Comments on: FREE PRESS HOUSTON IS NOT ANOTHER NEWSPAPER about arts and music but rather a newspaper put out by artists and musicians. We do not cover it, we are it. Tue, 30 Sep 2024 18:58:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luciana Picasso Sat, 17 May 2024 21:59:11 +0000 Wow, so Junot Diaz said basically the same thing I did, except he blasts just MFA programs. he curses as much, but he says the same thing. And check out the comments. Some NuRacists bashing, same Hispanic Sellouts kissing ass, but yes, some cool anglos standing up, and some tough Latinos telling it like it is.

Here’s the link:

Here’s the lead quote:

I didn’t have a great workshop experience. Not at all. In fact by the start of my second year I was like: get me the fuck out of here.

So what was the problem?

Oh just the standard problem of MFA programs.

That shit was too white. – Junot Diaz.

That means the UH Creative Writing Program, Inprint, Texas Book Festival, and all Nu Racists in the middle.

By: why Thu, 06 Feb 2024 15:00:57 +0000 “You should realize that ‘white people’ had our own traditions systematically destroyed through violent force and then trivialized and whittled down to meaningless symbolism until eventually our cultures have become extinct, and the ‘white system’ and ‘white culture’ that’s projected onto us is as alien to most ‘white people’ as it is to the rest of the world, and yes, taking aspects of other cultures and ‘supportively’ trivializing them is trendy among middle class white people, just as pointing out trends among middle class white people and using them to smear all white people in general is trendy among middle class ‘oppressed’ people, because if they make it about race instead of economics they camoflage how much contempt they show for the poor people of their own cultures.”

what gets me about this is that:
A. youre too angry
B. immigrants new to this country suffer. its a fact. work it off.

millions of immigrants in the past were stripped of their identities when they came to this country. they migrated overseas in boat hulls – deplorable conditions.
I have irish decent and my grandfathers were brought over as endentured servants. they were “pre-slaves” before America decided to participate in the buying of slaves from Africa. (of which their own people sold them).
(and jewish – who can forget they were omitted for years) and some native American too.

my family had their names changed, their identities stripped, and lived in ghettos. they lived in poverty for many years and guess what? ThERe WAS NO WELFARE SYSTEM!
oh yeas, no free food, no free medical or dental, NO FREE SHIT.
they worked their asses off and blended into society as expected of them.
so good god,
shut the f*Ck UP!
im so sick of listening to this crap

By: Devon Johnson Sun, 26 Jan 2024 22:13:46 +0000 So you prefer to read books by latinos? Doesnt that make you a little racist? A book, really? The Texas book festival looks into a writers ethnicity before allowing them to be a part of it? If a kid reads a childrens book does it make any fucking difference what ethnicity the writer is? You mam are a scumbag.

By: Anita Sun, 17 Nov 2024 18:00:07 +0000 This is a writer that refuses to complicate this issue beyond a Latino white binary. Very childish to talk about being on the right side of an issue, and call out big orgs without revealing who you are. And please choose a less laughable pen name.

By: Luciano Picasso Thu, 07 Nov 2024 16:59:22 +0000 I wrote White People are Kililng the Day of the Dead.

I’m excited by the reactions because I knew that would hapen. I’m also sad to see so many sellout Latinos. I’m also happy to see white folks jumping in on the rigth side, but I’m stunned at how many Nu Racists there are. I was at a coffee shop and heard two Nu Racists at the other table talking out loud how the asshole who wrote the essay I wrote was the racist not their friends at all the Nu Racists nonprofits I mentioned.

So fuck. Looks like the nice way don’t work. The rough way don’t work. shit. Pisses me off more.

But I don’t want to be the only one calling out the Nu Racists. I want to see white people and Latinos correct them.

So I need to see them step up. Or I would love to see the NuRacists self correct.

So, I am done writing. I won’t write another piece unless I get 3,000 likes on the Free Press Houston post FB button,. Otherwise, I’ll just shut the fuck up. I just got on twitter, too. @PicassoLuciano

On the other hand, if people spread the word, I’ll write again. I’ll call out more Nu Racists. I’ll focus on one Nu Racists. I want to know what the people want-if anything. Maybe the people like the oppression. That’s why you got sell out Latinos kissing the asses of the Nu Racists.

