It was just another day in Vespucciland. The road and the buildings were the same across the country. His car was like every other car, and the drive to work was just like every other.…
Vote for Kim Ogg Because Weed
In 12 years of publishing this newspaper I have never endorsed a candidate. I am endorsing Kim Ogg here and now.…

The Maternal Mortality Epidemic: The Policy Created Health Emergency Happening Under Our Noses
In Texas, four times as many women are dying from childbirth than only 20 years ago and the number is increasing! Women's lives and livelihoods are being jeopardized for short term political gain. This is a man-made disaster playing out around us with no political will to address it in an honest way.…

I Need You to Put Your Foot Down
It’s time to shake things up around here. So on election day, take a friend to the voting booth. Or convince an apathetic stranger who prefers to sit the election out to take a stand. …

Voting third party is the best way to see that your voice will be heard. Every vote for a third party sends chills down the spine of the political establishment. Just as certain states receive an inordinate amount of attention because they represent "battleground States", third party voters receive a special attention. …

Open Call For Election-Related Submissions
In the spirit of free and open speech, for the next week, through the election, Free Press Houston is providing you this commons, a virtual soapbox with a megaphone, to say anything and everything you want to say about the upcoming election. …