Jef Rouner

Why Won’t the Alt-Right Call Out Their Terrorists?

Why Won’t the Alt-Right Call Out Their Terrorists?
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Illustration by Devin Finch


Every time a Muslim commits an act of terror by killing or injuring people, you see the same comment over and over and over again; why won’t the Muslim community condemn such actions? Of course, the chowderheads who spout that drivel never bother to check if there’s actually been any widespread Muslim condemnation, which there always is, in every case, without fail. To the racist mind the Other is homogenous, and any action committed by a member of that group is representative of that group as a whole. Try to remind them that Muslims make up a quarter of the Earth’s population and that their different denominations number in the thousands, and you get a blank stare.


I have a question, though; how come the alt-right never comes out and condemns its own terrorists?


Homegrown, right-wing and usually white male-centric terrorism is the most dangerous terrorism in America, far outweighing anything jihadist have done on American soil since 9/11. And yet, despite the growing hillock of murdered and injured people, I have rarely if ever seen an alt-right condemnation of such terrorists from their Keyboard Warrior Division.


This past week in Houston a lawyer named Nathan Desai suddenly opened fire and shot six people before being killed by police. He was wearing Nazi paraphernalia during his attack. I went over to check on the happy Nazis over on Stormfront to see what they had to say on the subject. On a four-page thread exactly one person expresses sadness that people got hurt, while everyone else laments this will probably be blamed on Donald Trump. Breitbart, which is as mainstream media as the alt-right gets, focused entirely on background checks for guns. No sympathy for the victims or interest in addressing the alt-right’s role in stopping these sort of actions was to be found on 4chan’s /pol/ either.


Now, there’s no evidence Desai had any participation in alt-right culture, and most people in those spheres would saying assuming he was one of them is unfair. And maybe it is.


However, the rise of the alt-right from anonymous image board serial harassers to organized hate mobs dedicated to social regressivism to a fringe element of a major party presidential campaign is very disturbing. When Hillary Clinton has to spend time explaining who Pepe the Frog is we have very much let the stupid, racist conspiracy-minded genie out of the bottle.


Bigoted ideas that used to be hammered out only in the deep web are now mainstream political talking points. Donald Trump is happy to partner with the Remembrance Project, an anti-immigration group with ties to white nationalism. It was groups like this that radicalized Dylann Roof into killing nine people in Charleston, and, if there was any condemnation from the likes of Breitbart, I didn’t find it in my searches. Mostly, they seemed more concerned with convincing people firearm background checks don’t work so we shouldn’t bother at all, and not in any way wondering why or how they are empowering ideological spree murderers.


Trump is largely the new face of the alt-right, being all too happy to retweet Neo-Nazis and anti-Semitic memes to his nearly 12 million followers. It’s normalized a new American fascism, and those new fascists become emboldened by it. An increasing number of violent dissidents, everyone from Elliot Rodgers and his consumption of anti-feminist rhetoric to John Russell Houser and his love of praising Hitler in forums, are being loosely connected to this new normal. When these acts of terrorism occur, there’s very little organized repudiation from the forums and outlets that spawn them. Instead, they typically double down on classic talking points such as gun rights and anti-government sentiment.


It’s possible the alt-right doesn’t condemn these acts because, like radical Islamic groups, they welcome and celebrate them, even if they’re smart enough not to say as much overtly out loud. More likely you don’t hear much outcry because the alt-right is more than anything concerned with total nihilism. Trump may be their current mascot, but their support of him is born completely out of the desire to annoy others no matter what the consequences. The original image board culture that spawned the current mess is obsessed with creating a consequence-free zone where the most terrible ideas can be openly supported in the idea that nothing being said is real or has real-world effects.


It’s said that we now live in a post-fact world, but that’s not accurate. The alt-right understands facts fine; they just don’t think facts matter as much as winning an argument. It’s a frightening disconnect from reality, which appeals well to the sort of folks who like to express their grievances with bullets. As long as the alt-right can plausibly pretend that filling the air with toxic hate doesn’t contribute to radicalization and violence, they can keep on doing it and lose nothing by failing to admonish their monsters. Unlike, say, American Muslims, who see upticks in hate crimes following Islamic terrorism, the alt-right is in no danger. It’s all just a game to them.

  • Thomas Jones

    What a terrible article. As other commenters have noted your comparisons with Muslim terrorists is highly flawed and has been disproved many times in the past.

