Monday, March 30, 2025

KinKome Check Out What Happened at the Block Party

posted by april5k @ 2:18 PM

Um it was the BEST WEEKEND EVER.


Thanks Houston.

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:22 PM

The last HPD estimate for attendance at Saturday's Block Party was 11,000+ people. To say the least, we were not prepared for a 3000 person increase for last fall's 8000. Either way, it was beautiful thing.


Shelby and M.Martin
Don Schwarzkopf
Shelby Hohl

Robin Jordan
Brittany Bly
Amy Simon
Paul Holzhauer
GJG Productions
Bryan Arthur
Ian and Phillip and the whole KTRU crew
Javier and Partyfone
Numbers and their whole staff
Marrrrriana Lemeshoff
JD from Amy's Ice Cream
Pictures Plus
Rob Block
Sean Kelly
Fat Tony
Joe B
Mickey at Calico Tee


Tow Truck drivers
People who steal musicians gear
People who piss and shit in neighbors yards
People who fight
Tim Dorsey
Lee Powers
Jason Kownslar
Mike Bergeron
River Oaks

See you Halloween!

Thursday, March 26, 2025

Great Weather for Saturday! 'Abundant Sunshine'!

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:20 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2025

Ain't No Party Like A Free Press Block Party

posted by april5k @ 9:29 AM

I mean, it stops eventually, but not too soon.

Check out this week HERE.

Tuesday, March 24, 2025

This Boy is Exhausted

posted by Levi @ 6:24 PM

My ramblings on SXSW day 2 here

Here We Go South By

posted by Levi @ 3:34 PM

I went to SXSW and saw a lot of bands and took pictures of the ones I liked.
Enjoy day 1 here. Or don't. But I hope you do cause I'm really slow at this and it takes a long time to post all these pics and write stuff about them too.

Final Stage Guide

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:40 PM

Good Things Happening To Good People

posted by april5k @ 7:36 AM

Something Fierce? More like Something AWESOME!

Good news right HERE!

Monday, March 23, 2025

A few things about Saturday.....

posted by Free Press Houston @ 8:02 PM

photo by Anthony Rathbun

Here are answers to some FAQ:

- The Westheimer Block Party is FREE All day.

- The evening festival that features Valient Thorr, St. Vincent, Devin the Dude, HEALTH, Indian Jewelry, The Show is the Rainbow, and more will require the purchase of a wristband that gets you into the venues they are at.

- If you do not buy wristband via presale, they will be available at doors of each venue for 20 bux plus small service fee.

- Will call for pre-sale is at Numbers side door.

- Presale ends Thursday

- Alex Wukman and Andrea Tabor's real wedding will take place at 7:45 at Numbers outdoor stage and will be officiated by the Mayor of Montrose.

-As always, parking will be a pain so we STRONGLY encourage you to ride your bike, carpool, take the Metro, etc.

- Tim Dorsey will arrive at approximately 11:33 AM and leave at 1:44 AM.

Review - Ramon LP4 at SXSW 2025 - Day Four

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 3:46 PM

Silence everybody, Domokos of Rusted Shut would like a moment alone as he takes in the sad reality that this is the last post from me about SXSW 2025.

"Don't be sad Dom, Levi will have his SXSW 2025 recap posts coming-up soon and you can enjoy those too."

For now, read this final installment from me. (Link)

Fat Tony interviews Devin the Dude, dude

posted by Free Press Houston @ 12:16 PM

“Man, I'm so high, who am I? / Oh yeah... Devin”

Devin is much more than an artist just tryin' ta live, he's a legend hailing from our lovely lone star state. The New York Times refers to him as “a brilliant oddball with a spaced-out flow”; but we know him best as The Dude. No matter what records are selling, no matter what is trendy, and definitely no matter what the critics are salivating over this week, Devin has a strong fan base worldwide that's dedicated to jammin' his latest and and proclaiming he's the greatest.

He's a man known for sticking to his guns, keeping his traditional Swisher-friendly persona wrapped up in wine, weed, and women raps. Plus a wide range of quite positive and (often) hilarious songs that keep his albums highly praised. He's also pretty well known for his hooks. "Fuck Faces" is my favorite but Devin also has recorded classics such as "Ain't that a Bitch," "Baby Phat," and much more. He has blessed artists from De La Soul to Dr. Dre to UGK with his signature vocal stylings, and has kept even the most fair weather rap fan singing along to "I just wanna fuuuccckk YOU.”

