very tony, exclusive neighborhood in Riverdale. I drove my
            1962 Mercury Comet clunker to her house and parked slightly down the block. When I emerged in my jeans and t-shirt, it wasn’t ten seconds before I was accosted by a resident and asked the nature of my business. I politely explained, and, when he seemed a bit skeptical, I offered him the opportunity to observe while I knocked on the door of the woman whose lawn I was to mow. Sure, I was a bit irritated at his presumptuous meddling in my affairs, but my first reaction wasn’t to tell him to mind his own business, or to let the situation escalate to the point where I was sitting on his chest and bashing his head into the ground.

            Michael Brown: I’m not crazy about cops. I’ve been accosted by them often, especially as a young man, and they’ve pushed me around plenty. Once, when I was a bit drunk and not as deferential as I might have been otherwise, they beat the hell out of me and left me on the curb. The next morning I awoke
            damn near unable to use my hands, so adept were those cops with their night-sticks. Without excusing them for their abuse of power, I wrote it off as something that simply happens when one runs afoul of the societally-sanctioned bully-boys. It is simply astounding that an ass-wipe like Michael Brown not only disobeyed the command of a cop, but fought him, struggled for his weapon, and then attacked him yet again, and people are prepared to write that entire thing off with a narrative painting him as the victim due to his skin color.

            Eric Garner: I’ve seen the video of his arrest. Yes, it ended with several cops restraining him, sitting on him and pinning him to the ground, but it began with his resisting arrest for blatantly breaking a law for the umpteenth time after having been let go with warnings many times in the past. They went to simply hand-cuff him, and he smacked their hands away and pushed back, forcing the cops’ hand to the point where escalation was inevitable. I’m pretty stubborn and argumentative myself, but I can’t imagine defying the police that way.

            We could go through each example offered as ‘evidence’ of racism by BLM, and, with very few exceptions, the facts put the lie to the claims.

            I have been grossly discriminated against by blacks; they predominate on the staffs of most government services in NYC, and routinely talk down to white people and mock them while marginalizing them. I lodge formal complaints in such instances and expect little in the way of corrective action. And that’s not even mentioning the violence to which they expose whites who dare to enter their neighborhoods or even fail to guard against the knock-out game. As a remedy for this, I simply avoid them. I didn’t used to, but life has taught me too many lessons.

            I care as much about blacks’ “experience” as they do about mine; the difference is that I don’t wish to bring senseless violence to their experience. Would that they felt the same way about mine.

          • Dean Davis

            I can’t really disagree with any of the details of your experiences, since they’re yours. You said at one point: “I can’t imagine defying the police that way.” You know, I can’t either. I’m polite to a fault and I’ve always wilted immediately when an authority figure has approached me. As a result, they don’t really do anything bad to me.

            But I think there’s something really significant in that point that you can’t imagine behaving that way. That means you wouldn’t do it, right? Because it would never make sense to you. And if it wouldn’t make sense to you, then how on earth could you begin to explain why someone else acted that way? You’re stating very plainly that you don’t understand it, and yet in the next breath you condemn the people who do things you don’t understand as though you have any platform on which to do so.

            I understand the anger. It’s absolutely true that individual white people get the short end of the stick in lots of cases because of consideration being given to people of other races, for the explicit reason that they’re not white. Totally, man, and it sucks and it isn’t fair.

            The reason it happens though is because people are trying to do SOMETHING to change the fact that that exact phenomenon has happened disproportionately to non-white people for many hundreds of years in our country. Is hurting white people now a good solution to having hurt black people in the past? I mean, it’s probably not great. But your solution of talking down to them, assuming they’re idiots and bigots who are causing and perpetuating their own problems, isn’t exactly a blue-ribbon entry either.

            I’ve taken part in a few Black Lives Matter protests immediately following the deaths of the people you mentioned. I was proud to do so, and I’m proud to defend them as best I can whenever I can. What you see as an ill-founded and destructive movement looks, to me, like an attempt to create a platform for people who are often mischaracterized by people who don’t understand them to be heard.

