At The Drive In’s broken silence

Everyone talked about purchasing the tickets for this special rare reunion as if it were 9/11. ”So I was mowing the lawn” “I was clipping my fingernails”…. You get the picture. Everyone had a story to share that ended the same. We were going to all see At the Drive In.
(NOTE: I’ve already written this article and polished all of my photos of the night. My computer was killed and nothing was saved so I’m going to rewrite it, but use Brooklyn Vegan’s photos because it took me forever to crop and jazz. Photos by Tim Griffin and a few by me.
As the sound techs prepared the stage shoddy lyrics were taped on the front speaker so if Cedric needed a guide he’d have some help. Hey, it’s been a while cut the dude some slack.
Half ass lyrics to Arc Arsenal
The band opened up with none other Arc Arsenal, the first track of Relationship of Command. The crowd was very rowdy and energetic singing along at every word. It was such a feel good moment. We were the first group of people to see ATDI live for the very first time in 11 years!
The band seemed to pretty into the show except for Omar which I have learned that his mother just very recently passed away. So perhaps he wasn’t bored or disengaged, but just heart broken by the loss of his mother. Tony was on fire and was abusing his drums to no end. It was great to see the band perform together considering the circumstances of the lack of Omar’s broken hip psychotic country 5 steppin’ dance moves.
So do you suppose that the band is together for good? I wouldn’t count on it. ”We’re not getting any younger and there’s been an offer of money every year. You can’t avoid that. You’d be a fool and a politician to pretend that wasn’t part of it.” says Omar. So perhaps just a few shows and festivals to make some serious cash. Why not right? ATDI is their winning lottery ticket. In a tweet Cedric apologized and mentioned that they’ve got some cobwebs to dust. They didn’t seem to be out of place at all. “Obviously it’s going to be weird. It’s like getting back with your ex-wife, only in this case there are four ex-wives!” also says Omar. So we will see if there will be an album written in the future, but for now lets just cross our fingers for the band to perform at Summer Fest. Get on it Jagi!
Big thanks to Transmission Entertainment (Fun Fun Fun Fest/ Mess With Texas) for setting up this show. Couldn’t have been more happy to see my favorite band. You guys do amazing work. Big big thanks to Cedric for putting me on the guest list. I was happy enough just driving out to Austin to watch them from a tree peaking over the fence. Didn’t expect to be upfront dead center! Truly an amazing moment in rock and roll history. This station is now operational.
Sorry Charlie.

Sweet pictures. Still a bad ass way that you got in the show.