Eimaral Sol Debuts “Gravity”

Eimaral Sol, Photo: Courtesy of Artist
A couple of weeks ago when I was hanging out at Sugar Hill, the guys from Analogue Escape wanted to share a new artist with me, Eimaral Sol. The 21 year old Houston singer and songwriter’s voice alone blew me away, while the music mixed genres like I’d never heard before.
The song “Gravity” takes the fire from trap music and turns it on its ear. Sol slips her voice between notes in the song’s introduction like water leaking through cracks in a ceiling. This is met with a two-verse passage of the beat and the counter beat alongside various electronics and a secondary vocal track from Sol herself. When the song is greeted with a spacey guitar track, it just adds another layer to the mystique that she’s already laid out. The song is set in a place between electronica, hip hop, and R&B, with hints from psych rock and modern dance music. The elemental craft of the tune, found here, is otherworldly and definitely something different than you’re used to.
With this being her first release, I do declare that there’s more good stuff to come before we start seeing her perform live. Until those days, give this song a listen and look forward to what the future holds for this futuristic artist.