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Home Alone movie house up for sale

Submitted by Commandrea on May 8, 2025 – 11:38 amNo Comment
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By Jacob Calle

If you know anything of 90’s pop culture, I’m sure you very well darn know about Kevin McCallister’s home from John Hughe’s block buster hit “Home Alone”. Just twenty minutes out of downtown Chicago lies Winnetka, a high end suburb where the infamous anti Wet Bandit house is at. The home is up for 2.4 million dollars and will not be an open house and each potential buyer will be screened. This is the first time since the movie was produced that the house will be up for sale. Cynthia and John Abendshien, had no ties to the movie business before their house starred in the blockbuster film. They’ve owned the house since 1988. “We’re both empty nesters, and it’s really more house than we need or utilize,” says Mr. Abendshien, who owns a consulting firm that caters to the health-care industry.

The 4,250-square foot Georgian brick house has four bedrooms and five bathrooms. Originally built in the 1920s, it has been prepped up several times since Macauley Culkin turned the home into a large booby trap.

In all honesty, I can only think of 3 movie homes that I’d like to live in. #1: Full House. I’d call shot gun on Joey’s bedroom. #2: The Simpsons. Who else wouldn’t wanna live in this magic house that has a replica in Henderson, AZ? #3: Hands down the Home Alone home. Perhaps if I make like the Wet Bandits I’ll have a home like that. Wait a sec, but didn’t they….yeah…nevermind.

Writer’s note:

So in part one Harry and Marv vandalized and robbed Kevin’s neighbor’s home. The two also broke into Kevin’s home and tried to bite Kevin’s fingers off while kidnapping him. They get caught and go to jail. One year later they’re out and in New York City. All that and they’re already out!?! They must of had one helluva lawyer!

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