I’m in favor of free speech, but the reality is that free speech is neither free nor is it without any consequences. You cannot defame or disparage or cause harm to someone without consequences. That is the law. Your agenda is your opinion, not the law. Responsible reporting is reporting the facts, not misleading the public into believing your opinion as fact.
Swamplot.com was not sued over two comments by readers. Anyone with less than half a brain could count more than 10 disparaging editorials written and published by Swamplot.com, with hundreds of disparaging comments exclusively edited by Swamplot.com for those published editorials.
Kyle Nielsen was not served a subpoena because he made a comment. Since you enjoy speaking to Kyle as if he were a real journalist, ask Kyle why he failed to disclose to you that Klye spends his time riding around Houston on his bicycle telling everyone that he is the owner of Swamplot.com, the very company named in the lawsuit. Kyle should spend his time finding a job so that his mother doesn’t have to pay his rent anymore. There is a reason reporters receive one of the lowest incomes in the U.S., wanna-be reporters receive even less. Your reporting isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, and that’s what the public is willing to pay for it, nothing.
Everyone has an opinion, what we don’t have are the facts. Try reporting the facts for once and keep your opinions to yourself. It will help you avoid lawsuits and may even lead to a pay raise.