In Case You Missed It: Spain Colored Orange
Houston’s Spain Colored Orange was full of psych influence, and sounding like a wet dream from the mind of Brian Wilson, the six piece didn’t really dissolve but really just started becoming more and more focused on when they’d play, rather than the Houston norm of playing regularly…
Birthday Club Prepares For Tour Kickoff
The Houston four piece, Birthday Club that rose from the mind of Stephen Wells after the demise of his old band Featherface, dropped an EP last year that had some songs on it that I couldn’t shake…
Golden Sombrero Keeps Guitar Rock Alive
Houston four piece Golden Sombrero is easily one of those bands that’s making solid rock albums today, that shouldn’t go unnoticed by anyone. On their latest release, this year’s Defensive Indifference, they dig deeper into their leanings towards acts like The Replacements, Big Star, and Buffalo Tom without taking anything away from them either, and thus keeping guitar rock moving forward at every turn…
John Evans Makes “Polyester” Feel So Good
On his “comeback” album, “Polyester,” Evans returns to form and then some. Recorded in his own living room and produced by Grammy winning producer Steve Christensen, the Houston native and Austin resident returns stronger than ever in ten solid tracks…

The Wild Feathers Craft Their Own Sound
The Wild Feathers' recently released major label album, “Lonely Is A Lifetime,” is essentially pop rock, though at the core there’s so much more…