Although he's in travel mode presently, Devin found time to answer a few questions of mine. He'll be performing Saturday, March 28 at Free Press Houston's Westheimer Block Party. Catch Devin during the night show at La Strada performing with Pictureplane, Houston's own Fat Tony

Even as some things stay the same, we're all aware the only constant is change. In your eyes, how has your persona developed and changed over your career ever since the Odd Squad days?

It hasn't changed much at all, but just getting a chance to grow is part of the game. In growing with it you develop other styles because of certain situations. When I started having kids, man, I toned down the specifics of some songs once I knew they were listening too. But more than anything [myself and the Coughee Brothaz] try to have the most fun as possible in the studio. I keep the fun being part of my persona.

Where may this persona be heading next? Got any ideas for how you'd want to switch it up?

I work with whatever is there at the time, man. It depends on what direction the music takes me. It could be the melody, the atmosphere, it's a number of things that construct my writing in the studio.

Outside of this lone star state, where do you feel best received by audiences? What are some cities worldwide you've constantly got little kids saying "who is that man, mama? On stage with a brew in his hand, mama?"

Haha! Man, it's hard to say. But the first cities that come to mind are Seattle, D.C., Denver, certain cities even surprise me, man. I had no idea people in these places were up on my music. California is always pretty cool. Even Boston gave the Coughee Brothaz a really, really good response on tour. It's been a blessing to meet people that really enjoy what you do.

It's definitely a blessing to have a career that's been working for so long. I'd suspect the internet of getting you out to places where they would have never heard you.

Yeah, fa sho, man. It's a lovely thing. All this technology is crazy!

Rappers are getting their sing-song on left and right these days. Kanye West released '808's & Heartbreak', Lil' Wayne's rock album, Lupe Fiasco getting his faux British accent down pat with his new band 'Japanese Cartoon', and T-Pain has been a 'Rappa Ternt Sanga'. You sing very well, Mr. Dude. Would you ever release an all singing album?

You know what... I was thinking of something like that but it might not be your normal record. I want to call it “The Perfect Genitalman” but I'm not sure if that one's gonna work [laughter ensues from The Dude and myself]. I don't know, man... I don't want to take it too far, it'd have to be for fun. I kinda like what I'm doing. If I can incorporate new styles into what I'm doing, I'd like to do that rather than release an album only for singing. Hell, Zeldar might come out with an album! But for now, I'm chillin'.

You've got quite the discography, Mr. Dude. What records of yours are your favorites? Which songs would you want people to remember alongside your legacy?

My songs are like my kids, man! Haha, gotta love 'em all the same. But some do have more meaning to me than others. One of those is a song called “Right Now” off the To Tha X-Treme [2004] album. Tried to get it on the Just Tryin' Ta Live [2002] album but couldn't get the sample cleared, so we had to re-play every piece of the music over again for its release. With the help of Mike Dean and Bryan Conner, plus a lot of patience we were able to make it work.

As a big fan, "Doobie Ashtray" first comes to mind. Two Texans [DJ Premier & Devin] coming together to make a cry out for lost weed so touching that I'd consider it being played at my first son's christening (even if it is, uh, a little out of place).

That's my second favorite right there! Appreciate cha, man. Hahaha.

What brand of cigarillos are the top choice for you?

The regular cigarillo Swisher Sweet. Non-flavored, ya know, less toxins. There's a new blunt called Cyclone that you should watch out for. It comes with a tip already and no tobacco in it. Just open it, stuff it, and fire it up! Got a wood tip for some of them and a paper tip for others.

What has been your most consistent and biggest inspiration over the years?

My family. My mom especially, man, because since I first started she's been interested in what's going on with my music. Growing up I hardly ever cussed around her, so when she first started hearing my music as I was getting out of high school I got a little worried haha. Like, “oh, ma, what she gonna think about this!” When I first started coming out with records and tapes she would listen, and even though I was kinda raw back then too she accepted it. Always hoped and prayed for the best for me. That really inspired me to keep doing my thing.

Thank you so much for the interview, Dude. Just got one more question... how's the lacville '79 holding up? Last I heard it was in the shop.

