#WhitesAgainstTrump: Twitter’s Gift During the GOP Debate

The GOP candidates took the stage again on Tuesday night to win over the American people.
GOP front-runner Donald Trump-in the news most often for his shockingly horrible statements that have many comparing him to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini-inspired the trending hashtag #WhitesAgainstTrump.
The hashtag seems to have been started by comedian and activist W. Kamau Bell last week when he encouraged white Americans who do not support Trump to speak out against his racist, xenophobic platform. “It is up to you to silence Donald Trump,” Bell wrote. “Stop acting like Trump isn’t the pinnacle and the result of America’s history and tradition of white supremacy. I don’t care if you had no plans to vote for Trump or anybody, if you are white, he is your problem above all else.”
During the debate it appears Twitter heard his call. Check out some of the highlights below: