Comments on: White People are Killing Day of the Dead Tue, 05 Nov 2025 17:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Matt Tue, 05 Nov 2025 17:00:32 +0000 Next Halloween I’m putting a Disney/Dia de Los Muertos display on my front lawn. Thanks for the awesome idea!

By: Wayne Wayne Sat, 02 Nov 2025 21:07:17 +0000 As a so-called “white” person, I find this article deeply disturbing.

By: Daniel Johnson Daniel Johnson Sat, 02 Nov 2025 18:27:01 +0000 You should realize that ‘white people’ had our own traditions systematically destroyed through violent force and then trivialized and whittled down to meaningless symbolism until eventually our cultures have become extinct, and the ‘white system’ and ‘white culture’ that’s projected onto us is as alien to most ‘white people’ as it is to the rest of the world, and yes, taking aspects of other cultures and ‘supportively’ trivializing them is trendy among middle class white people, just as pointing out trends among middle class white people and using them to smear all white people in general is trendy among middle class ‘oppressed’ people, because if they make it about race instead of economics they camoflage how much contempt they show for the poor people of their own cultures.

By: White Guy Who Hates Whitey White Guy Who Hates Whitey Sat, 02 Nov 2025 17:46:11 +0000 My dear fellow white people,

If you can\’t take being called out, you\’re being racist.

If you bother to correct the grammar of statements like these, you\’re being racist.

If you object to legitimate critiques of white institutions, you\’re being racist.

If you object to the anger of people who are justifiably angry, you are being monumentally racist.


Pathetic. You people are an embarrassment.

A White Guy Who Is Ashamed to be Lumped In With You Racists

By: divina11 divina11 Sat, 02 Nov 2025 13:30:24 +0000 The litany of white supremist shite in these comments is hilarious, and I’m white. First of all, it’s not the author’s job to give you a cultural education. Actually, they did. It’s honest, and people don’t want to look at themselves. One way white supremist attack when they can’t stand being called out is to attack the person’s education. Pretty vile. Hipsters, or even “well meaning cool yuppies” often move into an aree, stripping it of it’s soul like locusts. Oakland is a great example of that. I think the article goes easy on you.

By: Julita Julita Sat, 02 Nov 2025 06:20:28 +0000 Funny how irate white people get when you call them out-whiny and tiresome defenses of their ignorance -we were trying to be cool – we eat tacos. Small ignorant minds lurk underneath your blaming the author for being incensed- how about a good smack in the face for all the shit you ever said against Latinos-I can’t tell you how many times I heard “you could pass for…” I could write a book about all the “I didn’t mean to be a racist a$$hole” comments I’ve heard growing up–get over yourselves white people your days are numbered! And as for being cool-nah-give up!!!!!!!!!

By: Arturo Mares Arturo Mares Fri, 01 Nov 2025 23:35:46 +0000 Lolo Picasso was right. He called it. Love watching the reactions off all the Nu Racists. I\\\\\\\’m shocked at how differently we all read this piece. I got a kick at him knocking everyone out, but I thought everyone knew what was up with how our community is treated.

Now that I see how the Nu Racists are reacting it pisses me off more. So Grammar Nazi is pissed because this Luciano is a better writer than her and types faster, so she wines about grammar. Not one of the Nu Racists batted an eye to know that only 15 of 250 writers at the Texas Book Festival were Latino?

Another Nu Racists says we should be careful \\\\\\\’cause we might lose allies. Screw you. You are a useless ally. You are bitching and moaning and breaking down like Picasso called it. You should be straightening out the racists who are oppressing us.

This is eye opening. I know more people like me getting mad at the b.s. Luciano called out, but they don\\\\\\\’t speak up for all the reason his says. Game over. I ain\\\\\\\’t putting up with Nu Racists any more. Here\\\\\\\’s your Klan Hood.

By: Arturo Mares Arturo Mares Fri, 01 Nov 2025 23:34:28 +0000 Lolo Picasso was right. He called it. Love watching the reactions off all the Nu Racists. I\\\’m shocked at how differently we all read this piece. I got a kick at him knocking everyone out, but I thought everyone knew what was up with how our community is treated.

Now that I see how the Nu Racists are reacting it pisses me off more. So Grammar Nazi is pissed because this Luciano is a better writer than her and types faster, so she wines about grammar. Not one of the Nu Racists batted an eye to know that only 15 of 250 writers at the Texas Book Festival were Latino?

Another Nu Racists says we should be careful \\\’cause we might lose allies. Screw you. You are a useless ally. You are bitching and moaning and breaking down like Picasso called it. You should be straightening out the racists who are oppressing us.

This is eye opening. I know more people like me getting mad at the b.s. Luciano called out, but they don\\\’t speak up for all the reason his says. Game over. I ain\\\’t putting up with Nu Racists any more. Here\\\’s your Klan Hood.

By: Cultural Appreciator by way of Appropriation Cultural Appreciator by way of Appropriation Fri, 01 Nov 2025 22:40:48 +0000 Calm down the defensiveness? I think it would require great effort on our parts to match the irate tone of the author.

And here is where people should resist making bad generalizations: what makes you think I don’t spend a great deal of time considering power and privilege and how I fit into those dynamics? What makes you think I’m not concerned with the integrity of other cultures and how we (us white folk) might best honor them?

I think it best that we not make too many bad assumptions– on either side of this issue– as you’re liable to alienate potential allies and further these divides.

By: World Citizen World Citizen Fri, 01 Nov 2025 19:36:30 +0000 Hi. OK. I get it. But I can’t help but to use mockery with mockery. Hold on…..the whambulance is calling. They want that chip on your shoulder so everyone can continue on enjoying other cultures in many forms. Thank you. Gracias. Merci. Cheers. Barkalla. 謝謝 [谢谢]. Vorbàis Gott! Danke. And if you didn’t not see your “thank you” on here, please write your congressman.
