Comments on: Fitzgerald’s Causes Firestorm Over Racial Slur-Filled Email FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Sun, 02 Apr 2025 00:06:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnnyfooseball Sat, 11 Feb 2025 02:00:00 +0000 God, you sound like such a cunt. And this is coming from someone who also votes in the red. You’re just another dumbass wearing a tin foil hat, grouping all people who are in or a fan of hip-hop/rap music into one category and playing the morality card. It doesn’t take a genius to know that slapping a girl and shooting at a cop are bad things. And also, by calling out those using the “the race card” you are infact playing the race card. Think about that for a sec, I know it’s hard. People are different. And sometimes, people that share in a similar culture or way of life are the same…and guess what? That’s okay. It isn’t going to change….but how we deal with it should change. Also, here’s a protip; if you don’t want to be a gangbangin dope dealin’ bitch slappin’ gangsta cop killer….then don’t be. It’s a person’s choice to act upon all of those things, the music won’t do it for them. If it did, this entire country would resemble downtown Detroit. You should stop calling the liberals “lib-tards” until you address and comes to grips with your own mental handicap first.

By: johnnyfooseball Sat, 11 Feb 2025 01:14:00 +0000 Sick analogy shit. Want me to go back and dumb down my post for you to point out that art isnt the same thing as hate speech? I get it. Most people understand that. Rap, as shitty as it is sometimes, is generally considered a creative form of expression. Ergo, art. My issue here is that the owner (and probably people like you), feel like they are the ones who can set the standards of what is and isnt appropriate or good music for ppl to listen to. Let attendance and good booking business decide that. And yes, people like that do that because of their “feelings” with no consideration to others. Fuck that.

By: johnnyfooseball Fri, 10 Feb 2025 18:22:00 +0000 I get your point and appreciate the sarcasm. In theory, you’re on point. But let’s use some common sense here. Obviously a tune such as “Coon Town” wouldnt be allowed to be played at any venue who’s trying to run a legitimate business, and besides no one showing up for a live Coon Town set, there is a line that generally should not be crossed when it comes to this stuff. It’s not like that music is breeding creativity. Some good old hip-hop about bitches and ho’s and glocks isn’t anything mind boggling either, but it’s also a platform of expression for many artists and has many fans – so it obviously identifies with a large part of society. But if you want to argue that it’s the same expression of art but different content, and if you limit one then why not the other, you would be correct in theory. But the world doesn’t work on theory. That’s why not all rappers and their fans are out killing people and running prostitution rings. Some do, most don’t. And about my Dixie flag – it means a lot of things to a lot of people. I don’t get offended when people associate it with racism because I can understand how they would think that, but that doesn’t stop me from flying it because I associate it with something else – family, food and cuisine, the southern landscape, etc. But if we’re being honest, I just use it on an anon accoun to get a rise out of ppl. It’s funny and I just don’t give a fuck. And going back to what I was just saying, anyone can use any medium to spawn a culture of hate – whether it be rap music, confederate flags, whatever. But we just have to let those mediums exist and punish those who are out of their minds enough to act on their bullshit they’re pushing. Censoring the mediums just puts a limit on creativity and expression. People need to just get thicker skin.

By: John Thu, 09 Feb 2025 18:15:00 +0000 Kudos to Sara Fitzgerald for calling out the loser trash sexist (c)rap that passes for music. Gonna f**k my ho and go shoot a cop, great, let me hear it one more time. And a giant Go To Hell to the moron libtard crap-loving compatriots that have bought the con. Such dimwit goofs can only see racism where sane people see what this truly is: a cult celebrating misogynist, irresponsible, deplorable behavior, with associated highly unsavory elements, of the type Sara mentioned. Go ahead and play the race card, my libtard-twit friends. It’s the only one you’ve got, and it’s wearing increasingly thin. Who’s playing Fitz this week, I’m signing up to start visiting more often.

By: Mansgame Thu, 09 Feb 2025 05:36:00 +0000 At least you hate everybody…

By: Mansgame Thu, 09 Feb 2025 05:35:00 +0000 Do you have the full set of emails exchanged? For all we know, this is a publicity stunt by what’s his name.

By: TransplantedTexan Thu, 09 Feb 2025 02:10:00 +0000 Yeah, I once heard some musical art that came out of southern Louisiana when I was a little girl. It was a song all about how you could smell n—ers coming into town. The title was “Coon Town” It was really artistic. I just don’t understand why it didn’t make it to the top 10 charts. Maybe it was the way it made certain people “feel.” Just cuz you wrote it and perform it don’t make it art dixie flag dude. There are standards.

By: TransplantedTexan Thu, 09 Feb 2025 02:05:00 +0000 Bullshit. What’s your hidden agenda here? Holding a club owner to a different standard. They’re a private business owner. They have the right to refuse….just like those wonderful bakers in Indiana…but Sara wasn’t invoking religious grounds. She was invoking her right as a business owner not to subject her female (and empathic male) audiences to sexism and misogyny. I applaud her!
