Changing Perspectives: The Hidden Agenda
Abhidnya Ghuge, “Our Lives are Green.” Courtesy of Galveston Arts Center …
The Nature of Technology: The Hidden Agenda
Judy Labib, from “Collaborations XIV: The Nature of Technology” at the Houston…

Her Feet Planted Firmly: The Hidden Agenda
Jennifer Crane, “Her Fears,” 2025. This week brings in number of…

Thou Art What Thou Eatest — “See Food” at Houston Center for Photography
When Brooke Sinclair of the Houston Food Bank pointed to Mark Menjivar's photo of a refrigerator stuffed with Styrofoam takeout containers and said, "That's what my fridge looks like," I wish somebody had taken a moment to pause and ask, "And what does that say about you, and the society we live in?"…