Little Fluffy Clouds - Free Press Houston
 Harbeer Sandhu

Little Fluffy Clouds

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Last week, the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau (GHCVB) released a “soundtrack for the city,” composed by one Jeff Walton and performed by the Houston Symphony.  For those who don’t know, GHCVB is the entity behind the Houston is Insipid/Enmired State of Mind campaign.

Now, I’ve been called a “hater” more than a thousand times because I have high expectations and high standards for what should be shown/heard/read in public — especially if it’s done with public money (like this video).  Forgive me for saying this, but we have a real bad habit in this city of blowing smoke up each other’s asses and giving each other high fives and an “A for effort.”

Bollocks.  That’s not doing anybody any favors.  How far is an athlete going to go if her coach is just constantly reassuring her, “You tried, honey, and that is phenomenal in and of itself!  Great job!”?

Like any other city its size, Houston has its plusses and its minuses, and I get that GHCVB wants to attract conventions and tourists to town to boost hotel revenues.  That’s where GHCVB gets their funding, after all.  But here’s the rub-let’s face it, they are *never* going to market the two things that really make us stand out on the (not just national but) international scene-our rap music and our experimental noise music.  (A third would be the art cars, but GHCVB is not too scared to promote those.)

Anyway, here’s the video.  Check it out, then we’ll look at some other videos: