What A Week The Best Bets of the Week

By David H
It seems like as we get closer to Summer, our “to do” options are getting more plentiful as the weeks go by. This week is no different. Crazy Art shows, touring acts act and album releases, and even a comedy game show. It’s another great week to be living in a city that will see eighty degree days in February, making Houston more enviable than one would believe.
I’m sorry to tell you that the two best bets on Wednesday, are already sold out. For those of you who were lucky enough to realize that you couldn’t get your tickets via walk up; Neutral Milk Hotel will be gracing the ballroom over at Warehouse Live. In a perfect world, this show would have been over at a larger venue, if those who run the larger venues actually knew who the band was. With a 7:00 door time, and Georgia’s Elf Power as openers; this should be a great show for the lucky ticket holders.
Also on Wednesday, and sadly also sold out, is New Zealand’s poppy The Naked and Famous at Fitzgerald’s. If you were one of the luck to have picked up tickets for this, get there early to see one of my favorite new Houston acts, BLSHS. The doors are at 8:00.
Not yet sold out, on Thursday at Warehouse Live you can catch the amazing and melodic sounds of Dr. Dog. These guys are easily one of the better bands of recent memory, and their most recent album, B-Room follows their swarmy sound that makes these Philadelphia natives such a great live act. An 8:00 door time and the soulful sounds of openers Saint Rich; make this worth the $20.00 ticket price.
You could also venture over to The Continental Club to catch the rockabilly sounds of Big Sandy and His Fly-Rite Boys. Big Sandy always impresses with an energetic and classy show, and I’m sure he won’t disappoint this time either. From what I can gather from Continental’s cryptic website, the show starts at 10:00 without an opener; but don’t quote me on any of that.
On Friday, Houston’s own Catch Fever are having an album release party at Warehouse Live. From what I’ve heard, their album Shiny Eyes will be worth the wait, and you’ll be able to get your copy a week ahead of it’s release date. A $10.00 cover with a lineup that includes American Fangs, Featherface, and BLSHS, should make this a no brainer for anyone who wants to hear the next crop of great Houston bands on one night. It’s an all ages show with a 7:00 door time.
Also on Friday, if rock isn’t what you’re in the mood for, you can head over to Fitzgerald’s for some electronic pop with Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Chad Valley brings his Rick Astley sound along with fellow opener Benjamin Booker. The doors are at 8:00.
On the 22nd, you can see something that you won’t see again for a long time. Crasis is an art show intertwined with EDM from the likes of Eric Todd, James Templeton, Stephen Farris, Roger Sellers, and Flcon Fcker. Music, home made instruments, and interactive projections are just a sample of this TRON like landscape in which the exhibit will intertwine with at The Brandon Gallery. This might be the only art show I recommend all year, and it looks like it might be the coolest. The doors are at 6:00, the show starts at 8:00 and runs until midnight. The admission is FREE.
Of course, you can steer into the heavy rock world by heading over to Warehouse Live for the EP release from Austin’s sleazy Not In The Face. If you ever wondered what strippers listen to when they get off shift, Not In The Face might just be what blasts their stereo. Houston’s own We Were Wolves will also be on the bill causing some ear damage with their hard and fast sound, while Fox & Cats get things started as only they can. It’s all ages, it’s $6.00, and the doors are at 8:00, so not going isn’t really an option.
But, if music isn’t your thing; then making it over to Beta Theater is a safe bet. Choke! Houston’s Comedy Game Show promises to be a fun night filled with great comedy from Nick Meriwether and Brian Zeolla, as well as many others and free Karbach beer. It’s $5.00 to get in, it starts at 7:00, and it’ll be a great way to watch your friends have beer spew from their noses. Seating is very limited, so plan on buying your tickets in advance.
For those of us who would like at least two more weeks of wearing scarves, this week still is pretty great. Great comedy, great local music, great touring music; and even great art. It just proves what most of us already know, in that Houston is better than most places.
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