            The reason the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Michael Brown became flashpoints is precisely BECAUSE they weren’t entirely blameless. Yes, they were doing things they probably shouldn’t have been doing, and they responded in ways that made the situation worse. But the point of defending them was to say: they shouldn’t have died. Being an asshole isn’t a crime. Being a pushy asshole isn’t a crime. “Resisting arrest” (which often looks like “struggling to breath while cops choke you” or “running from someone who you’re pretty sure is going to attack you, uniformed or not” or even just “loudly demanding an explanation”) isn’t a crime punishable by death. And yet these people die. It isn’t right, no matter what you think of whether they should’ve behaved that way.

            You still want to blame those three? Whatever. Oscar Grant, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile - these are other people who died in circumstances where they shouldn’t have died - restrained under multiple officers, handcuffed in a van, sitting in a stopped car, imprisoned for a minor traffic violation, RUNNING AWAY - and society has, instead of demanding justice, done its best to cast them as villains, lawbreakers, immoral people. BLM is a movement about insisting on empathy for those who come into conflict with the system as it exists. It’s about saving the lives of people who don’t necessarily have a good relationship with law enforcement.

            Think what you want of the people advocating for change. No one can make you sympathetic, try as we might. But to say that these people DESERVED to die for what happened? To say that the people who are angry or sad that they’re dead are destroying something? Whatever drug you’re on, I’m staying away from it.

          • Liosnagcat

            I’m not asking you to agree or disagree with my account of things, and that has little to do with whether or not the “experience was mine.” I am conveying information; you either believe it or you don’t.

            When I said, “I can’t imagine defying the police that way,” it was a figure of speech. Of course I can “imagine” a whole gamut of aberrant human behavior. More accurately, I can’t imagine defying the police that way and not expecting consequences. In fact, as I related, after the night when they beat my hands to a pulp, I awoke the next morning, and, without excusing them for their abuse of power, I wrote it off as
            something that simply happens when one runs afoul of the
            societally-sanctioned bully-boys. In other words, I took responsibility for my own behavior.

            This is not simply a matter of my not understanding the behavior of violent blacks, because I haven’t lived their experience; this is a case of blacks acting antisocially, uncivilly and abhorrently. Their behavior is not unacceptable from some biased, subjective point of view, which can be attributed to simply not having lived their experience; no, it is unacceptable from the point of view of civility as it has been fine-tuned through thousands of years of Western Civilization.

            I don’t “assume” that aberrant blacks are “idiots and bigots who are causing and perpetuating their own problems;” I am OBSERVING it.

            Long before Eric Garner “struggled to breathe,” he smacked away the cops hands and refused to be cuffed. Did he deserve to die, no? Nor does a fool-hardy teen who speeds at 90mph after drinking a couple of six-packs. But actions have consequences, and, in the words of Clint Eastwood’s character Bill Munny in “The Unforgiven,” “Deserve’s got nothin’ to do with it.” The same goes for the rest of the so-called “victims.” They didn’t deserve to die for their silly antics, but silly antics get a lot of people killed who are not deserving of it.

            I don’t want to blame those three or anyone else for anything more than taking stupid chances which backfired. This isn’t a matter of society decreeing unfairly that these young black men “should” die as a sentence for their foolishness; society has simply not been that ruthless OR racist. It is a natter of these young men taking stupid chances in the face of real danger. If one plays with fire and gets burned, is the fire really responsible?

            We can go through example after example, and, to be fair, you’d win a couple: Freddy Gray was way out of line, but, I think Sandra Bland got a raw deal, and there should be an investigation. In fact, every one of these should be investigated on its merits. But that’s exactly my point: let’s treat these as individual cases and stop trying to weave a racial narrative that encompasses them all.

            I simply don’t buy the notion that society has “cast them as villains, lawbreakers, immoral people.” If anything “society,” by which I mean the media, defaults to casting them as martyrs and innocent victims, even when the evidence indicates otherwise.

            BLM is a militant organization playing upon the decades-old grievances of our black underclass to tear away at the remaining tendrils of Western Civilization. Do you think its a coincidence that their primary source of funding is George Soros?

            I NEVER said that anyone deserved to die, nor did I say they are dead, and it’s disingenuous of you imply as much. That was a shitty straw-man you set up there, and, frankly, given the high caliber of you discussion thus far, it was beneath you.

            Are they destroying? Yes. That’s an empirical fact, borne out by the evidence. I mean, just look what they did in Milwaukee, and that was in the wake of a shooting by a BLACK police officer.

