Worry Will Vanish: The Hidden Agenda
Pipilotti Rist, “Worry Will Vanish Dissolution.” Couresty of the artist, Luhring Augustine…
Houston’s Arts Reach: The Overall Conversation
Debtfair at Art League Houston. Photo: Art League Houston On any…

The Space Between: The Hidden Agenda
Prince Varughese Thomas, “Pyonyang, North Korea: December 17, 2025” (detail) This…

2016 Art in Review: Electric Boogaloo
Last year was indeed an arduous one, but it provided some powerful programming and projects to help us realign our focus. From large institutions to small project spaces, all the stops were certainly being pulled. Perhaps it was the unfolding of the political climate or racing towards uncertainty that sparked an abundant variety of conversations within the arts;…

Material Expressions: The Hidden Agenda
Laura Splan, “Embodied Objects,” 2025. This week in Houston brings in…
Art Fair Fever: The Hidden Agenda
Terrell James, “Territories,” 2025 (detail). Photo: Rick Wells Not only does…
Working Boundaries: An Interview with Terrell James
Terrell James. Photo: Ashley MacLean Terrell James is a prolific local…
Visual Vernacular: Betsy Huete
Betsy Huete, “Methods in Scholarship (Glass Houses),” 2025. Photo: Alex Barber …
Visual Vernacular: Michael McFadden
Making use of Art League Houston's hallway space that connects their exhibition spaces, local writer and organizer Michael McFadden has constructed the exhibition aesthetic][equity, one that hones in on the rocky history of socio-economic inequity that exists within the Houston arts community.…
Visual Vernacular: Zachary Gresham
Patricia Vazquez Gomez, “Jornaleros” This Friday, Art League Houston employs both…
The Hidden Agenda: A New Perspective
This week brings in an array of exciting art and film events, including opening receptions for unique exhibitions at Art League Houston, Redbud Gallery and Houston Community College's Wedge Space.…
Walking While Black in River Oaks
Bulelwa Bam left the River Oaks home where she was a guest to catch the Westheimer bus. She didn't make it very far before she was stopped by River Oaks Police. The officer was unable to comprehend that Ms. Bam was a guest and not a domestic worker.…