December 3, 2025 – 2:41 pm | No Comment

by Omar Afra
1. Lazy
2. Boring
3. Old Hat
4. Desperate
5. Reminds me of 2025 and VH1
6. Why top ten and not top 11?
7. Boring.
8.  According to  Sarcastic Gamer ” They are an obvious attempt to fill space …

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Think you’re a spicy food champ?

Submitted by admin on June 2, 2025 – 12:48 pm7 Comments

Just an hour ago one of the guys in the office told me about an awesome Vietnamese sandwich place off of Milam called “Les Givral’s” and, having never tried any kind of Vietnamese food, I promptly decided to order out. I looked at their menu and got myself a char-grilled beef sandwich and let me tell you, it was wonderful and cost me but three measly dollars. I was positively devouring the sandwich when I experienced an all too familiar yet still-jarring feeling of ensuing, but unanticipated spiciness. I never readied myself for the possibility that there might be a giant, searingly-hot, pepper, lodged between the meat and carrot shreds just lying in wait, to light my mouth, eyes, throat, and face on fire. With eyes streaming, I scampered all over the free press office looking for a cup since the root beer I was drinking only acted like high octane gasoline to my burning palette. All I could find was an empty water bottle which I proceeded to fill, while also spilling said water all over the floor as my hands shook violently. After drinking about two liters of water, this way, I resigned to the possibility that there was nothing else I could do but wait for the flames in mouth to evanesce on their own. It didn’t ruin the excellent sandwich but it did knock me on my ass for a while. Before this sandwich I thought that I was the champion of spicy food but in just a few bites I was humbled. I highly recommend Les Givral’s for cheap and tasty eats.


  • Ramon LP4 says:

    ??? How in the world have you lived in Houston and only just now experienced Vietnamese food? …So weird.

    Champion of spicy food? Wait, yr saying that the little jalapeno the stick in the sandwich defeated you? Even I - heat wuss - can handle what they dish out at Givral’s (unless there really is a restaurant called “Les Grival’s” and I’m confusing the one here for one with a similar spelling). Give me a call and I’ll show you some real heat seriously kick your ass in this town.

    Lastly, fool don’t drink water; it only spreads any heat. You want dairy - milk, cheese, ice cream, ras malai, any thing like 5that will put out the fire.

  • Jim says:

    What a vag

  • Kyle says:

    For what it’s worth, it’s Les Givral’s, not Grival’s.

  • admin says:

    Owch. I feel dumb. You’re right though. I had no idea I misspelled that. Thanks for the heads up.

  • admin says:

    I’ve only been in Houston for a year so I’ve been a little sheltered. I didn’t have any diary regrettably, i would have reached for that. I don’t know what it was about that jalapeno but it kicked my ass. Maybe I’ve still got to overcome my Yankee origins.

  • admin says:

    Thank you for that eloquent reply Jim. Being so thoroughly impressed by your witty verbiage I nominate you for the next poet laureate of our great United States.

  • Just FYI says:

    To put out the heat all you gotta do is bite the other end of the sandwich, the bread will absorb the fire. No need to for water and etc…

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