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the world of geo cache


You’re wandering around following directions given to you by an app. You’re looking for, well, you don’t know exactly what. Welcome to the world of Geocaching.

You can seek a cache; you can hide a cache. You register online and become a member of a not-so-secret society that uses GPS data to locate objects hidden in front of us.

In some instances you discover a capsule smaller than a used pencil attached with a thin chain to a fence. Or you might come across a large weatherproof box with a Geocache ikon. People leave tchotchkies or take same and sign the guest book.

In a way it’s a progression of hide and seek and a combination of taking a hike and being on a snipe hunt. You will discover a woodsy trail you didn’t know existed inside the city. Pack some snacks and bring the kids.

Here’s a link for the Houston GeoCaching Society.

Here’s the website for Geocaching in the world, with over 2,000,000 locations listed.

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