Post-Colonial House
Gulfton has become both the most diverse and the most dense neighborhood in Houston. In this city known for sprawl, Gulfton is as dense as Calcutta...…

Dear Chief
I have seen the memorial to officers fallen in the line of duty in the HPD Museum at HPD headquarters at 1200 Travis. I also see a large ziggurat called "Houston Police Officers Memorial" each time I drive down Memorial Drive. Does any such memorial honoring victims of police brutality exist on any HPD property?…

#MuslimVDay — A Match Lit in Heaven
"If Islamophobia is corny and Valentine's Day is cheesy then they come together and set off sparks like the finest jalapeño cheesebread."…

Thou Art What Thou Eatest — “See Food” at Houston Center for Photography
When Brooke Sinclair of the Houston Food Bank pointed to Mark Menjivar's photo of a refrigerator stuffed with Styrofoam takeout containers and said, "That's what my fridge looks like," I wish somebody had taken a moment to pause and ask, "And what does that say about you, and the society we live in?"…

Mixed-Race is the New Black
It doesn’t take Vickers long to realize that her way out of this cultural backwaters where nobody dares to date her is through school, so she hits the books hard and leaves for university in Coventry.…

Photo (c) 2025 Yad Jaura Navin R. Johnson, Steve Martin’s character in the…

Lowering Standards for Higher Education
Illustration by Michael C. Rodriguez The big trouble with dumb bastards is…

Interview: John Pluecker
Houston is well-known for experimental music/noise and risk-taking performance art, but the literary landscape is rather safe, tepid, and bland. Poet / translator / interpreter / educator / collaborator / organizer / interdisciplinary artist John Pluecker is trying to change that.…

Poets on Politricks
You know what the politicians say (what their focus groups tell them you want to hear), you know what the pundits say (whatever will get them more ratings), and you know what the comics say (whatever will get them a cheap laugh)--now come hear the poets.…