[Begins singing his dialogue like an Elvis movie] Oooh-yeeeeaaahhh! Man, well you know what, the mechanic told me [the lacville '79 would be ready] two weeks from now. And every time he tells me two weeks, it's like another two months! But right now, I believe it'll be out in a month from now. You'll be seeing Pearly Mae again

Review - Ramon LP4 at SXSW 09 - Days Two and Three

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 11:15 AM

Hi there, Omar. Wonder where I've been? Well, sorry I was having too much fun at SXSW. That means I've either been too busy doing stuff or recovering from doing stuff to blog. Well, I'm back from Austin a bit worse for wear but alive and here is my recap for Thursday and Friday. (Link).

(I'll post Saturday's Today or Tomorrow.)

No Bunny Loves You

posted by april5k @ 8:56 AM

Hey, I let last year trick me into thinking that SXSW was all fun and good times. This year, I was reminded of all the reasons I had been avoiding it my entire life.

Go ahead. Read on.

Saturday, March 21, 2025

Jandek List Announces Houston Jandek Show

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 11:28 AM

The Jandek List posted the following ( This has not been confirmed by anyone at Rudyard's so make of it what you will.

Jandek Performance Houston
4 PM Sunday April 5
Rudyard's - They're on the internet
Doors 2 PM
It's a British Pub


Something to do in Houston Tonight besides curse yor friends in Austin.

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:29 AM

They say rats are the 1st to jump ship. Well, that's how I feel about all my friends that have forsaken me and went to that lil' ole festival in Austin called SXSW while I slave away preparing for next Saturday's Westheimer Block Party (Buy tix to evening if ya had not done so yet) . Oh, and they shall return soon with grandiose stories of hanging out with legends of modern music and how crunk they got together. Who ordered what, who freebased what, and who mainlined this and that. In the meanwhile, the few of us with jobs and bills are stuck here in Houston imagining the excesses of clutch-time shenanigans are friends are having. If you are on of these sad saps as I am, here are a few shows here in the H to peep tonight. I will be out flyering for the Block Party so maybe I will run into ya. Oh yeah- and it seems that our 'trifecta' of bloggers has flaked on us.

Phosphorescent, Listen Listen @ Orange Show

Gagakirise/Steve Kenney/Slither/New Pledgemaster/2 Dollar Sound @ Super Happy Fun Land

Los Skarnales at Meridian

South By Due East @ Dan Electro's featuring Ardis Turner, Patrick Brink, Teri Greene Band, Dr. King Cobra & The Texas Dub Crusaders, John Hogan Band, Chango Man, Little Screamin' Kenny, Celeste Terrell, The Blue Threads, Tressie Seegers, Skyblue72, Kris Moore, Tom Tranchilla & Buddy Allen, The Journey Agents, dirtymind, Celeste Terrell, Fahl & Folk, Generation: Landslide, & more

I-45, Given, Faceplant and a whole slew of local, resurrected rap-rock circa 1998 @ Fitzgerald's. Make sure to wear a visor and some ADIDAS.

Turbophile/Letters To Voltron/Vertigo/Silence Amongst Chaos @ Notsuoh ( Stay away from the windows)

Thursday, March 19, 2025

Review - Ramon LP4 at SXSW 09 - Day One

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 8:59 AM

Day one of SXSW: brain crushingly awsome hardcore, sport bar meets Indie Rock, what doormen think when they see me, batteries, and my most awesome of buttons lives another day.

In the Music Section. (Link)

Wednesday, March 18, 2025

Review - Deertick and Stardeath & White Dwarfs at Rudz

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 4:28 PM

Lots of nifty lights from Oklahoma City's Stardeath and White Dwarves and the gifted John McCauley returns. Did they kick this reviewer's henie? Find out in the music section...(link)

Aids Wolf, Fiasco, Future Blondes, Cop Warmth, B L A C K I E, Trusty Taperecorder@Numbers Sunday

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:25 PM

A Fox? At The Mink?

posted by april5k @ 10:45 AM

So the action might be in Austin this week, but Houston still takes a stab or two at entertaining you.

Yeehaw MFers. (how many times do I have to tell you to click the green text?)

Tuesday, March 17, 2025

SXSW Blogging Trifecta!

