Comments on: After FPSF: Things Have Definitely Changed FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Sat, 29 Apr 2025 13:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Armes Sat, 11 Jun 2025 13:31:00 +0000 Go to the day for night festival put on by Free Press Houston this winter. You will get what you pay for and more. Everyone connected with putting that festival together is a class act. Not like those losers that bought out Summerfest. Thanks Omar , Mark Armes and all the rest of the people at Free Press who work so hard to put on a quality festival.

By: Rick Armes Sat, 11 Jun 2025 13:27:00 +0000 Go to the day for night festival coming this winter. Everyone involved in putting that festival together is a class act, not like the losers that bought out Summerfest. You will get what you’re promised and pay for guaranteed. After all, without all you guys going to the festival there would be none. Thanks Omar , Mark Armes and all the rest of the people at Free Press Houston

By: Howard Fri, 10 Jun 2025 00:38:00 +0000 2 years in a row in the parking lot made FPSF an eyesore. Also the attendees were a bunch 15 yr old kids high on molly and acting too-school-for-school.

By: Mary Fuqua-Castillo Thu, 09 Jun 2025 01:01:00 +0000 I had fancy pants tickets and it was sad as hell. Some busted old sofas, recycled Free Press Posters from previous years and shitty plastic mini tables. I felt like it was a waste of my money. What did I even get for my extra payment? The whole point was the AC, abs it was not even that cool in there… it was like they were having problems. I’ll never go to another free press again. Plus I thought they handled the weather evac issue extremely poorly. They had people going back, only to tell them to leave again, and none of the staff were on the same page, we could not get correct info. We were told to leave that it was cancelled abs their was not going to be another show, only to walk back to the car and read online that it was going on afterall. I wish I child get my money back!

By: Harbeer Wed, 08 Jun 2025 23:12:00 +0000 Hm. You wrote and deleted another comment, but I got it in my email. So again, why do this publicly? Well, if I’m not mistaken, my public comment is in the comment thread of a publicly available article in which David Garrick unfairly trashes FPSF — and the article is not just viewable on the site but was also promoted in an email blast. As for discussing it in private — you don’t know what discussions I’ve had offline with the author or the current editor, do you? You’re presuming a whole hell of a lot, and you don’t even have the decency to identify yourself.

By: John Wed, 08 Jun 2025 22:23:00 +0000 But why not take it up privately with the author, or the current editor, or the publisher–as opposed to having a public meltdown? Am I to believe that you no longer have any of their contact info, as a former editor? That’s just plain decency.

I commented because it bugs me on a moral level that there are supposedly highly educated people (like yourself) who think they should be permitted to act this way.

By: Greg Manuel Wed, 08 Jun 2025 19:48:00 +0000 Jesus, does anyone edit this shit? How did you get this job? Sure, the festival had some problems, but this article is complete garbage. Between the bitching about lack of special treatment to the opinions pushed on the reader as fact, just complete, utter rubbish. I could go on for hours, but I already feel like this article has been given significantly more of my attention than it ever deserved.

By: Harbeer Wed, 08 Jun 2025 16:28:00 +0000 Ah, ok, so you know me, but you choose to hide behind a pseudonym. Ok, I’ll answer your question. What would compel me to write this in public is sadness — sadness that my friends at FPH think the festival business is a zero-sum game, that by making FPSF look bad they make Day For Night look good, that people who once worked together like family are now being petty and squabbling (in public) like family, and that a paper whose editorial standard I helped raise has now, once again, lowered its standards.

So, what compels you to write these things about me in a public comment section?
