Comments on: Petition to Reclaim the Street Mon, 26 Aug 2024 18:59:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: oliver oliver Tue, 26 Feb 2024 04:58:31 +0000 Uhhhh… how about not. I used to walk everywhere, because I was poor, and didn’t have a car. But now that I’m working, and have a decent car (for the first time ever, mind you) I really don’t want to go back to walking. I love driving around in my car, with the windows down, and my tunes turned up. And I drive to places, to park, and take pictures.

I don’t see why you people, want to take that away from me. I did my time slumming it. I walked to work and school, I walked to the store to buy my grandfather groceries, and I did so in hopes of one day I could get a car, so I wouldn’t have to do it ever again.

I don’t get why you hipsters, think acting poor, is cool.

Take it from someone who really was poor. IT SUCKED!!!!!!

By: Kiril Kundurazieff Kiril Kundurazieff Thu, 14 Feb 2024 13:54:01 +0000 As a writer, poet, and storyteller, I decided to check out your website.

As a Conservative I don’t usually find myself signing petitions on sites with ties to MoveOn, but this time I did…And I was sober when I did so.

Growing up in SoCal I never owned a car. I walked, biked, and used Mass Transit to get around 5 interconnected counties.

I had a bike blog for 7 yrs.

When not stuck behind the wheel of a car you experience a whole lot more in your daily travels.

Los Angeles has, for years, held a popular event that turns a long stretch of road over to cyclists and walkers, so there’s no excuse why it can’t be tried in Houston.

I moved here in Sept. to start fresh not just with a hoped for new job (still looking), but as a writer and blogger, and now that I’ve got my bike fixed to my satisfaction will be out cycling more.

Now that I’ve got maps, and a few interesting guidebooks, and am reasonablly acquiainted with a transit system so unlike the high standards, and inteconnectedness, I am used to, I will be getting out and about on foot more as well.

There is a lot to see and explore, in this city, as I have discovered and wrote about a few times already. Those who, in a recent collection of Houston Chronicle stories, and essays, think that even the Downtown core, as is, is a major turn off to the residents of Houston, may need to get out of their cars and walk around a bit.

While I’ve yet to explore the tunnels I believe that I can find a lot of interesting things to see, and do and write about Downtown, above, and below ground.

Kiril The Mad Houstonian
