Poll shows Texans want more sex-ed than “every time you masturbate God kills a kitten”
By Alan Smithee A new poll released by the Texas Freedom Network…
Hey bartender, did you declare that tip?
By Alan Smithee This one’s for all the service industry workers amongst…
What happens when ‘anti-washington’ meets ‘think of the children’?
By Alan Smithee Last week the National PTA released a statement endorsing…
Michael Berry is why we can’t have nice things
By Alan Smithee Conservative talk show host, former Houston City Councilman and…
Residence, shmesidence
By Alan Smithee Over at the Chron they are reporting about a…
HISD wants to know, “Won’t someone please think of the children?”
By Alan Smithee On Monday, May 24, Houston Independent School District (HISD)…
State Rep. Debbie Riddle says “I Want You…OUT! United States for United Statesians”
By “Alan Smithee” It’s been a month since Arizona passed their infamous…
A S.O.B. Story
by Andrea Afra Houston has found the prostitution industry so profitable that…