    The alt-right would never support Desai having come to America in the first place unlike you liberals.

    Basically this article is just one long poorly written attempt on your part to justify your hatred of White people and the countries they have built.

  • The Puppetmaster

    Did you forget to factor in Omar Mateen’s victims into your numbers?

  • The Puppetmaster

    Hmm, what happens to these numbers if you start counting on 09/10/01? Oops, your narrative collapsed!

  • John Eden

    “Now, there’s no evidence Desai had any participation in alt-right culture, and most people in those spheres would saying assuming he was one of them is unfair. And maybe it is.”

    OK, thanks. Stopped reading.

  • dawrongguey

    Lol, the biggest mistake this article makes is that it doesn’t account for the fact that the United States was founded on white racial terrorism: From the genocide of the First Peoples to the chattel enslavement of people from various African nations. Even if you look at the beginning of the 20th century alone, massacres like what happened in Tulsa and Rosewood are far beyond the scale of most terrorist attacks today, and they’re but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the crimes against humanity perpetrated by people who identify as white (cuz its not something rooted in anything biologically distinct, no matter what they say) in this country alone. They’re trying really hard to paint themselves as victims when they’re nothing but the impotent offspring of conquerors in centuries long decline.

    Your time is coming nazi scum!

    • Real Human Being

      Top cuck, m8

      • dawrongguey

        So much sexual anxiety! I wonder if you’d like to share how much the idea of #whitegenocide turns you on and the type of porn your kind inevitably pretends to hate….

        • Real Human Being

          Seems like you’re the one getting wood over it there, fam.

  • Halford Mackinder

    WTF, Desai was some sort of Jewish Pakistani. He was neither white nor right-wing. This website is garbage.

  • Husband of the Year

    Obviously no one likes this article. The best thing the author could do is remove it, and pretend it never happened.

  • Doctor Mayhem

    Tell you what. When leftoids disavow the terrorist organization known as “Black Lives Matter” and all of their other terrorists, then the Alt-Right will call out our own.

    Go kill yourself, liberal.

  • HandOfKek

    Nathan Desai was a dirt person, what’s your point?
    I suppose Dylan Roof could be ours. But who cares? Not me.

  • sirjamesthegood

    Dylan Roof was a mentally ill loner with no connection to the alt right. TRS, DS and pol have no afilliation with that faggot.

    • sirjamesthegood

      I’ve never heard anyone on the alt right advocating killing church ladies or something similarly counter productive without being immediately and harshly condemned.

  • sirjamesthegood

    Top kek blaming the alt right for some dark skinned Indians shooting spree. No one knew this guy. He’s just another violent minority. Alt right strongly condemns violence.

  • sirjamesthegood

    This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read. Muslims are slaughtering peaceful Christians, and each other, by the millions around the world with terrorism, war, and straight up genocide. Crazy Christians kill 2-3 a decade with an abortion clinic bombing.

  • GermanicConfederate

    You’ve got Dylann Roof. And if you actually looked at any thread on any of our sites you’d see a lot of condemnation. Of course, you’ll only post a screen cap of the random contrarian saying “Wooo dead googles! Yaaaaaah”.

    When will BLM members decry violence? I know, I know - you can cherry pick examples of spokespeople being diplomatic. It’s what spokespeople do, after all. But how many “peaceful” riots in the last three years resulting in looting, burning, mob-violence - i.e. terrorism?

    WLM had a protest yesterday. Evil Nazi white supremacists and how many dead? Total property damages? Did anyone loot Gander Mountain or burn down the Starbucks? No? And we’re the terrorists, right

  • northern_confederate

    Sure, if the alt-right were in power Nathan Desai would be deported, but don’t let that stop you from associating him with us.

    Also, it appears that Indians are just as successful at crime as they are at coding. Poor bastard couldn’t even kill anyone.

  • Greatus Koonus

    I didn’t know Indians were so into white supremacy and the Alt-right. We should deport every Indian to prevent this horrible racism from spreading.

  • John J. Barrister

    And yet no comment on the gangs of mexican revanchistas attacking trump supporters in california? Do you trotskyke pigs disavow your brown guards or do they make your franz fanon fanboyism more exciting?

  • Husband of the Year

    When is the left going to start confronting their violent members?

  • Bantz Henriksen

    Lol, some street shitter goes ape shit and it’s the Alt-Right’s fault. We apologize for nothing.

