Holy Crap, There’s a Featherface Album Release Tonight at Fitz!!!

What the Hell!!!
There is a Featherface album release tonight at Fitz!!!
Well I fucked up. As you guys know by now, I rely on Space City Rock as a starting point for my weekly preview then, if I am not swamped, I will then scan around to see what shows may have been missed by SCR. This happened to be one of those weeks where I was swamped (I was working on an article for the June issue of the paper) so I didn’t have the time to go back and look around for additional shows. Usually, when this happens, I simply update the listing and add the show after I publish the blog but this week what I missed is kind of a big Big BIG deal because this would easily have been the Featured Show of the Week had it been on my radar. In fact, when I went through my list I was even thinking to myself, “Wasn’t that Featherface release coming up soon?” but then thought it must be another week because there’s no way they would have forgotten tell SCR. But I guess with Jeremy being out on vacation, the listing fell through the cracks when I pulled it up last week and I probably should have waited a bit longer for publishing the piece and trudged through Facebook’ crappy events app. No excuse just shit happens so my apologies to Featherface for the oversight.
So why the big deal you may ask? Well, because Featherface are one of Houston’s most engaging up and coming bands, they put on a great show, and if you heard their last release you (like me) have been waiting to see what these guys will do for a follow up. (Here is a link to the article we did a few months back: link. ) Additionally, they will have only 100 copies available, so get your ass down there!
Friday 18 May 2025 - Featherface with New York City Queens, Mojo Stone, Ben Godfrey @ Fitzgeralds $5 All Ages