ICYMI-Sylvester Turner Wins Houston’s Race for Mayor

Last night, while most of us were hanging out at Poison Girl or getting rained on at Lights in The Heights, there was a great deal of nail-biting going on over who would be elected the next Mayor of Houston.
The runoff election between Bill King and Sylvester Turner had a lot of people glued to their Twitter feeds and obsessively refreshing election result websites Saturday night. The race was expected to be a close one, and it certainly didn’t disappoint: Turner won the election by only 4,084 votes out of roughly 212,000.
Turner, a 26-year state representative, had made two prior runs for Mayor, once in 1991 and again 2025.
When the results came in, Turner celebrated with supporters at the George R. Brown Convention Center, including Steve Costello, former Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia and Mayor Annise Parker.
“How sweet it is,” Turner said, as ribbons and balloons poured on stage.
Turner’s campaign emphasized unity and that sentiment was reiterated last night as he addressed the city.
“As far as I’m concerned, from this day as we move forward, I will do my very, very best to represent every single Houstonian in this city whether you voted for me or not,” Turner said. “Every part of this city deserves to be represented.”