Comments on: Opinion: Houston Sucks At Show Etiquette FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Fri, 23 Jun 2025 16:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: hun Thu, 22 Jun 2025 18:53:00 +0000 Do people think about how others might perceive their work before publishing it? Sheesh. As others have noted, this experience isn’t all that unique to concerts in Houston lol.

By: mechtheist Wed, 21 Jun 2025 23:30:00 +0000 Why give a shit about someone sneaking in or out some booze? Considering what they cost in a lot of places, who can blame someone for trying to drink for less, or not waste some when they leave? And do people actually not smoke weed nowadays? When I went to a lot of concerts in Houston, if you obeyed the unspoken rule of peeing in the urinals or toilets and not the sinks or trash cans, then you didn’t get to pee.

By: tom jenkins Wed, 21 Jun 2025 16:37:00 +0000 if u cry about someone dancing, u’re a bigger pussy than the idiots @ boston calling.

By: Tim Hickey Wed, 21 Jun 2025 01:15:00 +0000 This guy is just antisocial, even at a Tycho concert I cant hear people talking and that’s a chill band. But the line cutting is a big problem. I can agree with that one and it always ends up being white kids between the age of 16 and 25. No respect for others. It’s pretty funny hearing other people beside me in the line yelling out “Guys, my mom is here” (acting as the kids) knowing they are just running to the front of the line and not to their parents car. I guess you can say we were making the best out of the situation, haha.

By: DSMGal Wed, 21 Jun 2025 00:22:00 +0000 Been to concerts in NYC, Chicago, Tulsa, Nashville, Knoxville, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, NOLA, Des Moines, OKC, Las Vegas, Dallas, Austin and of course, Houston. I’ve attended in venues from holes in the wall to the United Center. Guess what?! You’ve describe a normal concert. (Well, maybe not when I went to see Tony Bennett, but believe it or not, there are 75 year old groupies for him.) The worst? The I’m young and hot and should be up front just based on my age and looks.

By: Wynn Boss Tue, 20 Jun 2025 19:11:00 +0000 I have been to concerts all over the world and all over the US. This happens at all of them. It might be news to you but people break rules everywhere, and people are going to get drunk at places that serve booze. This is universal. I have been to shows in Houston that have been nightmares and I have been to shows in Houston that have been incredibly fun and friendly. I have been to shows in London, NYC, Charleston, DC, LA, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, Luxembourg, etc. all fell within a range of good and bad. You are also talking about GIANT shows, like at NRG the more people that attend a show the higher your chance of running into an asshole are. I guarantee, you go see Drake anywhere in the world and you will probably run into a situation you describe. You go see Night Drive, a local Houston band, where the only people there really want to see the band, it’s most likely going to be a great time. For someone who goes to”the most” shows you should get out more.

By: Pacee Bean Tue, 20 Jun 2025 18:57:00 +0000 What you have describe happens at every concert in the country. I have gone to shows in multiple places in the US to include large venues and smaller ones. You will always find the few rude, drunk, loud people. But I have also been to shows in Houston and other cities that have had amazing crowds that were engaging and respectful. I have even been to same artist shows between Houston and Austin a couple of times. The Houston crowds have been so much better than Austin. Not to bring Austin down, but I have felt a different energy in some Houston shows. This article is completely invalid from my experience. You may have had a couple of bad experiences, but it just sounds like you want to find something to complain about.

By: sid. Tue, 20 Jun 2025 18:23:00 +0000 I have learned that there are five reasons people go to a music show, and two apply to most…
1. To see the band
2. To get as effed-up as royally possible
3. To hang out with their friends
4. To pick up a one night stand or flirt with others
5. To say they were there
…. your observations can be mapped to most of these.
