Metro Transit Taxes Should Be Spent on Transit, Right?

After the meeting held today, there will be 2 more community meetings held by Metro in hopes of gathering public opinion and input on how they should spend their money.
Should Metro dedicate their entire 1% sales tax to transit, or to continue use that money– which is hundreds of millions of dollars– to continue the construction of road projects, which would postpone transit expansion in Houston? Or, should they just come up with a compromise that would buy time until 2025 to make the decision?
The next two meetings are open for the public to sign up and speak, if you would like to. The next meeting, Monday, July 16, will be held at the Ripley House Neighborhood Center from 6-8PM. The following, and last, meeting will be Wednesday, July 18, at HCC– Northwest College– Spring Branch Campus from 6-8PM.
Time is of the essence concerning this matter– there is only a month left to fight for Houston transit. The Board of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, or what we common folk know as the Metro, will place a vote on August 3. This vote will be a proposal for a referendum that will appear on the November ballot for voters in the Metro Service Area. The significance of this referendum is that it will determine whether or not Houston will be revered as a city with a healthy and sustainable financial system, environment, and overall community.
Voice your opinion immediately by sending a letter or calling Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, and tell them that Houston needs to spend our transit taxes on exactly what they are originally intended for– transit.
Mayor Annise Parker
(713) 837-0311
Harris County Judge Ed Emmett
(713) 755-5000
Meeting: Monday, July 16
Ripley House Neighborhood Center
4410 Navigation
Room 135
Meeting: Wednesday, July 18
HCC–Northwest College– Spring Branch Campus
1010 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N.
Eagle Room