            Would you like to see an itemization of black-on-white crime that simply never makes it to the national news outlets? I’ll be happy to provide the link.

          • Dean Davis

            No thanks

          • Dean Davis

            I mean, the funny thing is that I accused you of something but it was me doing it, not you. I can’t imagine it. I’m sitting here arguing with you, trying to find some way to convince you to listen to my viewpoint and understand its value, but I have no way to do the same for you. I read your words and all I feel is anger and sadness. I don’t sympathize. I don’t think or feel any of this, and I don’t want to. So why on earth would you care what I think? You shouldn’t, you don’t, and you won’t. I don’t blame you.

            I don’t know what to do about this stuff, but I constantly poke at the hornet’s nest (as many of us do these days) because I foolishly think, “I’m going to be the one to help turn the tide. My understanding is so crystalline, my empathy so deep, my position so fortuitous, that I am uniquely cast among all people to finally see change happen as a result of my efforts.” Can you believe that someone would go into an argument on the internet with that kind of quixotic nobility in their head? I’ll freely admit, it’s dumb and I’m sorry to waste your time with it.

            I’ve been reading a lot about Global Mind Theory lately though. I’ve got this notion that what the combination of an ever-quickening news cycle, the expansiveness and speed of our communication networks, the ubiquity of constant-connection devices like cell phones, and the systematic undermining of normal people’s financial security - they’re all combining to create something that’s most easily thought about as a different kind of entity, a new life form. A body in which each internet-connected device acts like a neuron, connected to all of the others through various synapses. Bubbles of agreement, opinionated echo chambers, develop like regions of the brain. Each has its own specializations (empathy, courage, strength, focus, and more concrete things of course like mechanical skill and conceptual acuity and on and on).

            The most interesting division to me, though, is the one between the internet itself and the people using it. We’re connected to our phones and computers just like they’re connected to other devices. We’re neurons too, synaptically interfacing with our personal devices. But we’re human, and the internet isn’t. As such, the two parts perform vastly different functions. The internet can’t emote. We can’t build machines that can do that. Who knows how you would. So it stores facts, it serves up information, it connects things, it performs operations that require fast and precise processing in a way that human minds could never keep up with. Humans, in turn, provide the emotion that the internet can’t. We consume the facts and connections of our counterpart organism, and we react. We spew our personal garbage, air our dirty laundry, fight with each other, like kitten videos on facebook, secretly swap beheading videos and child porn. Humans can’t hold, process, transfer, and share all this information themselves, but the internet can, so we force it to give us things we want and not give us things we don’t want. In that way, we guide it.

            The interesting thing that emerges from this is a sort of collective attention. We’ve gotten so advanced at doing this thing that we do, of interfacing emotionally with a distributed fact-collection network, that we’ve begun to point it at things deliberately, and away from other things. We watch what basically amount to state-sponsored executions of black people with such a fervor that new ones pop up almost as often as new videos of otters holding hands. We watch people tell us that ISIS is bad, that global warming isn’t real, that oil is running out, that government is bad, that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump matter at all. The common thing in all of these topics is that we ALL look at them together each time a new fact is introduced, and we all emote toward them to create a consensus response. Of course, we’re not “of one mind” and so the consensus response is actually a pattern of argument between opposing sides. But it’s become automatic.

            What does this mean, what does it portend? I don’t know. I don’t think anyone does, because this kind of entity has never existed before, at least not at anything close to the scale at which it’s been born. But we see some of the effects very clearly. The global rise in “right-leaning” and nationalist identitarian groups on one side, and groups based on defending personal and divergent identities on the other. They always existed, of course that’s true, but the intensification of each side’s rhetoric and the vehemence of their response to each other continues to escalate. It’s to the point where I’m scared to sympathize with a Republican talking point or a white racist statement, because we have so many examples of contrarians who go against narrative being utterly rejected by the collective consciousness. I don’t want that to happen to me. None of us do, so we tow our lines and we watch our borders like hawks (in America’s case, hawks with machine guns and bombs).

            I guess what I’m saying is, I know you’re right, within your part in this whole drama. I get it, just as surely as I get that what I’m saying is right for me and my part. But I also know that neither of us is going to become a different part of this mind. I’m not going to become a racist any more than you’re going to stop being racist, and I can’t afford to hate you for that. You’re doing what you need to do, and I can’t in good faith claim that you’re any different in that regard than I am.

            I’m not really interested in your facts, is what I’m saying. I don’t care, I will never care, and I will never believe you. I wish it wasn’t this way. I wish that there was some consensus we could come to that didn’t involve things that feel like hate and obstinance and willful disregard of facts. But as long as we’re participating in this organism (and what are we gonna do, NOT use the internet? Please.), it’s going to be this way. So yeah, I’m sorry for wasting your time, and thank you for showing me more about your perspective. I don’t like it, it makes me nauseous to read the things you earnestly believe, but I won’t try to pretend that I can do anything to change your mind. Sorry, and have a good one. Good luck out there.

          • Liosnagcat

            I suppose my words do contain anger and sadness. But is that not appropriate in the face of a systematic destruction of one’s culture? You might feel it too if you understood what is going on. There was a time when I held your positions, rejecting racism as the preoccupation of knuckle-dragging, hate filled rednecks, siding with the downtrodden in our midst, and feeling genuinely fulfilled in my feelings of compassion. Then I became acquainted with the facts, got some historical perspective and learned of forces in the world just below the surface, evidence for which abounds. It’s amazing how clear the picture becomes when one sees the real causes of our problems and stops chasing causes contrived by those who benefit from our confusion.

            The evolution of our society for the last 100 years didn’t just happen as a matter of course; it has been done to us, perpetrated by men who seek a one-world, psuedo-socialist government which will preside over an obedient, compliant mass of humanity, utterly dependent on said government for every staple of daily existence. A major stumbling block to implementing this arrangement is Western Culture and its emphasis on individualism and independence. Our middle class is perfectly emblematic of this independence, which is why it’s being destroyed. But there are countless other examples. (And, no, I don’t wear tin-foil hats 🙂 )

            Mass immigration to Europe and BLM in the U.S. are just two instances of the mischief being fomented to further erode Western Civilization.

            The Global Mind Theory stuff seems interesting, and I thank you for sharing it with me,but, in that it doesn’t account for the enormous influence of those who would rule us, it is lacking.

            You mentioned right and left in your last note. Such concepts are nothing but shiny objects to distract the nominally informed. Not only is the right/left model wholly inadequate to describe political reality, it simply is not where our future is being forged. While well-meaning people like you are trying, in good faith, to squeeze their perceptions into this contrived model and find consensus between the right and the left, those who gave us this model are busy steering us into the cattle pens.

            The notion of my being “right within [my] part of this whole drama” and you being “right for [you] and [your] part” is relativism, pure and simple. It is, by far, the most fallacious basis for a world view one can have. It treats facts as if they are opinions and posits that objectivity is essentially unobtainable. But certain things have happened, and they are not debatable. One can have different opinions regarding any number of aspects of these events, but the facts are the facts. You claim to be uninterested in “my” facts, as if I have the power to create my own reality. I may get the facts wrong, and may interpret them subjectively, but the fact itself is immutable; that’s the definition of “fact.” So. you can dispute my account of the facts, which would require that you present a corrected version, or you can differ in regard to what the facts imply, but you can’t change them. The facts in the cases of so many of the BLM patron saints simply do not comport with your assertions of “state-sponsored executions of black people” any more than do the crime statistics.

            You use the word “racism” as if it were a negative thing. While I grant that one of its “secondary” definitions involves ideas of hatred or intolerance of other races, policies fostering discrimination based on race, abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race, or the right of one race
            to dominate another (none of which I espouse), the “primary” dictionary definition of racism is: “belief or doctrine that
            inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement and that races have distinctive characteristics determined by hereditary factors that endow some races with an intrinsic superiority over others.”

            By the “primary” definition, what thinking person is not a racist? Clearly, each race brings to the table an assortment of inherent strengths and weaknesses. Yes, there are individual exceptions, but the albino elephant does not negate the fact that, by and large, elephants are gray. Just look at the starting teams of the NBA or NFL or the dominance of the Jamaican and U.S. Olympic track and field teams if you want evidence of the inherent physical superiority of blacks, especially in the realm of explosive muscular power. No one cries discrimination or requests more diversity or pushes white quotas in athletics, because ability is what counts if the team is to win. As obvious as is black physical superiority, blacks are mentally inferior. This is a descriptive statement, not a normative one. Study after study has shown them to be 10-20 IQ points lower than Western European whites, the same studies that show Asian and Ashkenazi Jews to be 10-20 points higher than Western European whites. Ya’ think it’s a coincidence that so many of the world’s great scientists have been Eastern European Jews, or that Asians routinely kick our asses in our top technical universities? No, nor is a coincidence that sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti are the most primitive, ass-backward, impoverished, violent, corrupt areas on Earth.

