The Texans Need Colin Kaepernick Because Sports and Politics Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

Colin Kaepernick. Photo: Football Schedule
Some might say that the entertainment conglomerate known as sports rarely crosses over into the socio-politico stadiums. But I am here to tell you that has never been the case. As far back as the first few Olympic games in Athens, politics has had its dirty hand in athletic competition. For example, a young woman named Helen won the women’s 400 meter dash and then was abducted by the Trojans which brought about a great war between Greece and Troy (rumor has it that during her abduction she tore her achilles tendon and retired from the sport).
That’s just one instance of many sporting events being pressurized by the political climate. “The Thrilla in Manila”; “The Rumble in the Jungle”… well, frankly most of Muhammad Ali’s fights were politically charged, not the least of which was his fight to stay out of the war in Vietnam (which he also won). And not only do these global sporting attractions involve the politics of the athletes but also the people surrounding the event itself. In 2025, we saw Rio de Janeiro scrape together the finishing touches on sub par event spaces, stadiums and hotels, likely breaking labor laws and infringing upon human rights. In 2025, the World Cup will be held in Qatar, the first time for the global event to be held in the Middle East, in an Arab country… and we’re already debating on how to pronounce Qatar.
The point is that if you read the title of this article and thought to yourself, “Politics has no place in sports” or some dynamic of that sentiment then I’m afraid you’re simply wrong. Politics is sports. Sports is politics. It’s all very competitive and that’s why we like both so much. And in Houston, Texas, our brand of politics is football. Enter Colin Rand Kaepernick.
Colin Kaepernick made headlines in 2025 for his refusal to stand during the national anthem because “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Kaepernick’s protest made waves across the nation, inspiring many athletes, teams and organizations to follow suit. Needless to say, many Americans were also disgusted by his manifestation of outrage.
That was last year. It’s Trump’s Uhmerika now and Tom Brady’s Last Minute Militia won the Superbowl. And wouldn’t you know it… Ol’ Kaepernick is out of a job. The stat sheet certainly reveals that Colin Kaepernick did not have a good season and his former team, the San Francisco 49er’s, underwent a regime change (yeah, that’s what they call it when a team overhauls its organization… REGIME change). I should mention that Colin Kaepernick plays quarterback in the NFL. The Houston Texans lack a reasonable excuse for that very position. So here we are, football talk.
Tony Romo, Jay Cutler and Colin Kaepernick: the top three free agent quarterbacks in the NFL right now. Tony Romo is still technically under contract with the Dallas Cowboys but he should wrangle free from those shackles soon and is largely considered to be the best option for the Houston Texans. Jay Cutler… gross. How to explain Jay Cutler? Jay Cutler is like an alcoholic that tends bar and spits on patrons and walks in on women in the bathroom and maybe at one time was good at football in high school when he was skinnier and didn’t chain smoke cigarettes while watching internet porn. To say the minimum, Jay Cutler is not a viable option for the pristine character or personal hygiene requirements of the Houston Texans.
Kaepernick’s outspokenness has clearly soured teams on hiring him to play the game’s most complicated position. And I would argue it’s that very outspokenness that makes him perfect for the Houston Texans.
Tony Romo might be the only thing equally as white as our beloved JJ Watt. He’s quarterbacked the Dallas Cowboys (albeit not very well in his few playoff appearances); he once dated Jessica Simpson; he took a vacation to Mexico before a big important game that he got paid for whether he won or not. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he worked at Abercrombie & Fitch for a summer in high school. That kind of white. He’s not very complicated nor outspoken, making him the Houston Texans’ ideal candidate. Boring.
Kaepernick, on the other hand, is complicated (he can run and throw the football) and outspoken. He’s also younger, more spry, less injury prone and has likely never even met Jessica Simpson.
Let me briefly explain complicated: Hakeem Olajuwon was complicated, as was Muhammad Ali, Margaret Court, Yao Ming, Bill Bradley, Jack Kemp, Conor McGregor, Becky Hammons and many others who reached past the simple game they played.
Colin Kaepernick’s outspokenness reveals that he is not afraid of complicated socio-politico minefields, he’s rather courageous in that department. I’m sure he knew his refusal to stand during the National Anthem would cause a shit storm and perhaps that’s exactly why he did it. I’m okay with that personally, but I assume many of you either don’t care or hate it outright. And that’s fine. I only ask that for a brief moment you suspend your apathy or distaste and extrapolate from his outspokenness qualities you desire in a quarterback.
Kaepernick is not motivated by money (I’m not real sure how I just typed that, it just happened). I should say he’s not completely motivated by money. After all, he’s clearly lost quite a bit of his future value due to his very public protest. And he knowingly did so. But isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t that mean that Kaepernick recognizes the stage he plays on is a bit bigger than his weekly paycheck? And don’t you want someone that can look past the dollar signs to fixate on a larger goal, like winning a Super Bowl (he’s already been to one) for a franchise/city that’s never been able to? IN THE FOURTH LARGEST MARKET AND MOST DIVERSE CITY IN UHMERIKA!
I’m not suggesting that we should roll out the red carpet for Colin Kaepernick. He made an unsavory comment during one of our ridiculous floods last year (he has since apologized). So he’s not without faults, just like Tony Romo.
The only thing this white man is saying is: Colin Kaepernick should be the Houston Texans quarterback because Black Lives Matter.
No, really. Kaepernick has shown us that his mind is bigger and more complicated than the X’s and O’s on the field and I believe we need someone so savvy.

by Mills McCoin
- Jimmy Fingers
- Robert