Aurora Picture Show
Upcoming Events
Literally Short Film Awards
Co-presented with Literal Magazine Tuesday, November 4, 7PM Aurora Members Free, Non-members $10 As part of Literal Magazine’s 10th anniversary celebrations, they are having their first short film competition, Literally Short Film Awards. Literally Short is an event initiated by their drive to bridge all cultures into one collaborative stage that stimulates international artistic expression. They stand together with A. Schulman de México S.A. de C.V., Specialty Polymers, XL Multimedia, Houston Institute for Culture, Ctrl+ Alt + Jay and MicroSearch…
Find out more »Time Squared
Filmmaker Ken Jacobs in Attendance Co-presented with Houston Cinema Arts Festival Friday, November 14, 7:00PM Aurora and HCAS members $11.25, Non-members $15 For tickets visit www.hcaf14.org Avant-garde film pioneer Ken Jacobs has explored varieties of 3D perception through projector performances for the past five decades, often drawing upon early cinema and other found images. Jacobs will show a film, Opening the 19th Century: 1896 (1990, 11 min.), drawing on Lumiere footage that each member of the audience will view…
Find out more »Don’t Lose The Manual
Filmmaker Andrew Lampert and Musician Chris Corsano in attendance Monday, December 8, 7:00PM (Members Only Reception, 6PM) Aurora Members Free, Non-members $10 DON’T LOSE THE MANUAL is a merrily convoluted evening of moving image and music performance involving broken gear and wildly unpredictable results. Chris Corsano’s galvanizing percussion kicks filmmaker Andrew Lampert into action mode as the improvisatory duo explore the limited options and perhaps harrowing consequences of playing with what you’ve been dealt. Less psychedelic and more psychological, this…
Find out more »Aurora Holiday Party & Raffle
Wednesday, December 17, 6-9PM FREE ADMISSION Instead of fighting the crowds at the mall, kick off the holiday season with Aurora Picture Show at our annual holiday party. By attending, you are not only securing a spot on Santa’s Nice list but also have the opportunity to win fabulous prizes with the holiday raffle. Join us for this festive holiday gathering where merry attire is encouraged and delightful cocktails are ready to dance in your belly. As a special holiday…
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