Help Catch Fever Get What They Need | Free Press Houston
 David Garrick
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Help Catch Fever Get What They Need

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Catch Fever, Photo: Daniel Jackson


It seems like in today’s music climate, the crowd sourcing route has become quite the popular route for artists.  You could find no less than 500 if you did a web search nowadays.  Sometimes you can see ones where the artist is asking for an insane amount of money without many perks.  Of course, we don’t do that here in Houston.  Recently Houston’s The Suffers raised fifty grand in order to release their album properly, and they reached that goal with plenty of ease.  Now, another Houston band, indie pop rock duo Catch Fever is in the final stretch and in 24 hours, is trying to get every penny they can to release their album, “You Have All You Need,”  and do so in the right way.


Last year when SugarHill and I put together the NextWave compilation, Houston’s Catch Fever was a band I immediately wanted to include.  These guys work hard, I mean really hard.  If you look up Emily Lazar, you’ll realize real fast that she’s a big deal, and these guys used her for mastering their first album and this album.  Aside from tapping a big name in the same person who’s worked with Death Cab For Cutie and Depeche Mode to name a few, to master their debut, I watched them play outside of other shows to sell tickets for their own shows.  I witnessed them head to Austin to record at The Orb under the helm of thelastplaceyoulook’s Justin Nava and engineer Kevin Butler to record their new album.  And I saw guys who would do whatever they had to just to attempt to actually live off of their work.  Usually when a band loses a member they either break up or replace them.  However these guys regrouped, mapped out what it would take to afford to tour, and they’ve since reformed as just a two piece while still playing the songs written for three people.  I mean, these guys quit their day jobs to make music their full time gig which is both noble and a little insane.  


The indiegogo campaign, found here, will not only give the band every penny they raise whether they reach their amount or not, but will also help the band afford to be musicians full time.  It will allow them to take the next step, to hire a PR agent to get the word out on the album and their subsequent tour, and it will help another local artist afford to be an artist.  Anyone that’s seen the band in their new state as a two piece can’t deny the dedication to their craft that they both have.  When you donate to the band’s campaign, they’ll give every person who donates a ticket to their private listening party and a ticket to their album release party.  I’ve heard the album and it’s completely worth donating to, if not for the perks, then at least for helping other Houstonians out.  You can see Catch fever live at Raven Tower on May 28 for their album release show.  The all ages show has tickets between $10.00 and $12.00, or FREE if you donate to the band’s campaign.