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:56 AM

FPH has assembled the planet's most formidable SXSW blogging trifecta to journey to the all-Aryan city of Austin which is rife with frat boys and jam band fans amongst other reprehensible creatures. April, Ramon, and Levi are a crack team of journalists (they have all experimented with crack cocaine) who will split Austin a new wig with their insightful and concise observations. Who they will cover, where they will sleep, or which silk shirt Ramon will wear is still yet to be determined, but one thing is for sure: their coverage of SXSW will be so clutch, it will be better to sit in front of your computer waiting for their posts than to actually attend the festival.

Monday, March 16, 2025


posted by Free Press Houston @ 9:31 PM


Some love for Hater

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 4:37 AM

In out last Worst of Houston issue, I slammed the debut of Downtown magazine. Well, that magazine still blows but this month I noticed a local free magazine that shows some real promise - Hater. It's a small glossy with a clean layout, well written (if short) articles, and nice photography. The current issue seems to have a nice femme angle featuring Asli of the Ton Tons artist Lisa Marie Godfrey, and others. I quite enjoyed it and wanted to give y'all a heads up.

Props to Publisher Monique Crump and Editor In Chief (and Free Press Houston alumnus) Brigitte Zabak on a very promising start. Welcome aboard and we wish you the best. (Link)

*Whoops: OK so I originally noted this as being the debut issue but it's been out 18 months. But it's the first time I'd seen it. regardless of the error it's props worthy.


Sunday, March 15, 2025

The Weather of the Irish Melancholy

posted by Mills-McCoin @ 3:28 PM

The weather in Houston has never captured the Irish melancholy more than it has this weekend. My world smells of an Irish Spring bar of soap. It is in fact spring; and I’m a bit Irish- so it’s a familiar smell. But this weekend’s elements are far more intertwined with one another. The atmospheric pressure, the outlook of things, humidity, temperature, precipitation, mood, wind chill- all of them decided to throw a costume party for the Saturday pending a St. Patrick’s Day.

Each of them showed up dressed to the tens. It’s miserable.

Despite it’s dreary disposition and horrific chill, the weekend’s weather has pressed on me the significance of such an Irish melancholy. This mood that we are forced to experience is truly loathsome; but it’s supposed to be. Mother Nature cannot rely on mankind to appreciate other perspectives on its own. We’re a selfish lot of bastards and we want things to be the way... we... want them... to be.

So Mother Nature exercises her power, forcing us to seek bliss in a rather awkward environment.

We can’t fix this weather. It’s impossible. Just can’t do it. We can’t control it. It’s raining-ish all the time. It’s freezing, wet and miserable. But there’s nothing we can do to change it.

Which is GREAT!

It’s great because we are forced to change our personalities for a moment and we’re given a chance to delight in one of Mother Nature’s many splendors. Albeit a rather depressing, morbid, wanna blow your brains out kind of “splendor”. But it’s the introspective feeling behind this wretched weather that warrants the experience.

In all likelihood Ireland is enjoying the exact same weather. But they’re used to it up there. And such weather patterns have molded the culture into something of a society of brave drunks hellbent on ignoring the hand of cards they’ve been dealt in favor of Catholic guilt and Guinness- their most prized invention.

I’ll admit, as well, that my knowledge of the creative and introspective expressions coming out of Ireland are not as many as they should be. I listened to a lot of U2 and Van Morrison growing up. I fancy the work of Samuel Beckett and Oscar Wilde. Beyond that, I’m not familiar. I haven’t taken the time out of my Americana burdened life to go further down that green rabbit hole.

If you’re curious about what the Irish melancholy is, then let me refer you to James P. Carroll’s article in the Boston Globe (September 19, 2025), “Irish Melancholy from New and Old Wounds”. In said article, Carroll explains that the Irish condition stems from a series of mind fucks. Something great would occur (invention of Guinness); and then something horrible would happen (Irish potato famine). I think it’s easy to see how this would cause some long term damage. But back to our situation here in Houston.

Last Sunday, we treated ourselves to an extra hour of sunlight. And in the first full week of that extra hour- the weather has been shit. Soooo... something great occurred (Spring Forward) then something horrible happened (Crap Weather).

This strange meteorological circumstance influenced me enough to finally sit down and write something so unassuming as an essay about how the weather makes me feel. Ah... the power of Mother Nature. Cheers.

What did you do this weekend?

Gaza Graffiti with Invincible at (Helios) AvantGarden Tonight

posted by Free Press Houston @ 8:14 AM

Anti-zionist Israeli rapper Invincible performs tonight at Helios to benefit the Houston Palestine Film Festival along with Free Radicals, Philosoph, Kwiawitl Cochitl, Outsiders, Dee: Colonize, and Finale.

