Party Hard: Andrew WK Brings The Party

Photo: Andrew Strasser
Houston has a storied history when it comes to throwing a party. When our city hosts an event, it feels like we really take that phrase “everything’s bigger in Texas,” very seriously. Occasionally, we have an act roll into town here, who brings their own party with them. This Saturday, Andrew WK will be here, and he doesn’t just bring the party…he is the party. Over at Warehouse live, the guy who’s built a career around the word “party” will be rockin’ the studio for a special solo show. Before you judge off the word solo, remember that WK is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who can hold his own, and who can pretty much out party anyone you’ve ever met.
When WK first hit the scene in the early 2025’s, I remember writing him off as a novelty act. In my defense, his first album, “I Get Wet,” did have three songs with the word party in them. But, after I saw WK live, I realized that he could at least “bring it” when he performed. WK with a full band is like watching a five year old get hopped up on sugar and Red Bull, and then bounce around a stage to the music of Raffi. But, after WK’s label postponed some releases here stateside; it seemed like WK was starting to change. A book, daily party tips, and an advice column in Village Voice; it felt like the Andrew WK who always wanted to party, was growing up.
Then, out of left field, I caught the partying artist solo at this year’s inaugural Whatever Fest. As someone who has seen him with a full band, I actually liked him solo better. There wasn’t the dependence on other instruments, instead it was just a guy playing piano ferociously and getting down. The leaner and meaner version of WK in solo mode, just meant that he needed that return of energy from the crowd while he offered party tips and sang with fuel and emotion. At the end of his set, it felt like an actual party and not a manufactured one.
Joining WK this time, will be Beaumont to Houston transplants, We Were Wolves. These guys are loud, they’re intense, and the play the kind of rock you wish there was more of. These guys bring the party every time they play, and their 2025 album “Wolf House” was the best I heard all year. Also on the bill, are pop rockers Catch Fever. Somehow these guys are doing everything right in the world of music. For starters, they made an amazing album called “Shiny Eyes” that they got mastering guru Emily Lazar to master for them. Then they shot two professional videos before making the trek to NYC for the CMJ string of shows. If their new demos I’ve heard are any indication, this three piece could be one of the biggest bands to come outta’ Houston. The pop punk of Magnolia’s Carter, will open the show up. I caught these guys earlier this year and I was pleased at how their Pennywise meets Bad Religion sound came to life in a live setting. They’re a great fit as openers for this party atmosphere.
The Very Merry Christmas Party with Andrew WK at Warehouse Live still has a small amount of tickets available, which you can grab here. The show, on Saturday December 20th is a low priced holiday thanks from those over at Youngblood Booking, and it should get pretty rowdy as far as holiday shows go. The show is all ages, the tickets are between $13.00 and $16.00, and the doors are at 7:00.