Comments on: Voting Third Party is the Electoral Equivalent of Sending Thoughts and Prayers FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Wed, 12 Oct 2025 22:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Randall Lee Mon, 10 Oct 2025 22:37:00 +0000 I like it when my betters tell me how to vote.

By: Ethan Kennedy Sun, 09 Oct 2025 23:50:00 +0000 There’s really no basis for anything you inferred from what I wrote. The best part of your argument was that I “know nothing about Trump,” which isn’t a good thing for you because that means even your best argument is completely lacking substance.

1) There was nothing distinctly feminist about anything I said, so I don’t know what that has to do with anything.

2) I don’t need to look at Trump’s past to understand he’s a deranged asshole, he’s done nothing but confirm that every day of this election.
3) I don’t know anyone who wants more terrorists to be here, so I can only guess as to how you came to the conclusion that was a legitimate question to pose.
4) So far, I haven’t heard a serious plan from Trump for reducing the cost of higher education. As far as I can tell, it’s not an important issue to him, though he has given fairly bland answers when asked about it. He has talked about cutting and or eliminating the Dept. of Education, which just seems like pandering to the people in this country who are unequivocally mistrustful of the federal government.
5) I don’t want higher medical rates, though, again, I’m not aware of any serious plan from Trump to actually address the issue. If anything, I’d expect Trump to be on the side of people profiteering from exploitative business practices, as that seems to have been his own m.o. for many years.

I could go on, but I hope you get the gist. The onus is on you to come up with more than bitter non sequiturs.

By: Your Future Ex Husband Sun, 09 Oct 2025 01:04:00 +0000 Oh please, Mr Feminist, tell us what you really think. You write a lot but you don’t say anything. You know nothing about Trump, that is apparent. Maybe stop thinking with your vagina and start looking at the policies instead of his past. You really want higher taxes and a smaller military? More terrorists flowing across the border and higher costs for college? You want vastly higher medical rates, even higher than the ACA failure that is currently hobbling millions of Americans? You are the typical under-educated liberal moron.

By: Raymond Sat, 08 Oct 2025 00:48:00 +0000 This person says…

“Saying, ‘I’m voting third party’ in an election year is meant to portray someone as free-thinking or too personally virtuous to stain their hands with the evil that is the “establishment” candidate, whatever the heck that means.”

He’s basically saying that he is incapable of comprehending the strategic value of voting for anyone who isn’t going to win, this time. Doesn’t even consider the possibility that the issues *you* care about can, in fact, be granted greater legitimacy for future growth by lending your support now. He’s saying that you should abandon any foolish thoughts of making things better and just let yourself sink into the mud, and that the only possible motivation for not supporting criminal behavior is vanity. He’s literally trying to paint “personal virtue” as something to be disposed of when things become difficult and that he doesn’t even really understand what virtue means. Really?

He goes on to say…

“It’s a matter of conscience, apparently, though I question the conscience of people who are that concerned about proving they’re smarter and better than all the rest of us.”

Who the hell is Jef Rouner to question anyone’s conscience that he hasn’t actually spoken to or to assign frivolous motivations to their exercising it? His use of the word “apparently” is a direct admission that he has no interest, and therefore hasn’t examined any data, about what those questions of conscience might be. He sounds like he would have been a royalist during the American revolution. “Come on guys. You with your fancy ideas about democracy and self-rule are going to get us in trouble with the King. He’s not such a bad guy and this tea is delicious!!!”

Then he goes on to smear Stein and Johnson, as if any of their foibles comes anywhere close to the epic baggage the two front-runners are carrying. Okay, I’ll admit Johnson is probably just as stupid as Trump is, but at least he doesn’t publically declare that people’s value should be judged based on their race, sex, religion, or country of origin. Or stand in front of her supporters and recount the harrowing story, multiple times, of how she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire and had to run to the terminal to escape being killed when the video showed her calmly inspecting troops and doing photo ops with girls clubs on the tarmac like Hillary did (this being just one lie in a list so long it staggers the mind, bearing in mind that I’m dismissing the boilerplate Benghazi, Whitewater , Bill, Email nonsense). Being a veteran, this one is especially galling to me. It’s called “Stolen Valore”, where someone pretends to have placed themselves in harm’s way to enhance their esteem in your eyes.

Yeah, why should my conscience interfere with her ambition to power? It’s not that I’m “smarter than the rest of us”, it’s that I *am* better than her insomuch as I care more about my fellow citizens than I care about sucking up to powers who view us as nothing other than consumers.

Here’s how the super-ultra-rich get things done: they make sure that no matter who wins, they benefit. They groom and support people who can present themselves as leaders of the largest factions, regardless of ideology, while making sure their ultimate loyalties are to them. Primarily through money and blackmail. Perhaps Trump can’t be bought, but he certainly knows on which side his bread is buttered, and that as the CEO of the country, how to make it even butterier.

They also fund think tanks, and pretty much anyone with an audience, who’s willing to create high-minded sounding arguments for corporate conformity. We’re talking billions and billions of pay-offs for traitors to humanity. I know I’m not quoting the exact numbers here, but I’ve read several reports that were along the lines of something like 50 companies spent 30 billion dollars lobbying congress, which then granted them more than 6 trillion dollars in benefits. And I’m expected to cooperate?

No, Jill won’t win, and I’m not even sure I would want her to. But if Hillary’s margin is slim enough, the bean counters at the DNC are going to have to be asking themselves if it’s wise to keep drifting farther to the right at the risk of losing the next one. If you live in a swing state, then for god’s sake, vote for Hillary. If not, send a message. Tell the DNC you ARE a voter and that they have to earn it. Gatherings in the streets are easily ignored and soon forgotten. Votes are not. Which do you think is the more effective protest?

I see this as Jef’s attempt at victim blaming. “you’re just asking to be assaulted if you don’t think like ‘the rest of us'”. Whoever, in his mind, “us” is.

By: Shannon Morris Thu, 06 Oct 2025 15:13:00 +0000 Yeah, when attempting to persuade, it’s always good to start off by calling people “fringe kooks”. By the time I stopped reading due to lack of interest in anything else you had to say, I actually felt MORE like voting for a third party.

By: idic5 Wed, 05 Oct 2025 05:47:00 +0000 SIGH…. Let’s first start off w/ a couple sayings, the first from Chris Hedges, ‘ I do not fight fascism because I will win, but I fight it becasue it is fascism’.

2nd, from Confucious: ‘ A long journey starts with one step’.

How about this — vote your values, your priorities . It is is absurd to vote for someone you oppose. It is morally and rationally foggy at a minimum. When the millions of votes are tallied at the end of the day, CLinton and the system will think that those votes are for going to war over a cyber hacking episode , or in the ramping up of surveillance to increase the security of our state, for example.

There is no ‘ Well, I just didnt like the other guy’ box on the ballot, so the system has no way to id this. And when we get lots of stuff we dont like, such as continued corporate cronyism , pay for play, unhinged military spending, endless war, and reckless foreign misadventures, the continued march towards a 21st century police state and the movement towards climate catastrophe , people will point to YOUR VOTE.

You should have stuck your conscience , and your thoughts and prayers. At least you can look at your kids and sleep at night , sort of.

By: Aaron Bergmans Mon, 03 Oct 2025 11:40:00 +0000 If they have no chance in winning, how is it no different than not voting (which you told us was our third option). Sounds like somebody’s scared of Third parties….

By: fatcat65 Mon, 03 Oct 2025 01:32:00 +0000 “Hard work in a thankless task for the greater good is an actual virtue.”

As in like, oh, I don’t know, supporting a third party candidate?