    Let the Left apologize for forced diversity, integration, and mass immigration. The violence that has resulted from letting in non-whites like Muslims and hispanics and punitively putting whites in proximity to blacks has resulted in more violence and chaos than anything any single, determined actors could achieve..

  • stereotypical goyim

    >the Alt Right is more than anything concerned with total Nihilism.
    >*cites Salon*

    lmao the Alt Right was borne from the nihilistic decay inflicted on society by Jewish Cultural Marxism, Jewish Critical Theory, and Jewish Cultural Relativism — all of which firmly cemented in the neo-Liberal power structure.

    The Alt Right rejects the suicidal policies, cognitive dissonance, and self-hatred of Whites pushed onto them by narratives spun down by the (((Elites))) in media, government, and international finance.

    The Alt Right reveres the family unit, homogeneous society, and a sense of duty to both. The world view which the Alt Right seeks to topple is the reigning poison which subjects Whites to exalted sexual deviancy, Third Worldism, and deracination.

    Does that sound like Nihilism to you?

  • Real Human Being

    I’ve heard rumors online that the alt-right is led by a psychopathic murderer named Sam Hyde. When will this madman be stopped?

    • ovnsætter

      The author of the Culture of Critique? That Hyde guy is pretty extreme.

      • Krummholzt

        Frankly, this sort of joking is not helpful, and it denies Mr. Molyneaux credit for his seminal work.

      • The Puppetmaster

        Extreme? To quote the great Kevin MacDonald, “Not an argument.”

        • Real Human Being

          Hey, he’s not the guy who wrote “The Jewish Century”, is he?

          • The Puppetmaster

            I think he wrote “200 Years Together” too.

  • Krummholzt

    Since 911, Jihadists have killed “twice as many Americans as have been killed by “white wing terrorists”. This statement: “Homegrown, right-wing and usually white male-centric terrorism is the most dangerous terrorism in America, far outweighing anything jihadist have done on American soil since 9/11.” relies on an article written before Jihaddist Omar Mateen massacred 49 Americans at a gay club in Orlando.

    Oh, and how the heck is the “alt-right” responsible for an Indian lawyer who help found a jewish fraternity in college going nuts?

  • Jewcifer

    This is so shoe horned. The writing is terrible, and the topic is so obviously contrived the author should change careers.
    If you had been paying attention, as you claim to have, you would note that Dylan Roof was called out and denounced in our circles. Seems you missed it.

    • Jewcifer

      And let’s not forget, no one knew the guy at all.
      He made 12 comments on Dailystormer, not much of alt-right activist.

      • GermanicConfederate

        The 12 comments was a Nazi code for the six-million, plus the others that no one ever seems to care that much about.

        Of course that’s assuming that the numbers weren’t inflated for propaganda reasons.

  • FRZ

    Why doesn’t the left call out their’s? They are the ones actually doing it!

  • PoolGoy

    Per capita whites commit FAR less violent/exotic crimes than muslims, blacks, and mestizos. How many times do you see whites throwing acid in women’s faces because they can’t deal with rejection? How many bombings do whites commit? once or twice in the past two decades is a great track record versus what’s almost a daily ritual for muslims. You and your analysis belong in the oven. Call out your own terrorists, semite.

    • Real Human Being

      (((That’s just a part of their diverse and vibrant cultures, goy)))

  • PoolGoy

    Desai was an indian. NOT a white nationalist.

  • NCRight

    When will the alt right stop these indian lawyers from murdering people!

  • Middernacht

    Funny how you cite the numbers of “WHITE MALE TERRORISM” to be worse than islamic terrorism.

    First off, even if you count all white males that did terrorism since 9/11 (convenient you leave out the worst atrocity in the United States history, isn’t it?), you STILL don’t get a number that’s even remotely close to what islamic terrorists have done.

    The claim that white males somehow did more terrorism since 9/11 in the USA relied on counted robbing gas stations as ‘terrorism’ when white people did it.

    Now, 140 people have been killed in islamic attacks, like San Bernadino/Orlando/Ford Hook/Boston Bombings since 9/11.
    For ‘alt-right’ terrorists you can only really name Dylan Roof with 9.

    Let’s compare those stats with population percentages.
    There are 197m non-Hispanic whites in the US and there are 3 million muslims.

    That means the average muslim is 92800% more likely to be a terrorist.
    If you count 9/11, that number becomes 2025500%.

