-A weekly blog where I highlight at least one show I definitely expect to attend (see *) and throw in a few more that I'd like to and might see given the money and the time. -
RECAP Saturday I went to the Hootenanny (in case this post didn't make it obvious). All the bands played wonderfully. John Sears' twee-pop take on Sam Cooke was sweet. The Papermoons did a rip roaring Pedro the Lion. The Jonx (NoMeansNo) and Panic In Detroit (Jawbox) both had the most masterful and muscular takes on their respective assignments. The Mathletes (Talking Heads) were fun as usual. Something Fierce's Clash brought out the rowdy in the crowd. Sadly, I missed the aptly named Awesome which was a drag. Blades roared through Foo Fighters and special guest vocalist Anna Garza was brilliant to say the least. Indian Jewelry's take on Depeche Mode was exactly what you'd expect - all strobes and tribal. But, I'd have to say, the band that got everyone utterly nutters was the Dimes and Mlee Suprean doing the Pixies. It may not have had the precision of say the Panic or Jonx performances but it did capture the most important vibe of the evening - this was a party. With the first chords of Wave of Mutilation the crowd was jumping up and down making the floor upstairs literally shake like an earthquake and let's not forget the Adams brothers - Will and Tom - were in full effect. That, to me, is what this was all about - a big-ass party for the Houston's indie rock scene. A big "hooray for us" event which is kind of nice because it brings everyone under one roof where you can't move 2 feet without seeing someone you immediately know and want to shout out a big "Hey how's it going!" So kudos ADR, Anna, and Ben - great music, great vibes, great peeps - the party was a blast. Now, when is the next one?
The best news about Saturday was that it pointed to a very healthy music scene in that people were actually getting out of the house to see live music and it wasn't just The Hootenanny. The Hardcore Show with ANS at Notsuoh did great, The Sad Like Crazy show at the Prolee had a full house, My Education over at Rudz pulled them in, and The Free Press food drive at Numbers was a rousing success. You know there's a good thing going on when you have too many good choices and people actually, you know, get out! Way to not sit at home Houston!
Oh and last night's Motion Turns It On, Fantasy's Core, and Amplified Heat show was great. I was furiously texting people to come out and see this show if only for Nagasaki's Fantasy's Core whom I'd met a few years ago and blew my mind. But it's a weekday what can you do? We're all working stiffs and work is why I didn't stick around for Amplified Heat's set so I can't point fingers. Still, a respectable attendance. Motion Turns It On were on fire. I hadn't seen them since their debut a long time ago and all I can say is they've come a long long way. My original complaint was they the music kind of rambled but clearly they sharpened their compositions because last night was stunning to say the least. Fanstasy's Core was solid but I've seen them play much better. Vocalist Mao Karis' voice was out and he was under the weather which made for a "subdued" show. Nevertheless I'll take a level 2 Fantasy's Core show over many a bands level 10. Always a blast and here's some video just to give you a taste:
"The best news about Saturday was that it pointed to a very healthy music scene in that people were actually getting out of the house to see live music and it wasn't just The Hootenanny."
Absolutely! And Houstonians have the same problem this weekend. Friday night, I can't decide between Rudyard's, a show which you feature, and Warehouse Live which brings us Penny Royal who you don't mention, but should definitely draw well. Then Saturday Zykos and Zookeeper are at Engine Room while there is a huge list of talented bands upstairs and down at Fitz. 2025 is looking good. Thanks for getting the word out on the good and great bands of Houston and Texas. Jason - Alkari
"The best news about Saturday was that it pointed to a very healthy music scene in that people were actually getting out of the house to see live music and it wasn't just The Hootenanny."
Absolutely! And Houstonians have the same problem this weekend. Friday night, I can't decide between Rudyard's, a show which you feature, and Warehouse Live which brings us Penny Royal who you don't mention, but should definitely draw well. Then Saturday Zykos and Zookeeper are at Engine Room while there is a huge list of talented bands upstairs and down at Fitz. 2025 is looking good. Thanks for getting the word out on the good and great bands of Houston and Texas.
Jason - Alkari
Thanks Jason.
Just to note that this list is not meant to be comprehensive. That is why God created Space City Rock. ;)
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