            A long time ago, I graduated from an extremely progressive college and held fairly progressive views; in fact, I can remember being appalled at some “second definition” racial jokes and comments my aunts and uncles made at my graduation party. I still object to the things they said, because I still don’t sympathize with racists of the “secondary definition” mindset, but I’m less appalled, perhaps because the understanding of the existence of racial differences (primary definition) has given me perspective on how people can devolve into secondary-definition thinking. BLM has so devolved, and, although I understand it, I simply cannot sympathize with it, anymore than I can sympathize with the ignorance of my long-deceased aunts and uncles.

            You needn’t have apologized for wasting my time; you haven’t. You are a thoughtful person, wrestling with important issues. I have nothing but respect for that pursuit. The time we’ve each spent on our posts, and the civility with which we’ve pursued the discussion, in spite of our disagreements, gives me cause for hope.

          • Dean Davis

            I don’t think racists are just idiots. I hold as a fundamental maxim that there is no such thing as a stupid person. I don’t really care whether that’s ACTUALLY true - I hold that belief because it forces me to reject any “easy” answer as to why people are behaving in a way I don’t understand.

            What I do think is that racists are people who concern themselves with a different sort of facts than I do, and thus come to very different conclusions. When I make reference to our respective dramas, and to “your facts”, I don’t mean to fall back on relativism in a true, epistemological sense. I do believe there is a “Truth” that has to exist and which can’t be bargained with. But that doesn’t mean we have the same facts. You can see by observing the things each of us make reference to that we know about different things from different sources and organize that knowledge in different ways. One way to talk about that is to say that “you and I believe that different facts are central in explaining [x or y phenomenon].” But I’ve found that people HATE it when I try to ascribe beliefs to them, so instead I say “we have different facts.” Not because there ARE different facts, but each person only has access to and knowledge of some finite set, and so mine and yours can easily differ.

            Sometimes, though, it’s just disagreement about the interpretation of those facts into frameworks of understanding. You, for example, point to the preponderance of successful black athletes in professional sports as being evidence of some sort of inherent physical superiority among black populations as against others. I don’t. I see other phenomena at work behind that surface appearance, just as you see other things at work “just below the surface.” What’s to be done? It’s clear that you’re no longer interested in believing a different explanation, and I frankly don’t have the energy for the kind of painstaking point-by-point arguments it would take to hash out the reasons for that. But the fact that you have a coherent, self-confirming model for explaining the world doesn’t mean you’re right. It just means you believe what you believe. I happen to have a model that’s exactly as compelling for me, so I don’t take your vehemence as a sign of anything other than your ideological entrenchment. I gather that you return the favor.

            I honestly don’t care about dictionary definitions. Dictionaries are political documents generated from within a cultural consensus as much as Daily Kos or Fox News, and the fact that someone decided to put some explanation of what people mean when they say “racism” first in line really doesn’t mean anything to me. You want to foreground the “neutral” version of racism that you proudly ascribe to, but your dismissive and shallow explanations of the actions of people unlike yourself illustrate very clearly to me that you’re happy to use that “neutral” position as a bludgeon. You tell yourself that you’re just being honest, but from where I sit you just look like you’re putting your fingers in your ears to keep from having to deal with complicated truths.

            I also don’t really care about the right/left thing, but it’s a relevant frame for the simple reason that lots of people think they’re supposed to care about it, so a large portion of the conversations in our culture are carried out with explicit reference to it. I realize that it’s a limited distinction, and that it doesn’t really capture what’s happening in a deep enough sense. Hillary Clinton IS scary, despite me identifying as a democrat and a progressive. Nationalists DO have a point, despite being nauseatingly adherent to racially divisive and often-violent rhetoric. It’s just a rhetorical device, and one which I’m happy to abandon at the point that it becomes irrelevant enough that I can.

            Finally, no, Global Mind theory doesn’t account for everything. There are many levels of social organization between the individual human and the global networked organism. Churches, governments, corporations - they’re all different kinds of organization that mimic some aspect of the individual in order to persuade individuals to participate in them for the purpose of helping the whole succeed. I don’t think I need to explain the entire mechanism of the global consolidation of power to have a good point about the internet. The devices are here, the controversies have been manufactured, we’re all broke. While it’s important to understand who the people are who are contributing at an executive level to the entities that have gotten us here and which continue to sustain it, it’s not the level of the problem that I’m concerned with at this moment.

            I will note, though, that to me it’s laughable to describe the middle class as “independent” or “individual” in any real sense. Yes, there’s a belief that something called “individuality” is important, but the middle class is a stratum of society that is manufactured through the divergence of the upper and lower classes, and is sustained by the existence and activities of the things around it. Take away the corporate-feudal lordships that organize our society and the low-to-no-wage labor that keeps people like me and you from having to live dirty, demeaning lives, and the vaunted middle class collapses into what it was always trying to avoid being: a bunch of people who are just like everyone else. I don’t see the middle class as an achievement. I see it as a consolation prize and a false idol. We’re consuming the fantasy we’ve been sold by our controllers because we don’t want to fall into the nightmare of those whose backs we stand on. Independence. Hah. I know I certainly didn’t build any of this, to paraphrase Obama, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t either.

          • Liosnagcat

            You “hold as a fundamental maxim that there is no such thing as a stupid person” even while admitting that you don’t know or “care whether that’s ACTUALLY true.” I’m not sure how you define “stupid person,” but the fact is that some people are smarter than others, which necessarily means that some people are more stupid than others. Denying that fact in order to force an outcome in your own behavior seems, well, stupid. I mean, why can’t you simply resign yourself to accepting the input of those less intelligent than yourself on the off chance that they’ll have something worthwhile to offer? Are you so closed to the thoughts of those beneath your intellectual station that you have to deny their status to even entertain their musings?

            Definitions matter only in the sense that, words having more than one definition can cause confusion unless those involved in discussions agree on the definitions up front. The conflation of racism’s many definitions has blinded us to solutions, and that same conflation is behind the tactic of ending all debate by hurling the term “racist” as if it were an epithet.

            You say that it’s “clear that [I’m] no longer interested in believing a different explanation,” when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. But that does not mean I’ll simply surrender my hard-earned positions without compelling arguments that stand the test of my attempts at rebuttal. Nor would you, I suspect, and, in my opinion, nor should you.

            But, since you “frankly don’t have the energy for [those] kind of painstaking point-by-point arguments,” I suppose we’re at in impasse.

            Bear in mind, however, that it’s an impasse of your creation. By declaring a lack of energy for debate, you have declared complacency with your own world view. I’m not that sure of myself yet, and so I’ll continue to spar with those with whom I disagree, evolving and amending my worldview as the logical outcome of the exchange dictates.

          • Dean Davis

            Dude whatever, you are literally saying that I’m denying the status of someone by not calling them stupid.

          • Liosnagcat

            Denial is denial, no matter how virtuous it makes you feel, “Dude.”

          • Dean Davis

            Come on though, am I really supposed to take an argument like that seriously? You’re contorting words and logic into strange shapes. I say that I respect intelligence enough to believe that everyone has it and you construct a frame in which that’s an insult. When you’re willing to go that far, what point can there even be? You’re playing a dumb and pointless game. Stop it.

          • Liosnagcat

            You didn’t say that you “respect intelligence enough to believe that everyone has it” (though I’m not really sure why respecting a trait translates into that trait being universally held; one would think a trait’s rarity, not its ubiquity would command respect); you said that “[you] hold as a fundamental maxim that there is no such thing as a stupid person” without caring “whether that’s ACTUALLY true.” You further stated that you “hold that belief because it forces [you] to reject any “easy” answer as to why people are behaving in a way [you] don’t understand.”

            So, essentially, you admit to asserting something as true, less because of its actual truth than because of the outcome said assertion engenders, in this case the outcome being in your own behavior. And I’m contorting logic?! You’re the one inventing truths.

            I didn’t construct a frame in which your contortion is an insult; quite to the contrary, I observed your denial of a simple reality in order to AVOID giving offense (to those less intelligent than you) and to effect a desired behavioral outcome in yourself.

