“Good Muslim, Bad Muslim” Trope Takes Stage at the DNC
During day two of the Democratic National Convention, President Bill Clinton took…

Dear Fellow White People: Shut Up Right Now
So, I sort of zoned out reading a really good old Doctor Who novel over the last two days (Vampire Science, if you’re interested), but when I finally peeked back into the world I discovered that cops had once again killed a couple of black folks doing absolutely nothing that warranted anything more than a mild scolding, let alone being shot. Alton Sterling, a father of five, was killed by police in Baton Rouge as he was selling CDs outside a convenience store, and Philando Castile was killed after being pulled over for a busted taillight in St. Paul.…

Olivia de Havilland Retrospective at MFAH
In her 1962 memoir Every Frenchman Has One, Olivia de Havilland divides…

The Social Costs of Money Bail
Take a moment to recall all the things you did between ages 17 and 20. Maybe you got your driver’s license, took the SAT, went to prom, graduated high school, applied to and started college, had a few “first” experiences. The teen years are lionized as the “golden” years in our culture.…

ICYMI: Jesse Williams Speaking Truth To Power at the BET Awards
In case you missed it, actor Jesse Williams spoke truth to power…

A Letter to the Community from Free Press Houston
It has come to light that over the past weekend an 18-year-old…

ICYMI: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch Stands With Transgender Community
In case you missed it, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch gave an historic…

Restorative Justice in the Education System
Restorative justice is a philosophy that promotes the interconnectedness of community, making individuals who have committed harm accountable for their actions, and demanding that they face the community they have harmed in order to jointly come up with a way to restore good relations.…

Finding a High-Rise Apartment in a Walkable Neighborhood
By Peter H. Brown (Pedestrian Pete) Pedestrian Pete’s rich aunt recently passed…