  • Sweet old Granny

    Dude you’re making us look bad. This is just total trash Journalism. It’s too forced. No one believes it.

  • maxime1793

    “Homegrown, right-wing and usually white male-centric terrorism is the most dangerous terrorism in America, far outweighing anything jihadist have done on American soil since 9/11”

    —False. Mateen alone killed 50 people. Islamic attacks have already killed massively more people than “right-wing white males”, and if you compare them to proportion of the population (radical Muslim males - 0.05% of the population, right-wing white males - 10% or so), it’s ridiculous.

    “This past week in Houston a lawyer named Nathan Desai suddenly opened
    fire and shot six people before being killed by police. He was wearing
    Nazi paraphernalia”

    —Desai is INDIAN. A BROWN man. FAIL! Maybe the answer is no more Indian immigrants - would you think that makes sense because one Indian guy in a mid-life crisis, full of misanthropy, plays out a dark fantasy?

    “When Hillary Clinton has to spend time explaining who Pepe the Frog is we have very much let the stupid, racist conspiracy-minded genie out of the bottle.”

    —That was and remains her strategic ERROR. The Alt-Right remains a small corner of the internet with no mass organisation to speak of. Hillary just gave them free publicity and made an idiot of herself having some agrammatical screed written by a 20-something intern of the campaign on her website about how what was originally a Mexican pot-smoking frog, used by all sorts of people, is a neo-Nazi.

    “It was groups like this that radicalized Dylann Roof into killing nine people in Charleston”

    —I’m not sure what killing native Black people, whose families had probably been in North America for 300-400 years, in a Black church in Charleston has to do with illegal immigration, and you probably have no clue either. I will say that illegal immigrants KILL A LOT MORE THAN NINE PEOPLE EVERY YEAR, not that you care.

    I don’t know who these “violent dissidents” you named are and neither does anyone else.

    “More likely you don’t hear much outcry because the alt-right is more than anything concerned with total nihilism.”

    —The alt-right is not monolithic - stretching from libertarians most concerned with cultural Marxism to neo-Nazi types at its extremes. That’s hard for people to understand but the reason for it is that it’s simply a revolt against the mainline GOP-insider official Conservatism, Inc. machine and the latter’s perceived corruption and cultural failures. But, yes, some of the alt-right people are most certainly nihilistic. That’s true (how else do you link libertarianism and extreme nationalism if not via Nietzsche?). Some of these people who live in video game land could certainly have a switch flip and go violent. The problem, however, is more that you have a class of people who can’t move out of their mothers’ basements whose whole lives are online and less the political ideology. What if instead of alt-right politics, they turned their nihilistic tendencies toward Black Metal or drug addiction - does that make them safer? Obviously not.

    “is obsessed with creating a consequence-free zone where the most terrible ideas can be openly supported”

    —I know the context of this comment is the nihilistic electronic world in which many alt-righters live. And you have a point. However, I isolated this bit because many would retort that the cultural Left that dominates university life to a large degree but also the petty social aspects of corporate culture to an increasing degree creates consequence-free zones for a priori anointed oppressed people (esp. gays and “transgendered”) in which bubbles are created and the most terrible ideas cannot be condemned - and this is in real life.

    “It’s said that we now live in a post-fact world, but that’s not
    accurate. The alt-right understands facts fine; they just don’t think
    facts matter as much as winning an argument.”

    —That’s trollish. One positive thing about the Alt-Right is that *since it has no no-go zones in terms of its debates and free speech*, it has a much clearer and more rational discourse than politically correct elements (incl. mainline Republican elected officials) who can barely tell you what they ate for breakfast without launching into some whitewashed bureaucratic code. And do we even need to go into the mental insanity of people dye their hair to look like an anime character and claim their identity to be a complex statement about their sexual and gender confusion? You’re confusing meme wars on 4chan boards with any actual political arguments coming out of the Alt-Right.

    “It’s a frightening disconnect from reality”

    —Like I said, the 4chan crowd lives in a virtual reality and the base problem for some of these people is the lack of social and job opportunities outdoors (for which you have to consider that if Trump were successful in his economic plans, maybe these overgrown kids would actually leave their parents’ homes. But you’re not being fair. The flip-side of the same issue is the army of surly, effeminate hipsters who might have slightly more of a social life but only within their own bubble. The true disconnect from reality, aside from people being more plugged in to the proverbial matrix, is that people cannot speak honestly at school and work - I’m afraid that your talk of “consequences” might even imply extending this tyrannical atmosphere to the internet. And that is mostly the cultural Left’s doing, even if they themselves are manipulated by the corporate masters some of them claim to oppose.

