For anyone who saw the mugshots of the three Houston men arrested for allegedly shooting at a protester at a Nazi rally in Florida last week and worried they were going crazy because Hey, haven’t I seen those Nazi shitheads somewhere before?? here’s some good news: White supremacist losers probably aren’t haunting your daydreams.
No, the truth is worse, actually. William Fears, Tyler Tenbrink, and Colton Fears are all active Nazis that frequently participate in white nationalism activities in Houston and beyond.
If your interest in fighting against the views of racist clowns falls somewhere on the spectrum between attending progressive protests and watching internet videos of William Fears getting choked out by a Trump voter who couldn’t take his pathetic memes anymore (“This ain’t Comic Con!” a man in the video yells at Fears), it’s likely you’ve seen at least one of the three around.
And even if you haven’t run into William Fears throwing up Nazi salutes around Austin, a record of the three men’s depressing decline into the white nationalism cesspool is all over the internet. Judging by the dozens of reports and videos online that document their racist activities, the three — and William Fears and Tyler Tenbrink in particular — would be some of the most sought after job candidates on Nazi LinkedIn, if that actually existed. In fact, a leaked planning document called Operation Gator, which details the internal organizational structure of Richard Spencer’s Gainesville event, shows that “the Texas guys,” as the document describes them, have become verified, dependable volunteers of the white supremacist organization of hate.
All of this might not be news if you’re someone who keeps up with such things, but if you happen to not pay attention to the daily activities of evil dipshits and you don’t feel like having “What do Nazis do?” in your work computer’s browser history, here’s a timeline of at least some of the terrible shit that William, Colton, and Tyler have been up to.
William’s radicalization reportedly began in late 2025, when he drove two hours to see white nationalist leader Richard Spencer speak at Texas A&M. He told the Washington Post in August that it was there that he saw people who looked like him — “in suits, not swastikas” — and was encouraged to become more active in the scene.
To some, “becoming more active” in your new organization might involve canvasing at a park or going to an after work happy hour, but for William it meant leading a group of racist agitators at George Bush Intercontinental Airport during the protest against Trump’s travel ban, barely a month after Spencer’s talk in College Station. That’s where he assaulted Reverend Hannah Bonner, a local clergywoman and activist. There’s a few videos of this event on Youtube, and Bonner wrote about it a couple times in her blog:
He kept pushing at me as I stayed between him and the crowd until he was shoving me and my body was whipping back and forth like a rag doll.
Just then one of the mothers with children that I was trying to keep him away from pushed him off of me, his sign with the Nazi SS symbol tearing from his hands as she did so.
Then there was an outcry about a knife, an officer appeared, I tried to explain to the officer that the men who had stepped between the White Nationalist and the women and children and I were being protective not aggressive, and the officer guided the young man away.
The children were crying. It was so upsetting. I did not feel tough, or strong, or brave, I just felt really, very sad.
Perhaps the first time all three of the men show up together is in April at an alt-right counter protest in Houston, when Greg Abbot delivered his State of the State address at the Hilton Americas. While Tenbrink had been an active Nazi freak since even before William — The Anti-Defamation League reports he first showed up at a white supremacist gathering at the Houston NAACP building in August 2025 — and the two had been at the Texas A&M event in December together, this was baby Nazi Colton Fears’ first rally.
According to Colton’s former band mates, who observed that the music of the best screamer in Between Parallels had taken a dark turn toward radical politics around this time, it was this April rally in Houston that marked not only the beginning of the end for their band, but also the beginning of Colton’s online love affair with Nazism, as well as a couple confused band discussions about why their vocalist kept getting banned from Facebook.
“He would actually get banned from Facebook because of the stuff he was saying,” Between Parallels guitarist Walle Guzman told FPH. “He would message us and say ‘Oh yeah, I’m banned for 30 days.’ And we were like ‘That’s kind of weird.'”
William Fears and the Nazis’ shitty album of greatest hits continues with a white lives matter rally in Austin that William Fears helped organize. That’s also where he was spotted making Nazi salutes in the street, which he follows up in June with perhaps the best banger in the group’s sad history — when he gets choked and kicked out of a racist protest at Sam Houston Memorial Park for being too racist.
August — when Between Parallels officially breaks up because Colton’s band members realize they don’t want to be in a band with a guy who’s constantly being called out online for his Nazi posts — is also when the three travel to Charlottesville, Virginia. Colton posted a video on Youtube about his experience there, and it’s clear from his interview with the Huffington Post that this is when he’s starting to get deeper into enjoying Nazi shit. For example:
“Asked about the pin he was wearing during the interview, Fears said ‘it’s basically just like an SS thing.’ Explaining the significance of the pin would require an extensive conversation about World War II, he said. ‘And it’s my heritage, I’m German.'”
In September there’s the anarchist book fair in Houston, where William led a group of more than two dozen Nazis into a multicultural community center, wearing masks and lighting smoke bombs. Then the three were finally last arrested last week in Gainesville, which is undoubtedly a good thing, but also might inspire the question Why did it take so long for the police to stop these guys? With all the racist violence the three have been a part of in the last year, that’s at least what some people around Houston are wondering
“These guys have been a pain in everyone’s side for such a long time,” Leslie Meyer, a local activist, told FPH on Wednesday. “They’re the main agitators around here. If Houston would’ve just done something to investigate them a little more, like after William assaulted people at the airport or lit smoke bombs at the book fair, they would’ve been charged here for what they’ve done in Houston. They wouldn’t have even gone to Florida.”