A Boat Full of Sharks: The July Sixth Boat Bash
Photo: Hardin
It’s Fourth of July weekend, a time when we all hold sparklers, bottle rockets, and tall boys to celebrate our nation’s independence. It’s also that time of year, for Youngblood Booking’s Annual Boat Bash. On Sunday, the 6th of July, a small group of fifty or so people will meet at Boondocks Bar; and proceed to Lake Conroe, for a seriously raucous boat party. You’ll be greeted by free beverages of all types, as well as live music from Austin’s American Sharks and Houston’s We Were Wolves; which sounds like one serious party.
For those of you who were unaware, American Sharks features one of Houston’s best and brightest, Roky Moon of Roky Moon & Bolt fame. A far stretch from what Roky Moon & Bolt sound like, American Sharks have that lightning meets tall boys effect on the listener. The stoner fuzzed rock n’ roll of these guys is pretty hard to deny, and it definitely mixes seventies era metal with a hint of eighties punk with sixties era garage rock peppered throughout. Their 2025 self titled album, “American Sharks” is filled with little rocking gems that are stuck in your head after the first listen. And, as a guy who’s seen them live, I can attest to their high energy performance that matches their sound, and I can’t imagine how intense they’ll be on the water.
If you hadn’t been paying attention, Beaumont natives turned Houstonians We Were Wolves are quickly making their way up the rock n’ roll ladder. Last year, they released a pretty epic assault with their album, “Wolf House.” Since it’s release, these guys have garnered all types of critical praise along with gaining a pretty rabid following. These guys have that high octane, speeding down the road with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other type of sound. And, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them put on a bad show as they have the tendency to energetically rip through songs with a fast pace and a rocking demeanor, and the idea of seeing them on a boat just equals a high energy party.
When you calculate the factors of a ride to and from Lake Conroe, a fully stocked supply of beverages, and a group of fifty people partying to the likes of American Sharks and We Were Wolves on a boat; this is “The Event” for the independence weekend. The plans are to meet up at Boondocks at 4:00, with the bus leaving at 4:30 sharp. If there are tickets left, you can get them here; and the boat ride is a four hour party on the water. The price is an all inclusive one that includes the ride to and from, the beverages, and food alongside both bands performing; meaning it’s the most bang for your buck all weekend.
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