You’re wandering around following directions given to you by an app. You’re looking for, well, you don’t know exactly what. Welcome to the world of Geocaching.
You can seek a cache; you can hide a cache. You register online and become a member of a not-so-secret society that uses GPS data to locate objects hidden in front of us.
In some instances you discover a capsule smaller than a used pencil attached with a thin chain to a fence. Or you might come across a large weatherproof box with a Geocache ikon. People leave tchotchkies or take same and sign the guest book.
In a way it’s a progression of hide and seek and a combination of taking a hike and being on a snipe hunt. You will discover a woodsy trail you didn’t know existed inside the city. Pack some snacks and bring the kids.
Here’s a link for the Houston GeoCaching Society.
Here’s the website for Geocaching in the world, with over 2,000,000 locations listed.