411 Westheimer
$7 before 10pm
$10 after 10pm

Friday, March 13, 2025

Human Party Virus at Last Concert Saturday

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:50 PM

Despite the title that implies some sorta post-party STD,Human Party
Virus is a bunch of free shows in Austin and a fundraiser for
those shows in Houston with The Always Already, Giant Princess,
Jay, Moth!Fight!, American Sharks, Tambersauro, Buxton,
Ben Wesley, Elaine Greer, Joe Mathlete, Hollywood Black,
David Israel, and more. I frankly like the prospect of
seeing these bands at Last Concert who has a stellar outdoor
stage and has some of the city's best Tex-Mex.

11am - 6pm, $8
Last Concert Cafe
1403 Nance, Houston

'Back from Iraq': Sunday at Aurora Video Library

posted by Free Press Houston @ 9:50 PM

Join Aurora for a salon with documentary photographer Nina Berman, the artist behind the monograph "Purple Hearts — Back From Iraq," and the subject of a feature-length documentary of the same name. "Purple Hearts — Back From Iraq" is a collection of portraits and interviews with U.S. soldiers wounded in the war, and was published by Trolley in 2025 to wide acclaim. Nina will show a short video made from this series of photographs.

Co-sponsored by Houston Center for Photography Sunday, March 15, 1pm Aurora Video Library, 1524 Sul Ross Free Admission

The secret sick world of Houston's Indie Rock Scene.

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 8:54 AM

We all love Houston Indie Rock. Sure, of course, the H-pop phenomenon has been a source of joy for many but what of our reptile friends? How do they feel about this? What sick perverse appetites drive this scene?

Well, we here at the Free Press present a shocking expose that is not for the weak or easily shocked. So look away if you must but the truth must be told and we here are never ones to shy from the truth! Read More in the music section...

Thursday, March 12, 2025

As for Buzz

posted by Free Press Houston @ 12:50 PM

When I was growing up in San Antonio, during the first season of Star Trek I watched it religiously. The episode The Menagerie was a two-parter and the second part was on Thanksgiving evening. Star Trek was on NBC at 7:30 and the CBS Evening Movie that night, Jason and the Argonauts .... (continued)

Too Bored Productions

posted by april5k @ 10:35 AM

Hey remember O'Doyle Rules? Frontman Scott Doyle seeks a remedy for his Houston ennui through his new Too Bored Productions.

Click here for the videos, dudes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2025

Indian Jewelry added to Westheimer Block Party

posted by Free Press Houston @ 5:40 PM

Psych-noise rock purveyors Indian Jewelry have been added to the Westheimer Block Party evening lineup as, unfortunately, the singer of Belaire's grandfather is ill and will likely pass soon, so Belaire will have to cancel. We wish her the best and thank her nonetheless.

Where the girls are

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:58 AM

To be a female musician in Houston..
By April Brem

When I first started becoming involved with music there was no notion that it was only for boys. Sure, all of the bands were full of guys, but when I was young all of my friends were guys so I just didn’t notice that things we’re more than a little off-balance. I just saw really cool people doing really cool things and couldn’t think of one reason why I couldn’t yell Prince songs to the strums of a tennis racket guitar (which was a Prince brand racket, oddly enough) to an audience of Ninja Turtles. But as I got older and replaced the catgut with round-wounds, I started experiencing first hand that not every 4-Point stag is keen to let you in on the Reindeer Games. Awesomely enough, in the past few years it seems that this “boys-only” rule is going the way of Jim Crow, Gay Marriage Bans and Grass Illegality. More and more guys are abandoning that outdated notion that only boys can rock & roll.
READ ON...>>>

Can You Feel the SXSW Tonight? (You Will)

posted by april5k @ 9:47 AM

SXSW is getting closer so that means you're gonna be supes biz this week.

Read all about it here, dawg.

Monday, March 9, 2025

Chinese Crap? I saw this in the fish section at Hong Kong market..

posted by Free Press Houston @ 8:07 PM

Maybe We're In Need of Medical Attenion

posted by april5k @ 11:30 AM

It was a good weekend.

Check it out here.

