Comedy Chit Chat with Aziz Ansari
I'm hoping when people leave the show, they'll have a 'holy shit' moment like after seeing the Daft Punk pyramid or Watch the Throne.…

The X Games Arrives in Austin
Austin hosted 4 days of extreme sports, music, and energy drinks with the X Games.…

Art is Dead
Artist Wayne Gilbert has gone to the great beyond for his unusual macabre medium: human remains.…

Morrissey Storms Through Beaumont, Texas
The stage was the hurricane and Morrissey was the eye of the storm.…

Democratic Women Call On Greg Abbott For Equal Pay
Democratic women are fighting Greg Abbott for their health and Texas education.…

Excavating Chelsea
I quietly released my luggage and laid my head on an old military cot that stood before me. A wind chime softly whispered through out the night from the breeze of the ceiling fan. …

When asked if Wayne has an idea of what he would create with particular people, the artist’s reply was quite beautiful. “I would make you a God of something. You would become part of my universal family. No rich. No poor. No black, white, yellow, brown or red. No male nor female. No transgender. No Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu nor Buddhist. Just the remains of human creatures.”…

Survival Tips For Street Artists by Give Up
If the street artist is lucky enough, they may be invited into galleries where prints can be sold, so that one doesn’t have to drive around town to see their favorite street art piece. While some artists in Houston feel that they’ve made their claim in town as a respectable artist with their bullshit feel-good words, they’ve not even come close to popping anyone’s cherry of credibility. It’s only the beginning of a dead end. …