BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Free Press Houston - ECPv3.11.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Free Press Houston X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Free Press Houston BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20150901 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20151101 DTSTAMP:20150905T122932Z CREATED:20150819T163019Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150828T021402Z SUMMARY:1st Annual Houston Backgammon Tournament DESCRIPTION:ATA-Houston will be hosting its 1st Annual Houston Backgammon Tournament.\nQualification games will be held in September & October at various coffee houses\n& restaurant across Houston. Quarter-finals\, semi-finals and finals will be played at the Turkish Festival held at Jones Plaza on November 14th and 15th\, 2025.\nAWARDS\n\nWinner - Championship Cup & $500\n\nSecond Place - Tournament Medal & $100\n\nThird Place -Tournament Medal & $50\n\n \n\nTo register\, please visit URL: CATEGORIES:Activities ORGANIZER;CN="American%20Turkish%20Association" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150905T130000Z DTEND:20150905T230000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122932Z CREATED:20150610T162420Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150610T162420Z SUMMARY:Stories in Steel - Selected Works of Ed Wilson DESCRIPTION:Popular Houston artist Ed Wilson will have a selection of his works on display at Heritage Plaza in Downtown Houston from July 10 – November 19\, 2025. The exhibition\, titled Stories in Steel\, is curated by Sally Reynolds and encourages viewers to discover their own story in each of Wilson’s metal creations. Stories in Steel is presented by Arts Brookfield\, which revitalizes workplaces through the presentation of free cultural experiences in Brookfield’s premier buildings. URL: LOCATION:1111 Bagby\, Houston\, TX\, 77002\, United States CATEGORIES:Art ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Arts%20Brookfield":MAILTO:N/A END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T010000Z DTEND:20150906T060000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122932Z CREATED:20150113T174158Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150113T174158Z SUMMARY:Iman Heartandsoul CD Release DESCRIPTION:On Saturday\, May 9\, 2025 at Warehouse Live while raising awareness to Chiari Malformation\, a rare and deadly neurological birth defect\, Iman Heartandsoul will celebrate the release of her 3rd CD at The 3rd Annual An Evening with Iman and Friends.  It is a CD release party not to be missed! Iman Heartandsoul started An Evening with Iman and Friends Chiari Fundraiser\, a signature event to raise awareness about Chiari Malformation\, a rare and deadly neurological birth defect and to assist with financial support to patients diagnosed with Chiari. Each year An Evening with Iman and Friends honors Chiari survivors\, and remembers those who have lost their lives to Chiari.  Iman Heartandsoul will be performing live\, songs from her new album.  All proceeds (minus costs) will be donated to Iman's non-profit organization:  Iman's Zipperhead Hearts for Chiari.  Iman's Zipperhead Hearts for Chiari was founded in 2025 by recording artist Iman Heartandsoul to raise awareness about Chiari Malformation after her diagnosis with Chiari in 2025. The event will be filled with dinner\, live entertainment of musical selections\, poetry\, comedy\, and dancing. Tickets are $20.00\, and includes dinner\, an autograph CD\, door prizes\, raffles\, pre-show meet and greet with Iman Heartandsoul\, one photo-op with Iman Heartandsoul\, swag bags\, and after party. info: (281) 690-2747. URL: LOCATION:813 Saint Emanuel Street\, Houston\, TX\, 77003\, United States CATEGORIES:Music ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Iman%20Heartandsoul" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T010000Z DTEND:20150906T010000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122932Z CREATED:20150113T174157Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150113T174157Z SUMMARY:An Evening With Iman and Friends Day DESCRIPTION:An Evening with Iman and Friends Chiari Fundraiser is a signature event to raise awareness about Chiari Malformation\, a rare and deadly neurological birth defect and to assist with financial support to patients diagnosed with Chiari. Each year An Evening with Iman and Friends honors Chiari survivors\, and remembers those who have lost their lives to Chiari. In recognition of this event\, Iman Heartandsoul has received a proclamation from the office of Mayor Annise Parker and The City of Houston proclaiming Saturday\, May 9\, 2025 to be An Evening with Iman and Friends Day’.  After been diagnosed in 2025 with Chiari\, Iman Heartandsoul started An Evening with Iman and Friends Chiari Fundraiser. Later in 2025\, Iman Heartandsoul established the non-profit organization: Iman’s Zipperhead Heart for Chiari dedicated to raising awareness to Chiari. After two fantastic seasons of unparalleled success at Ovations Nightclub\, we have decided to take advantage of new opportunities. Iman’s Zipperhead Heart for Chiari and Houston’s recording artist Iman Heartandsoul is pleased to announce that An Evening With Iman and Friends Chiari Fundraiser is taking a giant leap forward and moving our annual fundraiser for Chiari event to Warehouse Live on May 9\, 2025. This year\, you will still see your favorite elements of An Evening with Iman and Friends: Live entertainment of musical selections\, poetry\, and comedy as well as some additional elements to the show to make every seat feel like a front row seat: A world class production.