Sell out Hispanics be like: No, UH Creative Writing Program ain’t Nu Racists. Latinos are just too lazy to write right, or read write. Latino professors and leading nationally lauded writers are too tricky, and trouble making to work at the UH Creative Lieing Program.

But I do want to give props to the White folks who have stood up to the Nu Racists I called out and the Nu Racists going off on me in the comments section. You renew my faith in Houston.

That renewed faith is only shaken by all the sell out Hispanics who are condoning the oppression of our people by not calling out the Nu Racists or worse DEFENDING THEM!

Sell out Latinos are the descendants of the sell outs from way back who were like” “Don Nacho deserved to get lycnched. He had a big mouth. He deserved to have his ranch burned down. Why did he build so close to the river? Who did he think he was?”

Guess what? The NuRacists are coming for you to an “economic lynching.” They might think YOU are me, spying on them, calling them out. Then fired. Your rent is fucked up, car payment, cocktail fund-fucked up.

That’s why I am inspired by the bad ass Latinos who are calling out the Nu Racists.

So on that note, there must be 3k of you out there. If so, prove it on the FB button for the story in FPH.

Send me the next Nu Racists to call out.

Luciano Picasso

By: Fat Mexican Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:36:27 +0000 This whole rant is pretty laughable. Dia De Los Muertos isn\’t being co-opted by white people, it\’s being co-opted by mainstream culture. That\’s what happens, has always happened, in America. Cultural traditions arrive, become popular beyond their original group, then get morphed into something different altogether. It isn\’t just White hipster kids donning skull face paint, plenty of clueless little Pochos are getting into it too. Pochos who\’ve probably never even eaten pan de muerto or spent the day at the cemetery or even seen an altar. At the last DDLM event I attended I saw a few Black and Asian catrinas walking around. As a Mexican man was I bothered? Of course not. The iconography and design elements of Mexican culture have reached a new audience, it would be silly to expect adherence to \"tradition\" from an audience that looks at it simply as something new and hip. I\’m sure the Irish weren\’t bothered when this past March I put on my one Guinness shirt and proceeded to get drunk as a brown skunk. Because that\’s what the holiday has become. Just like Christmas is now about gifts and the 4th of July tend to be about BBQ\’s. It\’s not up to mainstream society to maintain or even respect cultural traditions, that\’s the task of the individual In my own home we built an altar to honor the relatives my girlfriend and I have lost. It was traditional and respectful because I care about maintaining that tradition, and could care less about that modern society is creating their own diluted, watered down version.

By: Fat Mexican Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:36:02 +0000 This whole rant is pretty laughable. Dia De Los Muertos isn’t being co-opted by white people, it’s being co-opted by mainstream culture. That’s what happens, has always happened, in America. Cultural traditions arrive, become popular beyond their original group, then get morphed into something different altogether. It isn’t just White hipster kids donning skull face paint, plenty of clueless little Pochos are getting into it too. Pochos who’ve probably never even eaten pan de muerto or spent the day at the cemetery or even seen an altar. At the last DDLM event I attended I saw a few Black and Asian catrinas walking around. As a Mexican man was I bothered? Of course not. The iconography and design elements of Mexican culture have reached a new audience, it would be silly to expect adherence to “tradition” from an audience that looks at it simply as something new and hip. I’m sure the Irish weren’t bothered when this past March I put on my one Guinness shirt and proceeded to get drunk as a brown skunk. Because that’s what the holiday has become. Just like Christmas is now about gifts and the 4th of July tend to be about BBQ’s. It’s not up to mainstream society to maintain or even respect cultural traditions, that’s the task of the individual In my own home we built an altar to honor the relatives my girlfriend and I have lost. It was traditional and respectful because I care about maintaining that tradition, and could care less about that modern society is creating their own diluted, watered down version.

By: Matt Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:00:32 +0000 Next Halloween I’m putting a Disney/Dia de Los Muertos display on my front lawn. Thanks for the awesome idea!