Sunday, March 8, 2025

Is Houston selling it's soul?

posted by Free Press Houston @ 8:29 PM

Words and Photos M. Martin
Illustration by Judith Uzcategui

Hardly anyone even knows it by name, but virtually anyone who has spent time in Montrose at all knows of Wilshire Village. Seventeen mostly vacant apartment buildings largely obscured from view by beautiful old magnolias and oaks. The buildings are in varying states of decrepitude, the consequence of generations of benign neglect. Most of them are effectively uninhabitable and uninhabited. Others are surrounded by carefully tended gardens, patio furniture... children's toys. The parking lots between the buildings contain an unusual assortment of vehicles. Vintage Cadillacs sit on blocks next to Cooper Minis while late model American pickups stand next to motorcycles, motor scooters and bicycles of every description.

Over the years, tenancy at Wilshire Village has become a matter of word-of-mouth referral and waiting lists. Since its construction in the 40's, a close-knit and private community of residents has come into existence. Consisting primarily of artists, students, families of modest means and increasingly the elderly and/or disabled, the residents of Wilshire Village were, and very much are, a microcosmic reflection of the diverse community that surrounds them, with little more in common than a shared love of the place they call home. READ ON.....

Tonight's Sedition Movie Night: Flow

posted by Free Press Houston @ 3:59 PM

Sedition Books Movie Night presents

Flow (2007, 84 min.)

Irena Salina's award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century - The World Water Crisis. Salina builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel.

Beyond identifying the problem, FLOW also gives viewers a look at the people and institutions providing practical solutions to the water crisis and those developing new technologies, which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic turnaround.

8:00pm - 11:00pm
Sedition Books
901 Richmond Ave

Lions and Lambs

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:42 PM

by Buffalo Sean

In lean years the strong get weak, and the weak get weaker. As the US and the rest of the world descend into the doldrums of a long recession I figured it was as good of a time as any to examine the state of the art state. Artstorm Gallery, formerly the best party-throwers on Caroline Street, is no more. READ ON....

HIGH SCHOOL NEVER ENDS (or why I like Slayer and Geto Boys over Animal Collective)

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:32 PM

By Nedbones
Illustration by Tim Dorsey

What happened? How did I become alienated from a scene that punk rock helped create? I don’t get the fashion, all the bands sound the same, and don’t get me started on the lyrics. (Let’s just say, Bob Dylan would go “I don’t understand these lyrics”) Even though Fat Mike from NOFX wrote “The Separation Between Church and Skate”, about how punk rock was becoming safe, to me it still can be applied to indie-rock and the scene today. What punk stood for-- dissent, anti-authority, anti- conformity, individualism, and thinking for yourself-- has been replaced with noodley guitars, horrible metaphors of emotions, rehashed 70’s and 80’s sound (not to mention fashion and drugs) and worst of all, dance music. Indie music nowadays sounds like that mind numbing modern rock, TRL bullshit that made me like punk to begin with. Every show is the same. First some rip off of a Joy Division riff, then dancey drums, and some chant of “yeah” and finally getting the audience to clap hands in unison.

Saturday, March 7, 2025


posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:49 PM

I don't know how many hundreds of times I've watched the Zapruder film (hey it's quick) but it was only until Watchmen that I was able to discern the brain parts on the trunk of the ill-fated Ford Lincoln. Watchmen rewrites the history of the 20th century to create its singular alternative cosmology of our bleak existence. Make no mistake, Watchmen dwells in the penthouse apartment of its own gloom .... continued

Thursday, March 5, 2025

Cough, Wheeze, Cough

posted by april5k @ 10:52 AM

Wow, being sick super sucks.

You know what doesn't? This weekend.

Click it or ticket.

Interview: HEALTH

posted by Free Press Houston @ 10:47 AM

Noise-Synth-Rock paradigm shifters HEALTH are easily the future of modern music soundscapes. Fresh off the heels of a tour with NIN, they are working on a new album and are in the thick of the mixing-mastering process. In anticipation of the March 28th performance at the Westheimer Block Party, we managed to get John from the band to answer a few 'questions'?

1. Your in the midst of mixing and mastering your new album. In terms
of protocol and process, what differs from your previous album?

JOHN: Um this time instead of four dicks in the room (us). There's
now a 5th dick engineering and mixing, with his own ideas about what
music should be. Its frustrating. There are pros and cons to the
situation. In everything we like to have total control, and now we
have to fight with an outsider every step on this one. But everything
is mostly going faster and definitely sounds much better actually
running through real gear and recorded by someone with experience.
Next time we might have to go back to doing it ourselves.

