Jef Rouner

Fucking White People…

Fucking White People…
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Illustration by Devin Finch.


The headline of this piece is a sentiment I’ve expressed a lot over these last two years, but following the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, it’s also one that’s gotten me banned from social media on two occasions. Apparently the crowd that insists that political correctness has enabled the pussification of America is so easily triggered they need to make my Facebook page a safe space for them. So, I’m going to say it here instead, loudly, and often; Fucking. White. People.


There’s no arguing that white people are the reason Trumps is president. He carried white men to the tune of 63 percent and white women by 53 percent. Funny enough, Clinton won women as a whole by 12 percent, but women of color were not enough to swing the election on their own. Why? ‘Cause fucking white people, that’s why.


There’s been a ton of think pieces since last Tuesday examining the culture of working class white rural America, those being the ones that most went for Trump (in Texas, six of the ten largest cities went for Clinton). Lots of very good writers have waxed eloquently on the disappearance of factory jobs and the cutting loose of small town America to focus on minorities and “elites.” The explicit message is, “these people were left behind, and that’s why they voted for Trump.” The implicit message is, “these are a noble people that the system failed, for shame. “ They’re not, though, they’re just, you know, fucking white people.


All this ink is being spilled finding out what this group thinks, but very few people are bothering to ask the follow-up question, “is what they think complete and utter bullshit?” They clearly have opinions and beliefs, but, as I have pointed out in the past, calling something an opinion doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Merely having a belief doesn’t make it inherently worth anything to the rest of us. Lots of people never get that memo, especially fucking white people.


As a kid I spent my summers in the small town of Oakwood, Texas helping a family friend fence in a game reserve, and I have a really, really hard time picturing those small town Americans sitting around debating the finer nuances of trade deals. There’s no real reasoning to their dissatisfaction with their economic plights, and certainly no real plan. When faced with the prospect of forging a new path or going with the comforting lie that a candidate would simply fetch work back from foreign shores, fucking white people went with the lie.


The financial woes are often used as a smokescreen against the bigotry every vote for Trump supported. Here is the real reason, so stop calling them racist. That’s a very unnuanced way of looking at it. It’s not that these communities are bigots. It’s more that these particular fucking white people no longer know what bigotry is in 2025.


They hear racism, and they think of slavery, segregated schools, and burning crosses. They are fervently against those things, but that’s just not the racism that the rest of us are trying to deal with anymore. Addressing racial divides in 21st century America is more about retraining police to stop shooting every black person that scares them, or getting more black people into power positions, or closing the racial gap in incarceration rates for similar crimes. Racism, and the fight against it has evolved, but not for fucking white people, who know most of their racial history from movies rather than live-in experiences.


That’s the main problem with these communities. They aren’t strutting about saying, “boy, I do sure hate me some bitches and darkies” while whistling a jaunty tune. They simply don’t run into a lot of minorities. If they have gay or trans people in town, those folks stay discreet, quiet and hidden. Same goes for non-Christians. Non-whites can find a place as individuals, but rarely as a group, and certainly not if they rock the boat. As long as the supremacy of fucking white people is not meaningfully challenged, their acceptance is never actually tested.


This unofficial segregation is what allows them to divorce “race issues” from “real issues.” All the Islamophobia and giant walls and what not are just ideas to them, and not nearly as important as their anger that the post-recession economy has not lived up to what they feel they are entitled. Instead, they see attention heaped on presumed-undeserving minorities and growing into ever-more-indignant fucking white people.


This is a group that has spent three decades letting Republicans tell them they were morally superior to others every time they rejected any sort of welfare state or hand-out, a conveniently puritanical bit of nonsense that has done plenty to keep these communities hamstrung. Whenever the left tries to bring them healthcare, minimum wage increases, college opportunities, childcare, or any other benefit that would help lift people out of the trash pile, these folks double down on insisting they’re in the right and it’s someone else’s fault they are where they are. Fucking white people would rather starve and not admit they were wrong than change their minds and eat.


I can sympathize with the position they’re in. The country doesn’t win by arguing about who has it the roughest. However, rural white America also doesn’t do the country any good by taking the problem of systemic, widespread, institutional racism and insisting that they play no part in supporting it when they vote for a howling bigot who just happens to make them feel better about their economic anxiety. It’s the political equivalent of pretending you don’t have money problems by refusing to check your bank balance. It’s not about what will actually help, but what will make fucking white people feel better, even for a moment.


And I’m tired of that. I’m tired of every single conversation about improving the world always devolving into a white person insisting everyone be nicer to them because they have very important worldviews, even if said worldviews are demonstrably and provably misinformed garbage. We have bridges that need fixing, a renewable energy grid that needs building, kids to educate at a reasonable rate, a space program that needs its shuttles back, a cyber-harassment epidemic that needs crushing, and a whole lot more than I have room to talk about in this article. God knows how much of it we could accomplish if hurt feelings would get off the agenda. It never seems to, though.


Because fucking white people.

  • Badtux

    A few years back my mother dragged me to a family gathering of fucking white people in the Deep South. One of my cousins was bitching about how she had to move out of the projects because there was too many niggers there (the word she used — yes, in the 21st century!) and how bad her current trailer house leaked in the rain. I ran into one of my former neighbors on the way out of there, and he noted how the nigger ball player had wanted to buy Mack’s convenience store, but Mack wasn’t gonna sell it to a nigger. Yes, again, the exact words he used.

    A few years later, one of them was complaining to me about Obama. I was, like, “What’s the matter with Obama? My salary has almost doubled under Obama!” “I’m not racist, I just don’t trust him, that’s all.” Yeah well, if ya gotta start a sentence with “I’m not racist”, well, guess what? You’re fucking racist. Y’know? That and, “he’s gonna come for our guns”, even after Obama signed the law that lets people carry guns in national parks (if state laws allow) and had been in office for six years and confiscated not a single gun. I pointed these out, and she said “Well, he’s still got two years.” Yeah, those two years are past, and he still hasn’t confiscated a single gun, but fucking white people, y’know.

    To a man, woman, and child, every one of these racist fucking white people voted for Donald Trump.

    Now, granted, liberals have a lot to do with why we have a President Trump rather than a President Hillary. They didn’t get out and vote like they did for Obama. Trump won with fewer votes than McCain lost with. But still. I grew up with these fucking white people, they’re my relatives, and I gotta say I agree with the sentiment exactly. They’re bone stupid, ignorant, know nothing, believe any bullshit they’re fed by someone who dresses it up in a Bible verse and a credible lie that panders to their bigotries and idiotic beliefs, and attempting to reach them is pretty much an exercise in futility. Do right by these fucking white people and offer them jobs programs and other assistance because it’s the right thing to do, but don’t expect gratitude from them, or their votes. We have enough people who aren’t fucking white people to get Presidents elected. President Obama proved that. It’s time to do a Blues Brother and get the band back together, and fuckin’ rock the vote, man. That’s all there is to it, ’cause no amount of pandering to fucking white people is ever gonna get their vote ’cause the only way to get their vote is to tell them the lies they want to hear, and the lie they really want to hear — that they can go back to the 20th century — ain’t one that progressives can credibly say, given that we stand for progress and all that.

  • Theresa Easley

    Keep calling white people “fucking white people” and you will keep losing more and more.

    • Badtux

      Fucking white people are becoming a minority in America. They already are under 60% in all the prosperous states like New York and California, it’s only in your loser states that we subsidize with our tax money that fucking white people are the majority. Guess what: Obama won without fucking white people voting for him. We did it once, we can do it again.

  • Ben David Smith

    Dehumanization the article. The level of condescension in this article makes it a tedious read. The subject matter is, again and again, that white people are bad because they voted Trump; A conflation. Mention of grievances is made, and blatantly dismissed. Your right about people placing value in opinions, take a cue from those who gave you what your opinion is worth and re-evaluate it.

    • Phil B.

      So how about explaining to us how he’s wrong.

      • Theresa Easley

        Keep putting down white people and your side will keep losing more elections..and yes, it has come down to sides. You libprogs will never learn.

        • Jef With One F

          Jesus… fucking white people. y’all

      • Nicholas Drake

        Well you can start with how he claims cops shoot every black person they are scared of, why not just look up some basic crime statistics? More whites are shot by police on a yearly basis, if not simply because of population stats, but Blacks still account for committing more crime than any other ethnicity in this country. Complaining about how racism is still something he is battling with on a day to day basis while inciting racism isn’t helping his case. Calming racism is systematic is delusional, what is this “System” we just had a two term black president. Does this “System” apply to the law? What law, based on what intent? Last time I checked this country has special welfare and grants set aside for people who are specifically not white, while the majority of people on welfare are white. You have Liberal media outlets, Liberal Hollywood, A liberal two term President, Liberal wall street and other financial institutions. The only “system” that exists is YOU.

        • Badtux

          Jesus. Fucking white people. You look at percentages, and a black person is twice as likely to be shot by cops as a white person, but fucking white people gotta look at absolute numbers and whine about how black people are being mean to fucking white people.

          Thanks for making the author’s case for him. Geez. Fucking white people.

      • Ben David Smith

        Why should one need a detailed explanation to say blaming things on race is bad. The only difference is prejudice against white people is an acceptable kind of prejudice; Even though it results in the same mental detritus any form of prejudice creates in a person.

        But because I’m autistic, aspergers to be precise, I will beat that dead horse.

        The author ignores the fact that Trump had the best showing of the minority vote in decades. Blaming the, apparently, apocalyptic win of Trump on whites. The author also commits the conflation fallacy, conflating white people and Trump voters.

        The author is looking for a scapegoat. But the simple truth is this is the horse the democrats built. Did you expect the people voting for Bernie to take the DNC corruption lying down?