Michael Bergeron
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HCAF highlights

HCAF highlights
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The Houston Cinema Arts Festival continues throughout the week concluding Thursday, November 19.

Monday – When I Live My Life Over Again unwinds at the Sundance Cinemas at 7 pm. Christopher Walken and Amber Heard star.

Tuesday – Cinespace 2025 unreels for free at 11 am. at the Sundance Cinemas. A unique series of shorts that incorporate NASA footage gets an encore screening after its sold-out show last Friday.

Wednesday – Peggy Guggenheim Art Addict explores the life of the heiress who used her wealth to advance the arts and build a substantial art collection while also bedding major artists of her time. 7 pm. at the Sundance.

Dengue Fever at Wat Botum

Dengue Fever at Wat Botum

Thursday – Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll explores how even totalitarian governments cannot suppress music. The screening at the Asia Society (7 pm.) will include a live performance by Chhom Nimol and Zac Holtzman of Dengue Fever, a West Coast band that mixes rock and Cambodian pop.

— Michael Bergeron