Five Funny French Films | Free Press Houston
 Michael Bergeron
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Five Funny French Films

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What: Five Funny French Films

Where: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

When: Friday, March 4 through Sunday, March 6

Why: For the sixth year the MFAH presents a quintet of French films you won’t see in regular theaters. Presented with support from the L’Alliance Française and Nina and Michael Zilkha these films reflect the best new comedies from the last two years that have played theatrically in France but don’t have North American distributors. This is a perfect chance to catch up on foreign fare while also reacquainting oneself with popular European actors like Sophie Marceau, Patrick Bruel, and Fanny Ardant.

The films unwinding are Sex, Love & Therapy (Tu veux . . . ou tu veux pas?), Daddy or Mommy (Papa ou Maman), Home Sweet Home (Un village presque parfait), The Elk (L’élan), and Chic!

The complete schedule along with playtimes can be found here.