            Turning a blind eye to reality in order to effect desired outcomes, such as, say, preserving a flawed worldview, is something you’ve demonstrated throughout our short discussion, such as when you claimed to be “not really interested in [my] facts,” as if truth were something to be heeded or ignored at one’s pleasure, depending on the outcome it engenders.

            I’m not playing a game at all; I’m simply telling you what you’re telling me. I don’t blame you for recoiling; I mean, it’s not very pretty, is it?

          • Dean Davis

            Fine. I’m bad at arguing. I’m sorry. This isn’t pleasant. I don’t like talking to you. I’m going to stop now.

          • Liosnagcat

            Actually, you’re quite good at arguing. So good, in fact, that you can’t help but reveal how tenuous are your beliefs.

            It’s your belief system that is lacking, not your debating skills.

            You’re on the cusp of a real epiphany here. Just open yourself up and accept a little bit of information to which you haven’t been exposed, and a whole world of knowledge and understanding is yours for the taking.

            Or, you can close your eyes and wait for this to pass, after which you can sink into the fluffy, feel-good, virtue-signaling fantasy world that’s been designed for you by your “betters.”

            Such denial will work for a while, but now that you’ve been exposed to a glimmer of the light, it will continue to gnaw at you, occasionally at first, but more frequently as time goes by. You’re simply to smart to ignore it for very long.

            Come on in; the water’s fine!

          • Liosnagcat

            From high-handed, arrogant camp to total capitulation and full retreat in just three days.

            That didn’t take long, you lightweight.

  • Austin Hill

    Jef, I agree with some of what you say but by your own terms you are perhaps the biggest hyprocite of them all. I agree that some people make some pretty stupid comments online, but who the fuck are you? Oh ya some priviledged white snot that writes for an unprofitable local “newspaper”.

    • Dean Davis

      what does FPH’s profit margin have to do with anything? And I think the “telling white people to shut up” class of speech IS actually an acceptable place for white people to participate in these discussions, if only because they don’t seem to understand that it’s important to.

      • Austin Hill

        Dean, I’d tell you that you’re an embarrassment to white people, but really you’re an embarrassment to ALL PEOPLE.

        And FPH’s profitability isn’t directly relevant, just pointing out that Jef’s sanctimonious moronic drivel is relegated to a toilet rag of a publication.

        • Dean Davis

          You’re entitled to that opinion. Doesn’t change anything about my point though.

  • Greg Mindyobizness

    As soon as you said Doctor Who I zoned out cause I realized you are a tool.

    • Jef With One F

      My response

  • Raymond Furchak

    Wow, 12 paragraphs telling people to shut up. Perhaps you should re read your article? Perhaps you should get off your own soapbox?

    Very hypocritical.


    you want to say something say what they’re saying, eh?…


  • espia8321

    this segregation nonsense goes beyond whites - it is scripted, it is governed and controlled by sick minds that are powerful and not necessarily white, but financially and militarily powerful
    I think white people or policemen are as victim as you and me, even as victim as the people they victimized
    while “mere mortals” are destroying each other hypnotized by the segregation agenda, there is this powerful minority doing things underground to use us and exploit us - and then to destroy us as we become disposable
    I believe in revolution, but lately I feel more inclined into SPIRITUAL WARFARE - I think we all (any race) have to do a lot of healing - spiritual healing - coming straight from the wounds
    I believe prayer is even powerful than any evil agenda, and that prayer (the voice - the chant - the command - the word - the affirmation) is the best activism

  • theroughbeast

    Why even waste the 1000+ words? You should have just entitled this “White people are bigoted and if you disagree with me you’re bigoted and wrong”.

    Instead of virtue signalling how not-racist you are why don’t you focus on how BLM was based on a fabrications (Hands Up Don’t Shoot), inspires domestic terrorism (but don’t worry, I’m sure those snipers were just in Dallas by pure chance), and uses fascist tactics to bully opposition into catering to it’s inane platforms. (fascism is great when it fits the progressive narrative). You might also want to examine the violent crime rate of non-whites versus whites and how often non-whites are killed by police versus whites.