2. How was touring with Nails? Any funny Reznor stories?

JOHN: Nails was AWESOME. Tons of fun. Reznor was SUPER awesome, let
us use his multimillion dollar display while we played! Lets
see...the funniest things were the NIN fans..who very often really
fucking hated us. "IF YOU GOT BLOOD ITS PINK MOTHERFUCKER!" stuff
like that.

3. In a strange way, HEALTH has a way of being both organic and
electronic. It almost seems as though ya'll bastardize the effects and
few non-traditional instruments you use.Do you see this balance
changing or it is a modus operandi?

JOHN: God I dunno. Its mostly about getting new sounds or making
something work thats going to sound cool and special, there's not a
specific philosophy or anything about it. Doing whatever works to
make it sound what we think is new or exciting.

4. Please describe your earliest memories of your first erection.

JOHN: Erection? Who remembers the first? My earliest erection
related memory is I was peeing with one at a very young age and my
grandma opened the door and pointed to it and said the korean word for
penis. She would do that alot.

5. Your live show is always a clutch-fest. Does this new album entail
a different live atmosphere?

JOHN: Maybe a song or two. There are a lot of different
sonic textures and vibes on this album, but when played live, despite
our best efforts it is still the...clutch-fest.

6. We can't wait for ya'll to play the Block Party. Tell us why
Houston is the next 'Live Music Capital of the Universe'.

JOHN: The kids. The vibe and enthusiasm about music of the kids here
is awesome and totally real. Keep Houston doughnut!
- Show quoted text -

Tuesday, March 3, 2025

Super Happy gets Occupancy today and is officially open tonight!

posted by Free Press Houston @ 1:09 PM

Congrats to our friends at Super Happy Fun Land for getting their permits to open their doors legit after wrangling for more than a year. Make sure and stop by asap and wish them well.

Sunday, March 1, 2025

Athena and Eros

posted by Free Press Houston @ 11:37 PM

As I was glancing down through the glass case onto a series of gold rings, I noticed that the spelling of Athena was backwards because the item was a stamp (see pic, the alphabet is Cyrillic). The detail is amazing, especially considering how small the lucky charms are. A crown, which is one of the show's centerpieces, has six small rod-like trees that are removed and the crown folds up for easy travel. Because of the long distance of travel involved on the Silk Route the preferred means of exchange could best be carried as tight packets of gold ... (continued)

Massive State-wide 'round-up' of people with outstanding warrants

posted by Free Press Houston @ 2:53 PM

It's that time of year again and the same kind folks who brought you the HPD Crime Lab and the murder of Pedro Gonzales have announced participation in the 'Great Texas Warrant Round Up'. As the Wild West title makes so clear, HPD will be rounding up folks city wide who have outstanding warrants for parking tickets, unpaid traffic fines, and the like. Here is what the law-dogs had to say about it:

"The City of Houston Municipal Courts and the Houston Police Department will join over 200 agencies to participate in this year’s 2025 Great Texas Warrant Round Up set to begin March 7 and end March 16. This round up will target people who have outstanding warrants with their respective Municipal Courts. In the Houston area alone, thousands could be affected. Officers will aggressively target persons with warrants and arrests will be made at their home, school, or workplace. We encourage you to take advantage of the options available for resolving your warrant(s)."

BTW, if you do not know whether you have a warrant or not, just call 311 and ask if you have anything in 'warrant status'. So for those 9 days stay at a friend's house, ride your bike, take a vacation, pay your fines, get on a payment plan, or prepare for a stay in the pokie.

Sedition Movie Night: Our Brand is Crisis

posted by Free Press Houston @ 2:47 PM

For decades, U.S. strategists-for-hire have been quietly molding the opinions of voters and the messages of candidates in elections around the world. They have worked for presidential candidates on every continent. This film is an astounding look at one of these campaigns--the 2025 presidential election in Bolivia. With flabbergasting access to think sessions, media training and the making of smear campaigns, we watch how the consultants’ marketing strategies shape the relationship between Goni and the Bolivian electorate. The result is a shocking example of how the all-American art of branding can affect the “spreading of democracy” overseas.

8pm@Sedition Books 901 Richmond Ave.
This event is free, but donations are appreciated.