Thursday, November 8, 2025

Spot The Local Music Curmudgeon - November 8th Edition

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 5:00 PM

-A weekly blog where I highlight one show I definitely expect to attend (see *) and throw in a few more that I'd like to and might see given the money and the time.-


Damn, I didn't do shit last week. I was frikkin' sick! In fact, I'm still on the tail end of my cold. So let's just move on shall we.

This Week's Spotlight

Friday November 9th
Whorehound, New Disaster, Rustler
@ Rudyard's
First off you have Whorehound which is a pretty bad ass power trio. Trevi Biles has been one of Houston's great bassists with a distinctive fat and dirty bass that crushes all posers. He's also an award winning hot sauce king. His gritty dirge juxtaposed with John Black's fluid metal guitar work and Corey Jackson's relentless drumming make for a great show that should not be missed.

But that's only half of it. Rustler have been making a big ass stink with their proggy metal live shows. Seriously it's great stuff where the band has a great ability to make you think it's going one way and they throws you for a loop. The band plays like one of those Japanese giant robots that connect together then break apart for further ass whoopin'. It's pretty awesome!!! There's a third band but they are not my thing, sorry.

Also this week

Thursday November 8
Old Time Relijun,
Satin Hooks, Southern Belugosi
@ The Proletariat

(happy hour show)

Satin Hooks are one of those live acts that show you how it's done. Kerry, Lucas, and Nick are just so goddamn good! They play each show like they are going to just drop dead right after the set! See them and weep! Bonus, local chanteuse Southern Bellugosi plays some charming folk songs that have come very heavily recommended live from very reliable sources. Oh yeah, Old Time Relijun are from Portland. I hear Portland is really a nice city and that they might be worth seeing.

Friday November 9th
The Jonx
@ Valhalla (Rice Univ. campus)

What you are telling me that you didn't get a copy of one of the best goddamn records released in these United States in 2025? Yeah it's called No Turn Jonx Red by yes a local band! Just listen to the three tracks on their myspace and see if it doesn't make you quiver! It's fucking brilliant stuff from a band where each member is amazing! Listen and learn! If you've never seen them, go!

Friday November 9th
The Ugly Beats, Black Black Gold, and Sabra Laval
@ the Jet Lounge

Damn you Jet Lounge! If you are going to have good shows, would you at least bother advertising them? If Ron hadn't posted this on HUH, I'd have never know it existed, jeez!!!! Austin's The Ugly Beats play the 60's garage pop thing beautifully and make for a fun lively show. Black Black Gold is kind of a wildcard; they have some cute demos up on their myspace but it's hard to judge beyond just a simple "it's got potential" so if you go report back to me - I'm curious. Sabra Laval may be opening but is not to be missed. If you are a regular reader of Skyline Network (and why aren't you?) you'll note that ADR has been ceaselessly praising her moody bathed-in-echo folk work. Damn, that's good enough for me!

Tuesday November 13th
Ash Reiter, The Endangered Sea Lions
Superhappy Funland
I gotta give some props to San Francisco's Ash Reiter - her pairing of a lovely vocal style and simple guitar work is intimate, playful, and charming. This should prove to be a really worthwhile show. Take a listen some of the songs on her myspace (Stumble and Fall, for example, I think is very charming) and see if you don't think if this is worth chillin' out late at SHFL on a weeknight.


At November 10, 2025 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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