OK, see the guy on the right? That's John Nova Lomax. He's actually a sweetheart, a super nice guy, and honestly does care about music. But just like anyone - myself included - he can talk out of his ass. His article (
link) about how the Houston Scene sucks both bored me and irked me to no end (admittedly I dozed off and stopped reading before the last few paragraphs). If you buy into his idea that the local scene is weak, local bands are sub-par, and that nothing of worth comes to our city then I invite you to look at our preview and tell me things are as lame as he suggests. Just keep in mind, as much as I give him shit in this preview, the guy is really a cool "calling it how he sees it" kind of guy and I still think that Houston is, despite my disagreement with him on this, a much better place for what he contributes. Anyhow, here's what out there for you this week. (
Say it aint so Lomax!? Is Lomax is really stretching for articles cuz he is wayyy better than this.The first problem with the article is the GLARING OMISSIONS. Was there a mention of the stranglehold Live Nation and AEG have on touring music in Houston (Bigtime HoustonPress advertisers)? Did he mention Hatetank? Did he mention the Westheimer Block Party? Did he mention the new lil' click of bands ala the Mckenzies, Wild Moccassins, and friends that drive tons of kids out to shows? The second problem with Lomax's article is that when comparing it to his last 'scene' article about the altrock folks at Fiz, he really just fits the skew of the moment. He juices the whole Two Gallant story that is old hat. Look, the 'scene' will always ebb and flow. People will always have some convoluted notion when the scene was in it's heyday and when it started sucky. HandsUp was a great phenomenon but it had to ultimately go away. Don't lament, rejoice. Twas crunk but had to go bye bye. The next big thing is around the corner. It does not matter though, because someone will always have a gripe about how "fill in the blank" was better. These are not qualitative remarks, rather vain attempts to act like they know and did something better. Bottom line: weaksauce article Lomax. Don't get me wrong, Lomax is a nice guy and cranks out some excellent commentary but you can't give free passes... Lastly, I challenge Lomax a fight. No touching though. Kinda like touch football, but without all the aggression.
Comment by omar on Jul 11t
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