\n\nWe are proud to continue our mission for this event: To raise awareness about Chiari Malformation and to assist with financial support to a child diagnosed with Chiari. The 2025 An Evening with Iman and Friends child honoree for 2025 is two year old Chiari patient\, Abel Andrea Acosta\, Claudia Martinez\, UT Medical Student\, and Anita Marie\, a mother of three children with Chiari as well as herself. In addition we will be honoring Rob G. Parrish\, M.D.\, Ph.D. neurosurgeon\, Methodist Hospital Medical Center Houston\, Texas for his continued outstanding work and contribution to the Chiari community.  You may purchase tickets by emailing or by calling (281) 690-2747. Tickets are priced at $20.00.\n\n  URL: LOCATION:813 Saint Emanuel Street\, Houston\, TX\, 77003\, United States CATEGORIES:Music,Other,Performance Art ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Iman%20Heartandsoul" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T010000Z DTEND:20150906T023000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122932Z CREATED:20150829T234424Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150829T234424Z SUMMARY:Owen Dunn at the Joke Joint DESCRIPTION:: Owen Dunn has been making a name for himself doing stand up for the past six years. Owen is a three-time finalist in Houston’s Funniest Person and was selected to perform at the 2025 Funny or Die Oddball Comedy Festival side stage. He has also been selected to perform at this year’s Laughing Skull Comedy Festival and is currently one of the Top 40 Comics in this year’s World Series of Comedy.\n\nWhen he’s not on stage\, Owen Dunn\, can be found harnessing the infinite (and sometimes scary) powers of YouTube. He is the brains behind a channel titled Easier Said than Dunn where he can be seen sizing up underwhelming fast food delicacies\, zinging odd news stories and appearing as a main character in the slightly twisted escapades of two bespectacled buddies in his Apartment 8 series. Through all of his projects\, Owen Dunn’s unique sense of humor—a mix of observational\, deadpan/sarcastic and black comedy—shines through to the delight of his growing fan base. URL: LOCATION:11460 Fuqua St. Suite 300\, Houston\, 77089\, United States CATEGORIES:Comedy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Becky%20Reed" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T033000Z DTEND:20150906T050000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122933Z CREATED:20150829T234423Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150901T191100Z SUMMARY:“Talking Sh!t After Dark” with Bryson Brown at the Joke Joint DESCRIPTION:One Night Only!\n\n‘Talking Sh!t After Dark’ with Bryson Brown\n\nBryson’s smooth and laid back approach to everyday life situations makes him a crowd favorite. His popular stage phrase “I just want err body to feel comfortable” will make you do just that. The ability to pick through the smallest point of the subject\, and always choosing material that’s close to his situation enables him to write and also keep his stage show fresh. Being able to adapt to any crowd has allowed him to perform at colleges\, military functions\, business functions\, and comedy clubs across Texas and the United States. URL: LOCATION:11460 Fuqua St. Suite 300\, Houston\, 77089\, United States CATEGORIES:Comedy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Becky%20Reed" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T130000Z DTEND:20150906T230000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122933Z CREATED:20150610T162420Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150610T162420Z SUMMARY:Stories in Steel - Selected Works of Ed Wilson DESCRIPTION:Popular Houston artist Ed Wilson will have a selection of his works on display at Heritage Plaza in Downtown Houston from July 10 – November 19\, 2025. The exhibition\, titled Stories in Steel\, is curated by Sally Reynolds and encourages viewers to discover their own story in each of Wilson’s metal creations. Stories in Steel is presented by Arts Brookfield\, which revitalizes workplaces through the presentation of free cultural experiences in Brookfield’s premier buildings. URL: LOCATION:1111 Bagby\, Houston\, TX\, 77002\, United States CATEGORIES:Art ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Arts%20Brookfield":MAILTO:N/A END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150906T230000Z DTEND:20150907T010000Z DTSTAMP:20150905T122933Z CREATED:20150601T161839Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150601T161839Z SUMMARY:Beta Sunday Improv Jam! DESCRIPTION:Everyone from ALL theaters is welcome to come play or watch!! It's free and ALL experience levels are welcomed. No public audience\, just a bunch of actors/improvisers with a passion to practice and grow! We'll play improv games and do fun scenes! Happening every Sunday! URL: LOCATION:2420 Pierce St. \, Houston\, TX\, 77003\, United States CATEGORIES:Activities,Comedy,Performance Art ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Beta%20Theater" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR