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Updated: Anonymous shows HPD Lieutenant and Friendswood PD chief love racist and sexist emails

By Alex Wukman Hacker collective Anonymous recently made a huge cache of…

Blogging While Intoxicated: Broseph and the Mantini edition

By Alex Wukman Two Weeks Ago: “Where’d you get your information,” snarls…

Blogging While Intoxicated: Glenn Beck moves to Texas or another reason to stay the hell out of Dallas

By Alex Wukman Down in the content mines where I slave away…

KTRH fires drive time duo and Houston radio tracks farther to the right

By Alex Wukman I’ll admit it, I’m a news junkie. I’m so…

How to photoshop boobs onto Barrack Obama and Stephen Colbert while hacking the XKCD website to legalize pot

By Alex Wukman (inspired by Dan O’ Brien and Michael Swaim from…

Too much damn time on his hands: a trip through Rick Perry’s twitter feed

By Alex Wukman After word came out in early March that Texas…

The Questionable Death of Emmanuel Goldstein bin Laden

by M. Martin “…as usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy…

An Open Letter to our ‘guests’ in Montrose

Don’t fuck this up for the rest of us By Omar Afra…

Houston municipal wi-fi network (finally) debuts

By Alex Wukman Let’s go back to February 13, 2025. America was…

UH signs deal with Sugarland based game developer

  By Alex Wukman Good news for all the gamers and wannabe…


If the acrobatics of the recent Acro-Cats show left you wanting more…