    “which appeals well to the sort of folks who like to express their grievances with bullets”

    —Actually, they are expressing their grievances in online fora, so they have an outlet. In terms of bullets, the main killer is the State, followed by radical Muslims, and then BLM.

    “Unlike, say, American Muslims, who see upticks in hate crimes following Islamic terrorism, the alt-right is in no danger.”

    —The GOP-leaning neoconservatives and Democrat-leaning neoliberals blamed 9-11 on Muslim extremists which is the source of American Islamophobia. The alt-right is a different group and their reactions are more justified since we’ve had several more verifiable attacks by actual American Muslim extremists. The Right has a problem that it fails to distinguish between strands of Islam or incorrectly claims that Wahhabism is “orthodox” and “traditional”. Of course, this is what the atheist Left does with Christianity - it takes the most insane dispensationalist Protestants and claim they represent the religion. Anyway, the Left has the problem that it increasingly defends Muslims as an oppressed group without any attention to these sectarian differences either.

    The solution is - oppose Wahhabism/Salafism at all costs. Destroy terrorist groups. Defend Shi’a and mainline Sunnis, Sufis, and Ibadis. Defend Assad and secular Arab nationalism and the sovereignty of Middle Eastern countries … but not of Wahhabi and/or terrorist outlets (incl. CAIR, which is largely Saudi-funded). Wahhabism is being pushed by Gulf money which is politically allied with both the Americans and Israelis against the Russians and Iranians. The European Right, with which the alt-right sympathises, understands this better.

    • C051n3blu3

      Oklahoma Federal Building Bombing. The Las Vegas Police shooting where the assailants draped dead cops in the Gadsen (Don’t Tread on Me) Flag, The Bundy clan on two different occasions holding federal land hostage with firearms in the past two years, the man who went of a shooting spree in an abortion clinics because he was convinced the Planned Parenthood sting videos were concrete evidence, the death and rape threats by Gamergate sympathizers, the homeless Hispanic man who was beaten by white men yelling “Trump! Trump! Trump!”. Other than the Federal building in OK, all of these incidents have happened in the past two years.
      This article is ridiculously valid and I find it telling that you have neglected or chosen to ignore the examples I just laid out in you attempt to invalidate this article.
      If you’re for opposing radical Islam but you feel singling out Alt-Right movements for criticism for promoting violence as an infringement of free speech, then you’re just being hypocritical and your opinion should not be taken seriously at all.

      Now spend the next hour of your life going through my post and finding little trivial inconsistencies to refute. Me, it’s a beautiful day outside and I’m going to take a nature hike.


      • Middernacht

        Okay, so if you’re counting the Oklahoma bombing, why not count 9/11?
        Oops, looks like it’s completely irrelevant.

        Not to mention you’re not even touching percentages, like you obviously should.

        • C051n3blu3

          Their actually about neck and neck, and the fact that you ignored the examples I laid out in the last two years kind of proves my point that your argument relies heavily on cherry picking examples and ignoring others.

          Go back to Breitbart. You’re audience of fear mongers accepts you there.

      • Krummholzt

        ” the man who went of a shooting spree in an abortion clinics because he
        was convinced the Planned Parenthood sting videos were concrete evidence”

        A total of 11 people have been killed in the history of anti-abortion violence. For perspective, we have had two different acts of Muslim terrorism in the last 10 months, each of which resulted in more deaths than in the entire history of anti-abortion violence.

        • Real Human Being

          B-but muh Christian terrorists

          • C051n3blu3

            Those are called “Christian Televangelists who fleece their viewers about of millions of dollars a year”.

        • C051n3blu3

          Add to that number the amount of right wing victims and they’re pretty much neck and neck.
          But, of course, one involved white people and the other involves brown people, so it’s not hard to figure out which one you might think is more egregious.

          Be fair on both sides or STFU.

  • Nicholas Drake

    So predictive FPH, three months ago you didn’t even know who the ALT-Right were.

    • Jef With One F

      Hi, I’ve been reporting on the alt-right for Houston papers since 2025

      • NCRight

        Doubt it.