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Survival Tips For Street Artists by Give Up
If the street artist is lucky enough, they may be invited into galleries where prints can be sold, so that one doesn’t have to drive around town to see their favorite street art piece. While some artists in Houston feel that they’ve made their claim in town as a respectable artist with their bullshit feel-good words, they’ve not even come close to popping anyone’s cherry of credibility. It’s only the beginning of a dead end. …

No Face No Case; We’ve got it covered!
Of course, not everyone considers graffiti to be art. Some people might go as far as to call it a public nuisance, but as Degollado sees it, “because street art’s roots are grounded in a subculture, it of course goes against the grain. It will always be seen as a nuisance to people, but therein lies the beauty. It challenges ideals, it creates dialogue, and a chance to inform and reform.”…
Physical Graffitti
By Alex Wukman Dallas area street/graffiti artist Evero was recently sentenced to…