    One last thing:

    “The first is that white people rule this country.”
    Lol. When the black-on-white crime rate, or Hispanic-on-white crime rate is actually part of the national dialogue of racism, I’ll maybe consent that whites have significant power. But at the present moment, our society is dominated by who isn’t racist, and according to progressivism, that is non-whites, and whites who suck up to non-whites as long as it’s beneficial.

    • Jef With One F

      It’s more like 800 words

  • James

    The writer is one of the “I’m So Special, Hear Me Speak.” You need to zip it too.

  • jaydeee

    I don’t think he’s referring to expressing outrage and solidarity with the black community. That, along with amplifying black voices, is a necessary and desired reaction. I think what he’s talking about is when we (white people) feel the need to defend ourselves personally or try and defend the indefensible, and I’ve seen a lot of that. Call it whitesplaining. That is unhelpful and inflammatory, and needs to stop.

  • Eric Jones

    I understand your point, but there’s something you’re missing.
    White people have a right to be enraged about injustice too. White people can empathize with what African Americans go through, even if we can’t fully comprehend it because it doesn’t happen to us. And white people can, and should, call out racism when they encounter it.
    You say we should be silent. And yet, many in the African American community cry out in dismay that their white friends don’t comment when injustices like this occur. That they don’t call out their other white friends on social media for racist comments. They feel as if even the people that they think of as allies are ignoring what’s happening in the world.
    I tend to remain silent on these topics until I’ve investigated and drawn my own conclusions. And as a no good hippie socialist SJW, I usually come down on the side of, “This was wrong, this shouldn’t happen, what the hell is wrong with the world?” And once I’ve drawn my conclusions, then I comment.
    I’m not looking for a mic drop. I’m not looking for applause from the African American community. I make my comments aimed at other white people, at the idiotic ones who try to justify the tragedies, at the ones who are trying to paint the victims as deserving of their fates. I spend my time dismantling their arguments and doing my best to reveal that they, too, hold racist views without even realizing it.
    And this isn’t something I do because I think I’ll change their minds, or as I said, for applause from the African American community. This is something I do because I want those other people, those other white people who just don’t get it, to hear the other side of the argument, and to see the entire picture. I want to get those people, those fellow white folks who are in danger of being swayed and losing sight of the inherent racism and injustice, to have the facts. To see a point of view they’ve never looked at before.
    If we don’t do this… those of us in the non-minority (yes, that means white) community who can still think rationally, who can still show empathy… then those who are on the fence, who are in danger of being convinced that these events have nothing to do with race, then more and more white people are going to be leaning toward the other side. More and more of us are going to start viewing the African American community as a threat, and find ways to justify in their heads these insane tragedies. Those of us who call out our fellows for racist views, for snap judgments, for falling into the “he was a thug” trap, do it to change the minds and hearts of the white community. And this is something that is desperately needed.
    So sure… don’t make your “thoughts and prayers” social media comments, they’re pointless. Don’t whitesplain why two black men needed to be killed by the police. These are the actions of unintended and unthinking racism. Rather, counter those arguments, so those in the white community who haven’t fallen into the trap have a better chance of avoiding it.
    You may believe that the African American community needs us to be silent… and when it comes to platitudes, or arguments about why this man or that man died for valid or rational reasons, you’re right… those people should be silent. But the ones that aren’t? I’m going to call them on their bullshit, and dismantle every little piece of their argument, on the off chance that I can make the world a slightly better place by convincing some other white guy to not fall into the trap of “racism by rationalizing”. It’s not about performing for my black friends. It’s about convincing my white friends that there is, indeed, a problem that needs fixing.

    • nochnym

      This is far better than the drivel the author spewed.

  • R LeBlanc

    I get your point, and I believe you are mostly right, but I think silence is not a good idea. supporting the black community and speaking out against the injustices is better, because when we are silent it’s as if we are complicit, and this is what has been vocalized by my friends. So speak out and speak up! but honestly if you don’t have anything supportive to say, shut up.

    • Dean Davis

      It sucks, because many of us have our hearts in the right place, but it’s important to understand: this IS directed at people who support the black community. It IS us who need to stop talking so much. Showing others that you’re listening does more to demonstrate solidarity than making a show of your own secondhand outrage. “Silent” means not adding your words - you can still support others by signal-boosting their words. Repost black twitter and black tumblr and black facebook if you need to say something.

      • R LeBlanc


  • Watcho

    Thank you Jef. Check this out if you haven’t read it: