Top 5 Music Videos of the Week: Boy Epic, LP + More
It’s that time again, when we remind the world the music video is alive and well and kicking ass as an art form. Let’s see what hit the internet this week!
5. Fit for an Autopsy — “Heads Will Hang”
As America continues to lurch headfirst into a dystopian future under the Trump administration, it’s made the world look a little bleak these days. Enter “Heads Will Hang,” directed by Max Moore. It starts off a little slow, but eventually the story of a young family watching their country fall apart reaches out and grabs a viewer by the throat. It’s loud and utterly unapologetic in its vision of a mad world, and that makes it the perfect music video for this time.
4. Boy Epic — “Kanye’s in My Head”
“Kanye’s in My Head” is almost a send-up on the concept of the music video itself. It’s expertly shot like a good David Fincher flick, but with somewhat comically amateurishly-looking effects that feel like someone crudely defacing images in MS Paint. The combined effect is dreamlike and gritty at the same time, giving the video a unique identity unlike pretty much anything else to come out over the last year. The fact that Boy Epic has such a compelling physical presence in his movements certainly doesn’t hurt the video’s watchability either.
3. Moon Duo — “Cold Fear”
Micah Buzan’s glorious animation makes it feel like Liquid Television never left. “Cold Fear” is a stomach-churning visual experience that plays with body horror and cannibalism themes. Every second makes your skin crawl, like you’re being forced to watch someone else’s nightmare in progress. It’s just beautifully grotesque.
2. LP — “Tightrope”
LP has gotten to be one of the most wonderfully playful pop stars out making magic in the world. “Tightrope,” directed by Chuck David Willis, is a pretty standard love story video, but it gains so much from every gesture and turn that LP makes that it feels new and epic. The boardroom opening is one of the most solid comedic bits ever shot for a music video, and LP pulls off every punchline perfectly with little more than a crooked smile. It’s a simple video, but fun for all that.
1. Shannon Taylor — “Two-Faced”
“Two-Faced” hangs pretty much all of its hopes and dreams on the make-up effects done by DeAndrea Vaughn, and it pays off! The cherubic Taylor also makes a damned frightening demon, representing her darker half as she wanders a rotting and abandoned house. The video is capriciously evil, and Taylor eats up every inch of scenery. Definitely the best new video of the week!

by Jef Rouner